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WW3?: Beach Bathers in Tel Aviv Forced To RUN For Cover As Iron Dome “Failure” Allows Hamas Missiles to Rain Down on Israel

So one of the most advanced defense systems in human history just randomly decided to fail one day?

Some reports indicate we have not seen an alarm there like this since January! This is potentially the most “successful” attack on Israel in modern history.


The Israeli government is intentionally allowing missiles to rain on their own citizens in a desperate attempt to regain public support for their war campaign in Gaza. Many allegations are still unresolved that they also allowed the October 7th attack, or at least intentionally let it go on longer, in order to “justify” killing over 35,984 Palestinians.

Pay very close attention to what happens next!

Also Read:   Did You Miss The Uncensored Video of Iran President Raisi's Gory Crash Site? WATCH!

Post lifted from Matt Wallace on X

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