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Unveiling the Puzzle: Arrest Confusion Surrounding ‘Mathe wa Ngara’ Deepens

A recent incident that ignited a frenzy on social media has sparked confusion, centering around the arrest conducted by the DCI. In this event, Teresia Wairimu, along with three minors, was apprehended under allegations of being in possession of 26 bags of cannabis and an approximate sum of 13 million Kenyan shillings in cash. However, a new perspective has been unveiled by an NTV report, casting a different light on the case. The report ventured to Karuia and engaged with family members, who disclosed a surprising revelation. Contrary to popular belief, Teresia Wairimu is not the renowned ‘Mathe wa Ngara,’ as previously assumed. Instead, the police arrested the wrong individual.


Sheila, Teresia’s youngest daughter, shared a poignant account, affirming that her mother was employed at a nearby hotel. Sheila conveyed that her mother was taken into custody while fulfilling her duties at the hotel—an establishment where she had been employed for numerous years. She expressed tearfully that the police seemed to have an undisclosed motive.

Teresia’s son also contributed his perspective, asserting his mother’s innocence. He recounted the intrusion of the police into the scene and their subsequent arrest of Teresia Wanjiru, highlighting that their search for the real “Mathe wa Ngara” remained fruitless. He conveyed to NTV Kenya, “They knew where they were going. They broke in, found what they were looking for, but failed to locate the person they were seeking. Now, it seems like they’re trying to frame my mother.”

Neighbors echoed these sentiments, affirming Teresia Wanjiru’s role as an employee in a hotel.

Also Read:   DP Rigathi Gachagua Commends DCI's Crackdown on Drug Trafficking at Mombasa International Show

Trustworthy sources have additionally affirmed that Teresia Wanjiru is not synonymous with the famed “Mathe wa Ngara.” The true identity of this prominent figure is Nancy Indoverie Kizungu, who is currently evading capture. Nancy holds the reputation of a potent drug distributor within Nairobi.


Earlier, on Tuesday, the DCI had reported the arrest of suspects, including Teresia Wairimu and three minors. Notably, one of these minors is reportedly Teresia Wairimu’s child, a revelation by NTV Kenya. This revelation has intensified the confusion and contradiction surrounding the situation. Many are questioning how the DCI failed to distinguish that Teresia was not, in fact, the elusive “Mathe wa Ngara,” especially considering the previous arrest of the true “Mathe.”

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Underground Queenpin Evades Capture: Ngara’s Notorious Bhang Baron On The Run

Nancy Indoverie Kizungu, who also goes by the alias Mathe, is currently evading authorities after gaining notoriety as a reputed bhang seller in the Ngara area within the Kamukunji Constituency.

Kizungu, well-known for her role as a significant bhang distributor based at Kariua B in Nairobi County, took to hiding following the arrest of her associate Teresia Wanjiru on Tuesday, August 15.


As disclosed by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI), Wanjiru was apprehended alongside three minors during a joint operation conducted by the Anti-Narcotics Unit and the Trans National Organised Crime Unit. The raid occurred at Wanjiru’s residence located in the slums of Karuia within the Ngara region.


A reliable police insider informed The Standard newspaper that Wanjiru purportedly operates under Mathe’s command. Mathe is believed to be the central figure in the distribution of bhang, with a network extending to Isebania, Busia, and Moyale, where the illicit products are sourced.

Also Read:   DP Rigathi Gachagua Commends DCI's Crackdown on Drug Trafficking at Mombasa International Show


Mathe has effectively maintained her illicit operation without significant police interference, largely due to her influential connections. She favors distributing her products within the slums, as she has established a network of individuals who serve as both “watchmen and informants,” alerting her in case of any potential police raids.

The source shared with The Standard, “Nancy wields substantial power, to the extent that she can exert influence over the reassignment of police personnel within Parklands, Central, Ngara, and Kamukunji Police Stations. She also has the capability to facilitate the transfer of cooperative officers to specific desired stations. Her operational base is situated in the Karuia slums of Ngara, Nairobi. This location offers her an advantageous setting, as she incentivizes unemployed youth to provide security and serve as informants, should any police activity be detected.”


In June 2022, Mathe, alongside her associates, faced arrest and subsequent arraignment at the Kahawa Law Courts. She was subjected to a fine of Sh525,000 before being granted release.


During the recent operation on Tuesday, the Anti-Narcotics Unit seized a cache of items from their hideout in the Kariua slums. This inventory included twenty bags of cannabis, four cartons containing rolling materials, 173 individually packaged sweets, a carton of suspected weed-infused cookies, and a substantial sum of Sh13.4 million in cash.

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