Business Counties News Top News

The Honest Truth About Challenges Faced by Kenyan Businesses in Building Trustworthy Teams

I recently read a ‘copied’ WhatsApp Post on one of The thriving Pkulel University Communities on WhatsApp of a story of six affluent individuals. The revelation is about the struggles faced by businesses in Kenya, particularly concerning the issue of dishonesty among employees.

The post brought to light a pervasive challenge that cuts across industries, hindering the growth of businesses and discouraging potential investors.


The post pointed out a primary concern voiced by one businessman was the difficulty in finding honest workers for his manufacturing and trading enterprises. He emphasized that the biggest impediment to his manufacturing business wasn’t the typical issues like power or infrastructure but the alarming lack of honesty among the hired workforce. Instances of inflated invoices, inaccurate production records, and collusion among staff from various departments were cited as recurring problems.


In a surprising turn, the businessman revealed that he found a solution in hiring Indian expatriate management. Despite initial reservations about the associated costs, the benefits of reduced losses due to staff theft and increased efficiency outweighed the expenses. The businessman now delegates sensitive financial positions to the Indian management, while Africans are assigned to non-sensitive roles.


The same challenge echoed in the businessman’s trading business, where large sums of money were handled by staff engaged in open-market transactions. Security measures, including escorts and advanced surveillance systems, were implemented to prevent staff from absconding with the day’s earnings. A perfect example is the recent ‘94M Well Fargo and Quickmart Heist‘. The main suspects still missing with over 85M of the Quickmart Loot.


The businessman even admitted that his primary criterion for employee selection shifted from competency to honesty, recognizing the pivotal role trustworthiness plays in the success of a business.


The businessman’s experiences shed light on a broader issue affecting the business landscape in Kenya. The pervasive lack of trust among employers and employees hampers the potential for job creation and economic development. The fear of theft and dishonesty prevents many entrepreneurs, both local and foreign, from establishing businesses that could generate employment opportunities.


Furthermore, the businessman expressed understanding for indigenous Kenyan companies that choose to hire Indian professionals, citing their reliability and honesty as key factors. This acknowledgment indicates a systemic problem that extends beyond individual businesses, impacting the overall economic growth and job market in the region.


The post concludes by underscoring the need for a cultural shift towards honesty, suggesting that teaching integrity should be incorporated into the school curriculum. The call to “stand up and be counted among the few honest” resonates as a plea for change, emphasizing the importance of integrity not only in personal conduct but as a fundamental pillar for the prosperity of businesses and the nation as a whole.


Nairobi News Top News

One of Wells Fargo Heist Duo Nabbed Drinking In Busia.

After our Report on the Wells Fargo- Quickmart Heist yesterday, One of the two Wells Fargo employees who allegedly stole 94 million shillings from Quickmart supermarket in Nairobi, Kenya on November 6, 2023 has been arrested.


The suspect, Anthony Nduiki Waigumo, was arrested in Makavo, Busia on the night of November 8, 2023. He is currently being held in police custody pending further investigation.

Anthony Nduko Waigumo, Who was Well Fargo’s Driver who together  with his crew commander, Daniel Mungai, dissapeared into thin air with a heist of ksh.94M was been nabbed drinking makavo in Busia.


The other suspect, Daniel Mungai Mugetha, is still at large. The police have launched a manhunt for him and are offering a reward for information leading to his arrest.


Wells Fargo has confirmed that the two suspects were employees of the company. The company has also stated that it is cooperating with the police investigation.


The theft of the 94 million shillings is one of the largest cash-in-transit heists in Kenya’s history. The incident has raised concerns about security at Wells Fargo and other cash-in-transit companies in Kenya.


How the Theft Was Carried Out

According to the police, the two suspects stole the money while they were transporting it from the Wells Fargo vault in Industrial Area to Family Bank in the Central Business District.


The suspects are alleged to have driven away with the money without police escort, which is a violation of Wells Fargo’s procedures. They then abandoned the company’s vehicle in South C estate and disappeared.


The police are still investigating how the suspects were able to steal the money and evade capture for so long.


Impact of the Theft

The theft of the 94 million shillings has had a significant impact on Quickmart supermarket. The theft has had a negative impact on the reputation of Wells Fargo. The company is now seen as a security risk by some of its customers.


The theft is also a blow to the Kenyan economy. The 94 million shillings that was stolen could have been used to create jobs and invest in infrastructure.


The arrest of Anthony Nduiki Waigumo is a positive development in the case of the 94 million shilling theft. However, the police are still searching for Daniel Mungai Mugetha, the other suspect.


It is important to note that the two suspects are innocent until proven guilty. They are entitled to a fair trial and should not be judged prematurely.


The theft of the 94 million shillings is a serious crime. It is important that the police bring the perpetrators to justice and recover the stolen money.


News Tech Top News

Wells Fargo Duo Vanishes with 94M From Quickmatt, Sparks Nationwide Manhunt

In an unfolding incident that has left the nation on edge, two Wells Fargo employees, Anthony Ndiuki and Charles Mugetha, have mysteriously disappeared with a jaw-dropping sum of Ksh.94,918,750. This sizable amount was collected from the popular Quickmart supermarket, and the heist has sent shockwaves throughout the region. The two employees, who should have been accompanied by a police escort, left the company’s South C offices at around 8:30 a.m., setting in motion a chain of events that have captivated the public’s attention.


The Morning Heist:

On a seemingly ordinary Monday morning, Anthony Ndiuki and Charles Mugetha embarked on a mission that would soon turn into a perplexing enigma. The duo, utilizing one of the company’s vehicles, departed from the Wells Fargo offices in South C. However, what sets this heist apart is the conspicuous absence of a police escort, which is the customary practice when transporting such substantial amounts of money.

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A Staggering Haul:

The missing sum, a staggering Ksh.94.9 million, was the result of weekend sales at Quickmart supermarkets and was slated for transport to the Family Bank Kenyatta Avenue branch. The audacious act has left both law enforcement and the public in a state of disbelief.


As the story continues to unravel, a police statement sheds light on the baffling aftermath of the heist. The Wells Fargo vehicle was discovered abandoned at Dafam area in South C, next to the southern bypass. However, the suspects and the missing money remained elusive, deepening the mystery surrounding the disappearance.



In response to this audacious act, the Langata DCIO is leading the investigation, and the scene has been examined by the Officer in Charge of the Station (OCS). The intense efforts to trace the suspects and recover the substantial sum have captured the imagination of the public, as the hunt for answers and justice escalates.


The Wells Fargo heist, involving the disappearance of Ksh.94.9 million collected from Quickmart, stands as a testament to the audacity of criminals who are willing to go to great lengths to commit acts of theft and deception. As the investigation unfolds, the public remains vigilant and anticipates further developments in this extraordinary case that has gripped the nation.

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