
The Untold Tale of Mohammed Mahsen, Known as Dogo Presoo: The Infamous Leader of the TMK Gang in Old Town Mombasa

Mombasa, Kenya, with its picturesque beaches, delectable cuisine, and vibrant nightlife, has long been a favored tourist destination. But behind the postcard-perfect scenes lies a darker reality, one where gangs battle for control of their territories. In early 2016, within the historic Old Town neighborhood that houses the iconic Fort Jesus, a gang emerged – TMK/Temeke Wanaume. These young men were once childhood friends who had grown up playing football together but had now graduated to ruthless thugs. At the helm of this gang was a 21-year-old native of Old Town’s Kibokoni Area, Mohammed Mahsen, better known as Dogo Presoo.


Mahsen’s upbringing was ordinary, filled with swimming in the Indian Ocean and playing beach football. These hobbies led him to form a close-knit group of friends who would eventually become the core members of his TMK Gang. His initial intention was to protect their neighborhood from rival gangs, especially those from Majengo. They saw themselves as vigilante security.


However, fueled by a steady diet of marijuana and Rohypnol pills during their idle days at the beach, the TMK Gang began to transition from neighborhood protectors to terrorizers. Their addiction and fear of venturing to other towns led them to arm themselves with sharp pangas instead of guns, distinguishing them from Nairobi’s gun-toting gangs.

Tmk gang

Emboldened by their drug-induced haze, Dogo Presoo and his gang took their rivalry with the Floropa Gang of Majengo to social media, engaging in online battles. Floropa Gang, too, had transformed from childhood friends into a menacing criminal group due to their drug use. The mysterious death of a Floropa Gang member named Wesoo in August 2016 became the catalyst for an all-out war between the two factions.

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Wesoo was brutally hacked to death during a wedding in Old Town, an event that marked a series of gang attacks during weddings in the area. To curb the rising insecurity, the Mombasa Police Chief imposed a ban on night weddings in mid-August 2016.


In retaliation for Wesoo’s death, Floropa Gang attacked Dogo Presoo’s TMK Gang in early November. This led to Dogo Presoo vowing to hunt down Floropa’s leader, Fakii Ropa. He issued warnings via WhatsApp and social media, making his intentions clear and refusing peace offers from Floropa members.

Dogo presso screenshot

With the police closely monitoring the escalating online feud, they decided to act swiftly. They arrested four key members of the TMK Gang – Bobocha, Ameto, Ismail, and Swale. The arrest led to the discovery of a fake pistol, marijuana, and machetes, though the accused denied possession.


On December 1, 2016, two days after the arrests, Dogo Presoo posted a final threat, indicating that he would ambush Floropa Gang members in Majengo since they hadn’t dared to enter his territory. True to his word, during the festive season, Dogo Presoo led his TMK Gang into Majengo Area, armed with pangas and a menacing intent.


Tragically, they encountered an innocent young man whom they overpowered and recorded while brutally attacking him. Dogo Presoo brazenly posted this video on his Facebook account, with a gruesome warning attached.

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The horrific attack forced authorities to take the situation more seriously. Dogo Presoo retreated to his hideout in Old Town but resurfaced on February 1, 2017, reaffirming his gang’s intent to target Floropa Gang members. The police, however, remained vigilant.


Their moment came on April 1, 2017, when the TMK Gang attacked an MPESA shop owner in Old Town, capturing the crime on CCTV. The gang, armed with a panga, made off with Sh 100K and thousands worth of airtime.


In the weeks that followed, investigators completed their work and publicly released images of the entire TMK Gang, placing Dogo Presoo at the top of the Most Wanted List. Among the notable names were Ameto and Bobocha, who had previously been arrested. Bobocha’s earlier online post outlining their reign of terror seemed to be a taste of poetic justice.


Bobocha’s demise came swiftly. After his death, the police launched a manhunt, capturing five criminals found in possession of crude weapons from their hiding spot. Bobocha’s death struck a blow to the TMK Gang, especially within the crew. His mourning girlfriend, vowing to avenge his death, made her intentions clear on Facebook.

In the shadowy world of Mombasa’s gang violence, Dogo Presoo and his TMK Gang were notorious figures. The tale of their criminal exploits serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by law enforcement in the battle against gang-related crime in this coastal paradise.



Screenshots of one Dogo Presso threatening a rival Gang 



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