
Uncovering the Kisii Child Trafficking Mystery: SDA Preacher Detained 

In a dramatic turn of events that sent shockwaves through Kisii town, a preacher now finds himself in police custody, entangled in a perplexing case of suspected child trafficking. This gripping tale began when a daring rescue operation unfolded, ultimately rescuing ten minors, aged between 4 and 10, from a Kisii town lodging. The incident not only raised eyebrows but also fueled tensions in the community, leaving residents clamoring for answers and speculating about the mysterious circumstances.


The rescue operation, carried out amidst a backdrop of suspense and uncertainty, prompted concerned citizens to storm the facility where the minors were held. Their apprehension was palpable as they sought to uncover the truth behind the secretive confinement of these innocent children. Whispers of possible cultic involvement only added to the prevailing sense of unease.


Swift to respond, law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, orchestrating the safe rescue of these ten fragile souls. Emaciated and fragile, the minors disclosed that they hailed from Marsabit, deepening the intrigue surrounding their presence in Kisii.


Kisii Citizens milling around the scene of Crime. IMAGE : Capital News


Accounts from eyewitnesses shed light on the children’s arrival at the lodging, revealing the involvement of two unidentified individuals. Teresa Bonareri, the lodging attendant, recounted the perplexing sequence of events, noting, “They came the other day at around 6.00 pm. They were making many calls,” leaving a trail of unanswered questions in their wake.


Adding complexity to the unfolding narrative, the detained Adventist preacher asserted that he had transported the minors to Kisii town in pursuit of providing them with improved living conditions. This assertion cast doubt on the true motives behind the relocation, adding another layer to the enigma.


Kisii Police Commander Charles Kases disclosed that the suspects had cited the children’s intended destination as the Eberege SDA church in Kenyenya, a claim currently under intense scrutiny. Kases emphasized the irregularity of the situation, stating, “We have received calls from Marsabit saying the children were brought here illegally. No procedure was followed.”


In a surprising twist, the leadership of the SDA church in Kisii County distanced itself from any involvement in providing a rescue home or assistance to the minors. This disconnect further deepened the mystery surrounding the case.


Determined detectives now embark on an arduous quest for truth, laboring to untangle the intricate web of circumstances that led to the secretive detention of these minors. The looming possibility of a child trafficking syndicate intensifies the stakes of this investigation, as Kisii town eagerly awaits the unraveling of this perplexing riddle.

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