Counties SmartBuzz Top News

Shocking Viral Video of Woman Breastfeeding Goat Sparks Outrage and Concern for Society’s Moral Compass

In a disturbing turn of events, a viral video depicting a woman breastfeeding a baby goat has sent shockwaves through social media, leaving viewers appalled and questioning the moral fabric of our society. The unconventional and unnatural act has sparked widespread condemnation, with many expressing their disgust and disbelief at the shocking footage.
The video, which has been widely shared and discussed online, showcases a woman casually breastfeeding a young goat, a practice that is not only unethical but also poses serious health risks to both the human and the animal involved. Breastfeeding is a sacred bond between a mother and her child, and it is deeply concerning to see this intimate act being performed with an animal.

“This is a completely unacceptable and disturbing practice that goes against all norms of decency and morality,” stated a leading expert in animal welfare online. “Breastfeeding is not only inappropriate for animals, but it can also lead to serious health issues for both the human and the animal involved.”

The viral video has sparked a much-needed conversation about the boundaries of acceptable behavior and the importance of upholding ethical standards in our interactions with animals. It has also raised concerns about the moral compass of our society, with many questioning whether such shocking and unethical acts are becoming increasingly normalized in the age of social media.

“This video is a wake-up call for all of us to reflect on the values and principles that we hold dear as a society,” said some online netizens. “We cannot allow such barbaric and unethical practices to become acceptable, as it sets a dangerous precedent for the future of our society.”

Nairobi SmartBuzz

Elvis W. and Llewellyn Ouya TikTok Accounts Disappear!

A tweet sparked a huge reaction online, spreading fast on Twitter, blogs, and TikTok. Fans were shocked when both Elvis W. and Llewellyn Ouya’s TikTok accounts vanished. Despite this, their supporters are standing strong, vowing that their message won’t be silenced.

People are wondering why these popular accounts suddenly disappeared. The online community is showing solidarity, refusing to let their voices be silenced. The incident has stirred up curiosity and calls for answers, highlighting the influence and impact of social media in today’s digital age.

Nairobi Nakuru SmartBuzz

King Tizian Reacts To Netizens Calling Him Chira’s ‘Widow’

The recent loss of Kenyan TikToker Brian Chira in a heartbreaking hit-and-run accident has left a profound impact on many, sparking discussions and expressions of support throughout the community. Amidst the outpouring of grief, attention has turned to King Tizian, a close associate of Brian Chira, who has been referred to as a “widow” in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Several tiktokers suddenly jumped on King Tizians neck claiming he is now a widow after Chira’s death. Thats where we feel is wrong. The term “widow” traditionally signifies the loss of a spouse, but in this context, it mocks the deep emotional connection and sense of mourning experienced by King Tizian and others close to Brian Chira. Their bond, though not romantic as clarified by King Tizian, evidently held significant meaning, leading to the use of this poignant term to convey the depth of their loss and the impact of Brian Chira’s untimely death.

In times of sorrow, communities often unite in solidarity, offering support and empathy to those affected by loss. The designation of King Tizian as a “widow” reflects the shared grief and emotional resonance felt by many in the wake of this tragedy. However, it is crucial to heed King Tizian’s own words and respect his stated relationship with Brian Chira, refraining from mockery or misinterpretation.

King Tizians reply to the online mockery of being called Chira’s widow. Courtesy:Tiktok

Amidst the sorrow and tributes, it is essential to approach such situations with sensitivity and understanding, honoring the truth and emotions of those directly involved. King Tizian’s clarification serves as a poignant reminder to navigate grief with compassion and respect, avoiding assumptions and hurtful remarks that could further burden those mourning the loss of a cherished individual. In times of loss, let us stand together with empathy and kindness, upholding the dignity and feelings of all those impacted by the profound impact of Brian Chira’s passing.

Counties Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Tiktoker Wanja Kihii’s Bank Account Drained Empty Leaving Fans Baffled and Devastated

In a surprising twist of events, Kenyan TikTok sensation Wanja Kihii found herself grappling with a devastating reality – the abrupt disappearance of her life savings from her bank account. On February 26, 2024, Wanja shared a deeply emotional video with her followers, detailing her shock and confusion upon discovering that her account held no balance despite having amassed significant funds.

With tears streaming down her face, Wanja explained that she had checked her account balance expecting to see thousands of dollars, only to find nothing but zeros staring back at her. “I had a lot of money in the account and now it’s zero,” she exclaimed, struggling to comprehend the sudden reversal of fortunes.

Her fans and supporters rushed to offer words of comfort and encouragement, attempting to help Wanja navigate the overwhelming emotions brought forth by this unexpected tragedy. Despite her fame and notoriety for her bold and outspoken nature, Wanja Kihii’s recent predicament struck a chord among her audience, highlighting the vulnerability inherent in our modern digital age.

A Controversial Figure

Wanja Kihii first came into public view through her provocative content and fearlessly confrontational attitude. She garnered attention for her songs containing disses directed toward well-known Kenyan artists, such as Khaligraph Jones and Bahati. Additionally, Wanja created waves by publicly declaring her affection for Mugithi singer Samidoh, offering to become his fifth wife.

However, her latest endeavor has shifted the focus away from her music career and onto the enigma surrounding her empty bank account. Speculation abounds regarding the circumstances that could lead to such a dramatic loss of funds, yet concrete details remain elusive.

An Ongoing Investigation

At present, authorities and banking institutions are working together to investigate the matter and determine whether foul play may have occurred. Wanja Kihii remains hopeful that her case will receive the necessary attention and resolution, allowing her to regain control of her finances and move forward with her life.

Meanwhile, her devoted fanbase continues to rally around her, providing moral support while awaiting further developments in this captivating and tragic saga. Only time will tell if Wanja Kihii can overcome this adversity and emerge stronger than ever before.


Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Tiktok Sensation, Jaber Nyar Onagi Dies After Evil TikTok Prediction On Her Pregnancy!

A Nairobi woman has tragically passed away days after giving birth, following a prediction by one of her TikTok followers. The user, Jaber Nyar Onagi, received a comment from a follower that read, “I promise you that you will never make it to the final labour room.” The comment was seen as a curse by some, and it is unclear what led to the antagonistic statement from the follower. The incident has raised questions about the responsibility of social media users and the impact of their words.


Jaber Nyar Onagi was a TikTok user who shared her pregnancy journey with her followers. One of her followers made a comment that read, “I promise you that you will never make it to the final labour room.” The comment was seen as a curse by some, and it is unclear what led to the antagonistic statement from the follower.

Jaber Nyar Onagi in Hospital: Image:Tiktok

The incident has raised questions about the responsibility of social media users and the impact of their words. It is important to remember that words can have real-life consequences, and users should be mindful of the impact of their comments on others. The incident serves as a reminder that social media platforms can have both positive and negative effects on people’s lives.

The tragic death of Jaber Nyar Onagi following the sinister TikTok prediction highlights the importance of responsible social media use. Users should be aware of the potential consequences of their words and actions, and strive to create a positive and supportive online environment.

SmartBuzz Top News World

VIDEO: Tiktok ‘Narco Queen’ Sabrina Duran Shot Dead.

In a shocking turn of events, 24-year-old Sabrina Durán, known for her popular beauty videos on TikTok, met a tragic end in Chile. With a substantial online following, Durán’s life took a dark twist as she became involved in underground criminal activities alongside her brothers, earning her recognition for car theft and drug-related offenses.

In 2022, the law finally caught up with Durán, resulting in her arrest and a three-year jail sentence for drug trafficking. However, she had been serving the end of her punishment under supervised release.

On a fateful day, while en route to a nail salon, Durán’s life was abruptly cut short. Masked assailants fired eight shots, leaving her fatally wounded. The gruesome aftermath was captured on social media, sending shockwaves through her followers.

Adding to the brutality of the incident, the assailants proceeded to take her car, setting it ablaze, leaving no doubt about the cold-blooded nature of the attack. The incident occurred at a staggering 9 o’clock in the morning, further intensifying the shock and horror surrounding the event.

What makes this tragedy even more puzzling is that just a day prior to her untimely demise, Durán was reviewing products sent to her by DCM Cosmetic, a company that had recognized her influence and sent her items to promote. The stark contrast between her online persona and the darker aspects of her life raise questions about the complexity of her character and the world she was a part of.

Local law enforcement has labeled her assassination as “cold-blooded,” and they are actively investigating whether her past involvement in drug-related crimes is connected to her shocking death. The circumstances surrounding Sabrina Durán’s life and violent end serve as a stark reminder of the complexities that can be hidden beneath the surface of social media influencers, leaving the public to grapple with the tragic consequences of a life marred by crime.


News Top News World

British Tiktok Influencer Faces Prison Time in Peru for Cocaine Smuggling

A British Tiktok influencer, who goes by the name Adams, has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. On September 30, an astonishing turn of events unfolded at the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Peru, where Adams was apprehended while attempting to smuggle an astounding £300,000 worth of cocaine into the United Kingdom.




Adams, a 25-year-old internet sensation, is now facing the harsh reality of a six-year and eight-month prison sentence handed down by a court in Peru’s Callao district. His charges are in direct connection to his involvement in coordinating the shipment of 2.9 kilograms of cocaine to London.


The entire episode began with a series of dramatic events at the Peruvian airport. Adams was found with nearly three kilograms of cocaine in his possession. Surveillance cameras captured him calmly carrying a suitcase into his hotel, and it was only a matter of time before his audacious smuggling attempt was exposed.


Things took a dire turn when Adams tried to board a flight back to Europe. Authorities swiftly intervened, and his plans for freedom were abruptly halted. Adams readily confessed his guilt and was fined £1,500 before he was sentenced to serve his time in a Peruvian prison, effectively bringing his online influencer career to an abrupt end.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the severe legal consequences associated with drug smuggling, even for those who have achieved fame on social media. It underscores the importance of abiding by the law and making responsible choices, as nobody is exempt from the reach of justice. In a world where actions are constantly under scrutiny, Adams’ story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone tempted to engage in illegal activities, regardless of their online popularity.