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Debunking the Mystery of the Trending Photo: Which Country is This?

In the age of social media, it’s not uncommon to come across a viral photo that leaves you in awe. The trending photo “Which country is this?” is one such photo that has taken the internet by storm. The photo features a breathtaking landscape with a mountain range and a lake in the foreground, leaving people wondering where it was taken. In this article, we’ll delve into the origin, source, and reasons behind the photo’s popularity.


Origin and Source of the Photo

The origin and source of the photo are unknown, but it is believed to have been taken by a professional photographer. The photo first surfaced on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly gained traction. The photo’s beauty and the mystery surrounding its location sparked curiosity among people, leading to a flurry of activity on social media.


Why is the Photo Trending?

The photo is trending because people are intrigued by the beauty of the landscape and want to know where it was taken. To find the answer, people are using reverse image search tools like Google Images and Picsearch to try and locate the original source of the photo. The photo has also sparked discussions about the importance of verifying the authenticity of images on social media, as many photos can be manipulated or generated by artificial intelligence.


The Power of Social Media

The trending photo “Which country is this?” is a testament to the power of social media to connect people and spark curiosity about the world around us. The photo has brought people from different parts of the world together, all united in their quest to uncover the mystery of the photo’s location. The photo has also highlighted the importance of responsible social media use, as it’s easy for misinformation to spread rapidly on these platforms.


In conclusion, the trending photo “Which country is this?” is a beautiful reminder of the wonders of nature and the power of social media to bring people together. While the origin and source of the photo remain a mystery, the photo has sparked curiosity and discussions about the importance of responsible social media use. As we continue to navigate the digital landscape, let’s remember to use social media responsibly and verify the authenticity of the content we share.


Counties Nairobi News Top News

Mobile Phone Thieves Nabbed as Detectives Up Their Game

In a thrilling turn of events, detectives in Nairobi have apprehended four suspects linked to the rampant theft of mobile phones within the city. These criminals had been giving local law enforcement a run for their money, but the tides seem to be turning in favor of justice.

The suspects in question, Malumasi Aisha and Agaba Anestus Majuni, hailing from neighboring Uganda, were apprehended along with two local culprits, Sarah Njeri and her sister Mary Wangui. The operation was a testament to the intelligence-led efforts of Nairobi’s detectives.

The chase began with the capture of Malumasi, who was found in possession of a parcel containing a staggering 13 stolen smartphones, all earmarked for the black market in Uganda. With her apprehension, she unwittingly became the key that unlocked the mystery. Leading the determined detectives to shop E17 at Munyu Business Center, they discovered her accomplices, Sarah Wangari and Mary Wangui, actively engaged in receiving more stolen mobile phones.

As the investigation unfolded, the criminals revealed the location of a fourth suspect, Agaba Majuni, who was patiently waiting at the Simba Coach bus station to receive a package destined for Uganda. It was a race against time for the detectives, but they proved their mettle by promptly intercepting the situation.

The DCI’s elite Crime Research & Intelligence Bureau, operating from the Nairobi Regional Command, has expanded its efforts to capture additional suspects involved in a sprawling syndicate responsible for smuggling stolen mobile phones into neighboring countries. Their persistence and dedication to the case are paying off.

Mobile phone thieves have been feeling the heat lately, thanks to the high-tech wizardry deployed by the DCI National Forensic Laboratory’s Cybercrime detectives. Their state-of-the-art technology has played a pivotal role in apprehending these criminals and dismantling their illicit trade networks.

With every success story like this, the DCI reinforces its commitment to making life harder for criminals and safer for citizens. The battle against mobile phone theft is far from over, but as long as these dedicated detectives are on the case, thieves will continue to find it increasingly challenging to operate within the city’s limits.


News Top News

Atwoli Calls for Responsible Journalism Amidst Misleading Headlines

The Central Organization of Trade Unions (Kenya), known as COTU (K), has voiced its concerns about what it perceives as unethical journalism practices in Kenya. In a recent statement, COTU (K) expressed disappointment and alarm regarding a headline published by the Daily Nation newspaper, which it deems to be part of a disturbing pattern of irresponsible and sensationalist journalism. The trade union has called upon both the Media Council of Kenya and the Kenya Editor Guild to take action and hold senior newspaper editors accountable for what they view as the dissemination of misleading stories through blackmail tactics.

COTU (K) places significant emphasis on the importance of responsible journalism, especially when it comes to reporting on matters related to trade union activities and labor relations. They argue that sensationalism and misleading headlines can have detrimental effects on society by generating unnecessary fear and tension.

Despite being the second-largest trade union in Africa, boasting a substantial membership of over four million workers, COTU (K) remains unwavering in its commitment to representing the interests of Kenyan workers, rather than succumbing to the pressures of senior newsroom editors.

COTU (K) has consistently advocated for a tripartite approach to resolving issues, championing the principles of social dialogue, tripartism, and peaceful conflict resolution. They believe that constructive engagement with the government, employers, and other stakeholders is the most effective means of addressing workers’ concerns. This approach is seen as a preferable alternative to strikes and demonstrations, which can disrupt the economy and harm the very workers they aim to protect. Given Kenya’s current economic challenges, COTU (K) recognizes the necessity of collective efforts to stabilize the economy, preserve jobs, and create an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth. Their stance aligns with the promotion of harmonious industrial relations in Kenya, as outlined in the 2010 constitution.

In conclusion, COTU (K) is urging the media, especially the Daily Nation, to uphold the highest standards of responsible journalism. The trade union asserts that it is the media’s responsibility to provide accurate and balanced information to the public, particularly when reporting on critical issues such as trade union activities and labor relations. This call to action extends to both the Media Council of Kenya and the Kenya Editor Guild, urging them to address and rectify the issue of misleading headlines and sensational reporting.

COTU (K) remains steadfast in its mission to safeguard the rights and interests of Kenyan workers while advocating for a more constructive and collaborative approach to addressing labor-related issues in the country.

News Top News

Andrew Kibe’s YouTube Channel Bites the Dust: What’s Next for the Online Maverick

Andrew Kibe, the charismatic content creator whose YouTube channel once boasted nearly 500,000 subscribers and an impressive 160 million views, has recently faced a significant setback. On September 11, Kibe found himself in the unfortunate position of having his YouTube channel terminated. The news shook his online community, and he took to his social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), to express his frustration and disappointment regarding this unexpected loss.


The circumstances surrounding the termination of Kibe’s highly popular YouTube account remain shrouded in mystery. With almost half a million subscribers, 159.5 million views, and a catalog of over 3,000 videos, Kibe’s channel was a vibrant hub of content for his dedicated audience.


However, Andrew Kibe is not one to be deterred by challenges. In a recent announcement, he revealed his plans to resurface on a new platform called Yafreeka. Kibe assured his followers that he would continue engaging with them through various social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, Rumble, and X.


“Have been testing out the live feature on Yafreeka, and I am confident we shall be going Live this Friday,” Kibe exclaimed with enthusiasm. “Sign up there and start uploading your content. We are the content cartel! Meanwhile, catch me tonight at the same time here on X, Rumble, Instagram, and TikTok. The train left the station, bruh,” he added, hinting at an exciting journey ahead.

Screenshot of Andrew Kibe YouTube channel.
A screengrab of Kibe’s YouTube channel confirming the termination. Image: Courtesy

Andrew Kibe’s online presence has been defined by his controversial opinions and witty punchlines, making him one of the most captivating personalities in Kenya’s digital landscape. His career took off as a radio presenter at NRG Radio, where he co-hosted the breakfast show alongside Kamene Goro. Later, he made a move to Kiss FM, where he continued to entertain and engage his growing fanbase through the morning show, once again alongside Kamene Goro.


In a pivotal moment in 2020, Kibe decided to bid farewell to his radio career at Kiss 100 and embarked on a new adventure in the USA. There, he began creating and promoting content on his YouTube channel, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the world of online media.


As Andrew Kibe forges ahead with his plans to make a comeback on Yafreeka and maintain his presence on other social media platforms, his loyal supporters eagerly await the next chapter in his entertaining journey, ready to join him on this exciting ride through the digital realm.

News World

Morocco’s Devastating Earthquake: A Village Shattered, Lives Changed Forever

In a heart-wrenching tragedy, Morocco experienced its most catastrophic earthquake in over six decades, leaving behind a trail of devastation, loss of lives, and survivors grappling with the harsh reality of starting anew.

The earthquake, a formidable 6.8-magnitude tremor, struck on September 8, sending shockwaves through the village of Tikht, situated just a few kilometers from the epicenter in the Atlas Mountains, as reported by AFP.

One of the heartbreaking casualties of this disaster was a young woman named Mina Ait Bihi. She was on a phone call with her fiancé, Omar Ait Mbarek, when the earth trembled beneath her feet. Tragically, Omar witnessed the horrifying scene as Mina was unearthed from the rubble, still clutching her phone, before being tenderly carried to a makeshift cemetery that had already become the final resting place for 68 others by September 10. Overwhelmed by grief, Omar could only utter, “What do you want me to say? I’m wounded,” as he held his beloved’s dust-covered phone and whispered, “I will rebuild my house.”

Once a vibrant community, Tikht now lies in ruins, its streets marred by a chaotic jumble of timbers, masonry debris, shattered plates, abandoned shoes, and remnants of once-treasured intricately patterned rugs. The village had predominantly featured traditional construction, blending stone, timber, and a mud-based mortar.

Mohssin Aksum, a 33-year-old survivor with family ties to the small settlement, lamented, “Life is finished here,” adding, “The village is dead.” He pointed to the heartbreaking loss of livestock, now buried and decaying beneath the wreckage, emphasizing that the earthquake had left the residents with less than nothing.

For 23-year-old Abdelrahman Edjal, a student who tragically lost most of his family in the disaster, the earthquake was a catastrophe that no one in the village had ever contemplated. On the fateful evening, as he took a leisurely post-dinner stroll, the earth’s violent tremors began. He witnessed the desperate attempts of people trying to escape their collapsing homes. In a poignant moment of heroism, he managed to rescue his father from the ruins of their family house. However, his father’s injuries proved fatal, and he passed away with his son by his side.

The aftermath of the earthquake saw the emergence of yellow tents for emergency housing along the road into the town. Government civil protection service personnel swiftly mobilized, unloading camp beds from military-style trucks and erecting them near the tents. Non-profit organizations also played a crucial role, conducting assessments of the remaining villagers’ needs in places like Tikht, which extended beyond basic necessities like shelter, food, and water. Many survivors were still in a state of shock, struggling to come to terms with the enormity of the disaster.


Diverse Government Emerges in Gabon’s Transition, but Opposition Figures Left Out

Gabon’s transitional Prime Minister, Raymond Ndong Sima, unveiled a diverse government over the weekend, bringing together former adversaries, ex-ministers from the ousted President Ali Bongo’s administration, military officials, and civil society representatives. However, conspicuously absent are prominent figures from the former opposition in the presidential election.

Mr. Ndong Sima took the helm of the transitional government last Thursday, following his appointment by General Brice Oligui Nguema, who orchestrated the coup d’état against Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30. This coup took place shortly after Bongo’s contentious re-election in a disputed election.


Gabon’s Prime Minister Unveils his Government in a televised speech .

Courtesy: Africa News


General Oligui was inaugurated as the President of the transitional period earlier this week, without specifying its duration, but with a commitment to eventually “return power to civilians” through elections.

The announcement of the government’s composition, consisting of 26 members, comes two days after Ndong Sima’s appointment. The 68-year-old, who previously served as Prime Minister under President Bongo from 2012 to 2014, distanced himself from the main opposition platform, Alternance 2023, which united various opposition leaders in support of a common presidential candidate, Albert Ondo Ossa.

Significantly, Ondo Ossa and other prominent figures from the coalition, such as Alexandre Barro Chambrier of the Rassemblement pour la patrie et la modernité (RPM) or Paulette Missambo of the Union nationale (UN), are not part of the government.

A former member of Missambo’s party, Paul-Marie Gondjout, who left in October 2022 due to internal disputes, has been appointed as the Minister of Justice. Under the transitional charter, members of this temporary government are barred from participating in the upcoming presidential election, although there are no such restrictions on Mr. Oligui’s candidacy.

The government also includes civil society representatives, such as Mays Mouissi, who has been designated as the Minister of the Economy. Mouissi, an economic analyst, authored a widely circulated report during the campaign titled “105 Promises, 13 Achievements: An Assessment of Ali Bongo’s Second Seven-Year Term.”

Three ministers from Ali Bongo’s previous government have retained their positions. Camélia Ntoutoume-Leclercq continues as the Minister of National Education, Hermann Immongault, formerly the Minister of Foreign Affairs, now serves as the Minister Delegate for the Interior, and Raphaël Ngazouzé, who previously oversaw vocational training, has assumed responsibility for the Civil Service portfolio.

Top News

Beware of NMK Capital Investment Limited: DCI Launches Probe into Pyramid Scheme Scandal

Nairobi, Kenya – In a shocking revelation, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has sounded the alarm on a nefarious pyramid scheme that has defrauded thousands of unsuspecting investors in a series of tweets. The scheme, operating under the guise of NMK Capital Investment Limited, has left a trail of devastation, with victims now crying foul and demanding justice.

The Pyramid Scheme Unveiled

NMK Capital Investment Limited, believed to have been registered in the country in 2021, has come under intense scrutiny. The company, located in Nairobi’s Corner House, is at the center of a massive fraud investigation. The DCI has identified seven directors behind the operation, with one name standing out – Ngugi Mucheru Keeru (NMK), who also serves as the sole director and signatory of a sister company known as Bidsworth Autorents Capital Limited, located at Norwich Union House.

A Web of Deceit

The modus operandi of NMK Capital Investment Limited was nothing short of cunning. More than 5,000 investors were lured into a six-month investment contract with a minimum investment of Ksh 50,000. Promised monthly returns of 15% or compounded interest redeemable at the contract’s end, many individuals saw this as an opportunity to grow their savings. Little did they know what lay ahead.

A Multifaceted Scam

NMK Capital Investment Limited didn’t stop at exploiting investors through pyramid schemes. The company ventured into car hire services, leasing vehicles from unsuspecting members of the public and then renting them out to individuals and agencies. Allegedly, car owners were promised 30% of the rental proceeds. Additionally, the company dabbled in off-plan properties, adding further layers of complexity to their fraudulent activities.

Victims Left in Ruin

The fallout within the company’s leadership has left investors in disarray. Many claim to have lost substantial sums of money from their investments and payments made for off-plan houses. Some vehicle owners who leased their cars to the company are now reporting that they have no idea where their vehicles are.

DCI Launches Investigation

In response to the growing outcry from victims, the DCI’s Serious Crime Unit has launched an active investigation into NMK Capital Investment Limited and Bidsworth Autorents Capital Limited. The authorities are leaving no stone unturned to bring those responsible for this financial scam to justice.

A Warning to the Public

The DCI has issued a stern warning to the public, urging Kenyans to exercise caution and due diligence before engaging in any investment ventures. This caution comes as a reminder that not all that glitters is gold and that there are individuals and companies out there whose pursuit of wealth is rooted in deception and fraud.

As investigations continue, the victims of NMK Capital Investment Limited hope for justice, and the public at large is reminded to stay vigilant against pyramid schemes and fraudulent investment opportunities. In a world where financial scams continue to proliferate, it is essential to be informed and cautious to protect one’s hard-earned money. Stay tuned to Smartie News for further updates on this developing story.

Tech Top News World

Kenya Takes Action: License Revoked for Worldcoin Tech Firm

Tools for Advancement, a technology  firm overseeing the Worldcoin initiative, has officially acknowledged the termination of its authorization in Kenya. The company’s legal chief, Thomas Scott, confirmed the receipt of this notification on Tuesday.

“Yes, we can affirm the revocation of the license,” responded Scott, addressing a query from Geoffrey Ruku, Member of Parliament for Mbeere North, regarding the company’s awareness of the license cancellation.

Scott and the company’s CEO, Alex Blania, appeared before the National Assembly’s Special Committee investigating the cryptocurrency initiative.

The license to operate had been granted by the Office of the Data Commissioner.

During his testimony, Blania appealed to the MPs to conclude that the company had not engaged in any misconduct.


Top News

Rai’s Resurgence: The Mysterious Tale of a Billionaire’s Vanishing Act and Remarkable Return

Over the weekend, the Rai family contacted local authorities to report the apparent kidnapping of Jaswant Rai, a prominent billionaire, after his vehicle was discovered abandoned on the side of the road.


Reports suggest that Rai’s alleged abduction occurred in the Kilimani area on Friday, August 25. Surveillance footage captured the incident taking place on Wood Avenue, Kilimani, Nairobi. However, his current location remained a mystery.

The family promptly filed a missing person report under the case number OB No 21/26/08/2023.

Interestingly, on the following day, Senior Counsel Kioko Kilukumi, Rai’s legal representative, confirmed that Rai had been released from captivity. The police briefly interrogated him before allowing him to seek medical attention at a hospital.


Initially, suspicions were directed towards the police force regarding Rai’s abduction. Nevertheless, the authorities denied any involvement and pledged to thoroughly investigate the incident.


Now, who exactly is Jaswant Singh Rai?

While information about his educational and professional background is limited, Rai is recognized for his prominent leadership of a diverse array of businesses. These enterprises have extended their reach beyond Kenya to encompass other East African nations.

Rai assumed the roles of chairman and executor of his late father’s will. The passing of Tarlochan Singh Rai in 2010 left behind a substantial multimillion-dollar inheritance.

Rai’s significant influence lies within the sugar industry, where he holds a formidable presence. Estimates indicate that he commands a substantial 43 percent share of Kenya’s sugar business.

He possesses ownership of West Kenya Sugar, which in turn holds assets such as Kabras Sugar, Sukari Industries, and Olepito.

Functioning as the chairman of the Rai Group, a conglomerate with deep family roots, Rai’s interests extend beyond sugar. The Rai Group’s diverse portfolio spans sectors such as cement production, horticulture, edible oils, sawmilling, and real estate.

The Rai Group’s sphere of influence also encompasses Rai Cement, Menengai Oil Refineries, Timsales, RaiPly, and Webuye Panpaper.

Tulip Properties falls under Rai’s vast holdings, and his entrepreneurial reach extends into wheat farming and horticulture.