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Why is former Citizen TV’s Hussein Mohamed Trending

Hussein Mohamed, a former Citizen TV journalist and current State House spokesperson, is trending due to his involvement in a controversy surrounding President William Ruto’s remarks on the judiciary. In this article, we will explore the events that led to his trending status and the implications of his new role in the political sphere.


President Ruto’s Controversial Take

The controversy began when President Ruto made remarks about the judiciary, accusing it of corruption and sabotaging government programs. The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and other stakeholders criticized these remarks, with LSK President Eric Theuri urging Ruto to take them back, In response, State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed defended President Ruto’s comments, emphasizing the need to end impunity in the judiciary. This defense led to more uproar, with some advising Hussein to focus on his role as a spokesperson and refrain from actively participating in political debates.


Hussein Mohamed’s journey into the political sphere marks a significant transition from his previous role as a prominent journalist known for his tough interviews on Citizen TV. As the Head of Communications in the State House, Hussein has taken on a new challenge, representing the President’s position on various issues, including the judiciary controversy.


Hussein’s X’s Reaction

Hussein’s involvement in the social media chatter began when he expressed his displeasure with critics of President Ruto’s Christmas donations.

His defense of President Ruto’s judiciary remarks has led to mixed reactions on social media platforms, with some supporting his stance and others criticizing his shift from journalism to politics.


Hussein Mohamed’s new role as State House spokesperson and his involvement in the judiciary controversy have made him a trending figure in the Kenyan political scene. His transition from journalism to politics has led to both support and criticism, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that come with his new role.