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A Zimbabwean Lady’s Quest To Find Her Long Lost Kenyan Father Ends in Tearful Reunion.

In a touching journey that spanned continents and decades, Phuma Nkala, a woman from Harare, Zimbabwe, has finally been reunited with her biological father, Dr. Patrick Kirui, after a heartfelt search that began with a passionate plea on Facebook.


Phuma’s story is one of love, determination, and the unbreakable bond between a daughter and her father. In her emotional Facebook post, she shared the details of her quest to find Dr. Patrick Kirui, a medical doctor who had trained in Russia alongside her mother, Vivian Nkala, a dentist.

Phuma Nkala posted the only photos she had of herself and her dad that she took years ago:  Photo/Courtesy Facebook 

The narrative unfolds in the late 70s and early 80s when her parents were both students in Russia. After completing their studies, fate led them to different countries—Vivian returned to Zimbabwe to practice dentistry, while Dr. Patrick Kirui headed back to Kenya. Unfortunately, the connection between the two was lost over the years.


Phuma, now a grown-up and successful professional based in Harare, expressed the deep longing to reunite with her father. Her post, accompanied by heartwarming pictures of her and Dr. Patrick Kirui when she was just a toddler, struck a chord with the online community.


The power of social media played a pivotal role in Phuma’s search, as the post circulated widely, capturing the attention of individuals who were determined to help Phuma in her quest. The community rallied together, sharing the post across various platforms, and it wasn’t long before the information reached someone who could provide a crucial lead.


Miraculously, the trail led to Ndaraweta in Kenya, the ancestral home of Dr. Patrick Kirui. The news of Phuma’s search and the possibility of reuniting with her father spread through the local community, igniting a sense of anticipation and excitement.


In a heartening testament to the interconnectedness of our global community, Phuma Nkala, thanks to the expansive reach of social media, successfully located her long-lost father, Dr. Patrick Kirui from Ndaraweta. Today, Phuma had the joyous opportunity to visit her father at their family home.

The climax of this heartwarming tale came when Phuma Nkala, after years of anticipation and hope, set foot in Ndaraweta to meet her long-lost father. The joyous reunion took place at Dr. Patrick Kirui’s home, a moment that will forever be etched in the hearts of those who witnessed the emotional embrace between father and daughter.


The community of Ndaraweta welcomed Phuma with open arms, embracing her as one of their own. The love and warmth that surrounded this reunion showcased the power of human connections and the ability of technology to bridge geographical gaps.


Gratitude is extended to everyone who expressed concern and shared Phuma’s story, ultimately contributing to the reunion of father and daughter. This beautiful journey underscores the remarkable power of social media in bringing people together across vast distances, turning the virtual space into a bridge that reconnects families. It’s a reminder of the impactful connections we can forge, transcending borders and making our world feel more interconnected than ever before.