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The Finland Scholarships Scam: A Heartbreaking Saga of Betrayed Dreams

In the annals of Uasin Gishu County’s history, a dark and painful chapter unfolded during the tenure of Senator Mandago and Governor Chelilim, affectionately known as “Koti Moja.” This chapter, now etched in infamy, revolves around the scandalous Finland Scholarships Scam, a cruel deception that left dreams shattered and families in turmoil.


The genesis of this harrowing tale can be traced to the promises and assurances made by the Uasin Gishu County Government. They dangled a tantalizing proposition before the eyes of ambitious students – an opportunity to further their education abroad, specifically in Finland and Canada. Under the guise of a legitimate study program, these students were told that their aspirations were within reach.


However, beneath the veneer of hope lay a web of deceit, masterminded by county officials led by the prominent figures of Mr. Mandago, Mr. Chelim, and Mr. Barorot. These officials, entrusted with the well-being and future of their constituents, engaged in a breathtaking act of betrayal.


The timeline of events unfolded with cruel precision. What was initially promised as a swift and seamless process for these aspiring scholars turned into a never-ending nightmare. As the months dragged on, hopes faded, and anguish deepened. Poverty crept in where dreams once thrived.


The truth, as painful as it was, eventually came to light. The study program was nothing more than a sham, a heartless scheme to dupe these young, eager minds. The promises of academic pursuits abroad were nothing but empty words.


What makes this scandal even more egregious is the revelation that the initial group of 22 students who managed to travel to Finland and an additional 24 who followed suit were not among those seeking refunds. Shockingly, it was discovered that one of these fortunate few was a county official, casting a dark shadow over the legitimacy of the entire scheme.


Amidst the mounting cries for justice and restitution, the President visited the county, offering assurances that refunds would be made. However, time has passed, and those assurances remain unfulfilled. Instead, county officials have resorted to intimidation and threats in a desperate attempt to silence the voices of the aggrieved.


The fallout from this scandal is not just financial; it’s also deeply personal. Youth who once aspired to greatness were forced into menial jobs that did not match their qualifications. Parents, in their unwavering support of their children’s dreams, sold cherished assets like land and livestock. Others even resorted to taking out loans to finance the elusive study program. Now, they find themselves trapped in a cycle of debt, while their children languish at home with shattered dreams.


In the midst of their despair, These 178 students of Uasin Gishu County penned a heartfelt letter to the President, through Mercy Tarus’, seeking his urgent intervention. They implore him to ensure that the county government fulfills its obligation to refund their money. Only then can they hope to rebuild their lives, pursue their dreams, and embrace the local scholarships offered with the President’s graciousness.

Screenshot of Mercy Tarus' Letter to Ruto
A Screenshot of the letter to President Ruto penned down by Mercy Tarus. IMAGE: (Mercy Tarus)

The Finland Scholarships Scam remains a somber chapter in the lives of these students, a stark reminder of the consequences when trust is betrayed and dreams are deferred. As the families continue to demonstrate for justice, their cries echo through the corridors of power, demanding accountability for a scandal that has left countless lives in ruins.

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