Africa News SmartBuzz Top News

Care-free Cheating Wife Caught Red-Handed By Husband in Lodge Room

A recent incident in Lusaka highlights the prevalence of infidelity in modern relationships. A man, who wishes to remain anonymous, caught his wife red handedly engaging in extramarital activities at a lodging. The couple had paid K300 for a shot time, and the wife walked out of the room smiling, seemingly unbothered by her actions.

The husband, however, was not so nonchalant. He returned to room 18, where he found evidence of the affair, including two bottles of Mosi beer and three used condoms. It is unclear whether the husband purchased the condoms or obtained them from a hospital.

This incident serves as a stark reminder that infidelity is a growing problem, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. The prevalence of cheating spouses is a significant concern, with one in every three married women in Lusaka reportedly engaging in extramarital activities.

Watch the Video Below and leave a comment on what you’d have done if you found your partner in such a situation.

News SmartBuzz Top News World

George Clooney’s Foundation Sparks Outrage with Proposal to Arrest Russian Journalists

In a controversial move, the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ), co-founded by Hollywood actor George Clooney and his wife Amal Clooney, has ignited a firestorm of criticism from Russia after revealing plans to seek arrest warrants for Russian journalists. The foundation’s The Docket project aims to prosecute so-called “Russian propagandists” for alleged “incitement to genocide” in Ukraine.

Amal Clooney and George Clooney attend the Clooney Foundation For Justice’s “The Albies” on September 28, 2023 in New York City. ©  Cindy Ord/AFP

Anna Neistat, the legal director of The Docket, stated that the team wants to encourage individual EU countries and the International Criminal Court to arrest Russian media figures whenever they travel outside of Russia. This proposal has been met with outrage from Russian officials.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the CFJ as “madmen” and suggested that Russian journalists ask them to justify their reasoning. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, accused the foundation of engaging in “Russophobia” and “politically and ethnically motivated criminal prosecution” of journalists.

Zakharova also questioned the silence of UNESCO, the OSCE, and their representatives regarding the murders and threats against Russian journalists by the Ukrainian regime. She pointed out the hypocrisy of Western countries, who ignore these crimes while persecuting Russian media workers for their professional activities.

The head of the State Duma committee on foreign influence in internal affairs, Vasily Piskaryov, warned that Russia will not leave the CFJ’s actions unanswered and may designate the NGO as ‘undesirable’, effectively banning its operations in the country.
The controversy comes amid ongoing tensions between Russia and the West over media coverage of the conflict in Ukraine. The European Union has already banned the broadcast of Russian state media outlets and imposed sanctions on numerous Russian journalists and media executives.

As the battle over press freedom and the narrative of the war continues, the Clooney Foundation’s proposal has added fuel to the fire, drawing sharp condemnation from Russia and raising questions about the limits of free speech and the role of the media in times of conflict. The world watches with bated breath as this high-stakes drama unfolds, with the future of journalism and international relations hanging in the balance.


One Hilarious Challenge You’ll Come Across Today 

X has a way of creating interesting and funny challenges. Recently,  one user started a naughty challenge. The challenge was, you send this naughty image to a friend of the opposite sex, someone who you haven’t initiated any sexual advances and they don’t expect it at all.. and the X users then post their replies..

The original challenge as posted on X

Enjoy the of the replies below

Counties SmartBuzz Top News

Shocking Viral Video of Woman Breastfeeding Goat Sparks Outrage and Concern for Society’s Moral Compass

In a disturbing turn of events, a viral video depicting a woman breastfeeding a baby goat has sent shockwaves through social media, leaving viewers appalled and questioning the moral fabric of our society. The unconventional and unnatural act has sparked widespread condemnation, with many expressing their disgust and disbelief at the shocking footage.
The video, which has been widely shared and discussed online, showcases a woman casually breastfeeding a young goat, a practice that is not only unethical but also poses serious health risks to both the human and the animal involved. Breastfeeding is a sacred bond between a mother and her child, and it is deeply concerning to see this intimate act being performed with an animal.

“This is a completely unacceptable and disturbing practice that goes against all norms of decency and morality,” stated a leading expert in animal welfare online. “Breastfeeding is not only inappropriate for animals, but it can also lead to serious health issues for both the human and the animal involved.”

The viral video has sparked a much-needed conversation about the boundaries of acceptable behavior and the importance of upholding ethical standards in our interactions with animals. It has also raised concerns about the moral compass of our society, with many questioning whether such shocking and unethical acts are becoming increasingly normalized in the age of social media.

“This video is a wake-up call for all of us to reflect on the values and principles that we hold dear as a society,” said some online netizens. “We cannot allow such barbaric and unethical practices to become acceptable, as it sets a dangerous precedent for the future of our society.”

News SmartBuzz Top News

Opinion: Fay Tall’s Wedding: It’s her Time to Celebrate, Not To Be Bashed For Her Past

In the last few days, social media has been awash with pure hate and criticism directed towards Fay Tall and her husband on the occasion of their wedding.

It is sort of disheartening to see such negativity when we should be celebrating the couple’s love and commitment to each other OR just not get involved in things or decisions we have no opinion of at all.

Remember that we all have exes, have dated, broken up, and even had children with people we can’t sit on the same table with. However, this should not be a reason to judge or hate on others who have found happiness in their relationships.

We’ve all seen Fay Tall work tirelessly to achieve success in her online career and now tailor shop, and her hard work has paid off. She deserves to be celebrated for her accomplishments and not subjected to unwarranted criticism.

It is important to remember that everyone has a past, and it is not our place to judge or condemn others for their choices. Instead, we should focus on supporting and uplifting those around us, especially during significant life events such as a wedding,however negative we might be to marriages because of our own pasts.

To Fay Tall, it is crucial that you ignore the hate and focus on your marriage. Surround yourself with loved ones who support and uplift you. Sieve through the negativity and hold onto what matters most: your love for each other.

May God bless your union and may you both find happiness and fulfillment in your marriage.

SmartBuzz Top News World

Toronto Police Investigate Shooting Outside Drake’s Home, Motive Unclear

Toronto police are currently investigating a shooting that occurred outside the home of Canadian rapper Drake in the city’s upscale Bridle Path neighborhood. The incident left a security guard seriously injured and the motive behind the shooting remains unclear.

According to authorities, the shooting took place around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning. The security guard was standing outside the gates of Drake’s residence when he was struck by gunfire. The guard was rushed to the hospital where he remains in serious condition.

Police have confirmed that they are in contact with Drake’s team, who are cooperating with the investigation. However, the motive behind the shooting has not been determined and it is too early to say whether the incident is linked to an ongoing feud between Drake and American rapper Kendrick Lamar.

The shooting has sparked a large crime scene area around Drake’s home, with multiple police cars and officers present. The area is currently taped off, and residents in the neighborhood are advised to avoid the area.

The investigation is ongoing, and police are reviewing security footage to identify the suspect or suspects involved. The Toronto police have not yet released any information about the suspect or the vehicle they were in.

This incident comes amid an escalating rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, which has seen both artists release diss tracks aimed at each other. However, police have not confirmed whether the shooting is directly related to this feud.

The investigation is still in its early stages, and police are urging anyone with information to come forward.


Counties News SmartBuzz

Circute Spills the Beans on Beef with DJ Pinye!

In a lengthy and candid post, veteran Kenyan musician Circute has opened up about his longstanding issues with popular radio DJ Pinye. The two have known each other for over 20 years, but it seems Circute has been harboring some unresolved grievances that he’s now decided to address publicly.

Circute’s Accusations Against Pinye

Circute claims that Pinye has consistently trashed and refused to play his music over the years, despite Circute’s efforts to get his songs on Pinye’s popular radio show “The Beat.”

He alleges that Pinye only played certain songs, like “Manyake” and “Bidii Yangu,” because he had personal interests or connections to the artists, not because he genuinely supported the music.

Circute accuses Pinye of being overly critical and disrespectful towards Kenyan urban musicians, often telling them to retire from the industry and insulting their music and videos.

He claims Pinye has had “beef” with numerous other prominent Kenyan artists, including Khaligraph Jones, DNA, Nameless, Amani, and many others, all of whom have complained about Pinye’s treatment of their work.

Circute says Pinye’s behavior has been detrimental to the growth of the Kenyan urban music industry, as he has actively tried to undermine and discourage musicians.

Circute’s Call for Apology

Despite the harsh accusations, Circute says he has forgiven Pinye through his faith in Jesus Christ. However, he urges Pinye to humble himself and offer a sincere apology to the many Kenyan musicians he has allegedly wounded and hurt over the years. Circute believes this is necessary for the industry to move forward in a positive direction.

Circute’s lengthy post provides a rare insider’s perspective on the tensions and power dynamics within Kenya’s music scene. While Pinye has not yet responded publicly, Circute’s candid account is likely to stir up further discussion and debate within the industry. It remains to be seen whether Pinye will heed Circute’s call for reconciliation and apology.


Counties News SmartBuzz

Unintentional High: University Student’s Weed Cookies Leave Entire Family High AF!

In a bizarre but funny turn of events, a young GenZ university student inadvertently served her entire family weed-infused cookies during a visit to her mother’s relatives, resulting in a comical scene that left everyone in high spirits. The incident, captured on video and shared widely on social media, showcased the unintended consequences of the student’s culinary mishap.

The unsuspecting family members, ranging from grandparents to cousins, found themselves unknowingly consuming the potent treats, leading to a series of hilarious reactions as the effects of the cannabis-laced cookies took hold. Laughter, confusion, and a general sense of euphoria permeated the gathering as the family members grappled with their unexpected high.

Despite the initial shock and confusion, the atmosphere quickly turned light-hearted as the family embraced the unexpected twist with good humor.

The video of the incident has since gone viral, drawing amused reactions from viewers who found the situation both entertaining and relatable.

While the university student’s mistake may have caused a temporary disruption in the family gathering, it ultimately served as a memorable bonding experience that will likely be recounted for years to come. As the effects of the weed cookies wore off and the laughter subsided, the family found themselves closer than ever, united by a shared moment of accidental intoxication.

Counties Top News

Landlady’s Misadventure in the Pit Latrine Leaves Tenants in Stitches

In a bizarre turn of events that left the residents of one plot upcountry doubled over with laughter, one notorious landlady, found herself in a rather sticky situation – quite literally.

Known for her relentless pursuit of unpaid rent and her uncanny ability to ignore tenant requests, ‘Mrs No Nonsense ‘Landlady finally met her match in the most unexpected place – the dreaded pit latrine she had long neglected.

Witnesses described a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy as the landlady, in her usual no-nonsense demeanor, marched towards the neglected pit latrine to answer nature’s call.

Little did she know that fate had a cruel sense of humor that day. A loud scream followed by a splash echoed through the neighborhood, drawing curious onlookers to the source of the commotion.

To the tenants’ sheer delight (and barely concealed amusement), it was revealed that the landlady had taken an unexpected plunge into the very pit latrine she had ignored for months. As she flailed and spluttered in a sea of… well, let’s just say less-than-pleasant substances, the tenants wasted no time in coming to her rescue – albeit with tears of laughter streaming down their faces.

The landlady emerged from the pit latrine, much to her dismay and the tenants’ amusement, she was greeted with a chorus of chuckles and jeers. Covered head to toe in a less-than-fragrant concoction, she had unwittingly become the star of a comedy of errors that would be retold for years to come.

In a twist of fate that no one saw coming, the tables had turned on the indomitable landlady, leaving her not only humbled but also thoroughly soaked in ‘shit’ – both literally and figuratively.

As the residents of the plot wiped away tears of laughter, The landlady learned a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of tending to even the most unsavory of tasks.

Business News Top News World

The Shocking Truth Behind Mitchell Green’s Embezzlement Of Sire Spirits Owned By 50 Cent!

In a riveting legal saga that has captured the attention of the public, the ongoing battle between renowned rapper and entrepreneur 50 Cent and former Sire Spirits employee Mitchell Green has reached a pivotal juncture. The case, marked by allegations of embezzlement and deceit, has unfolded as a compelling narrative of justice and accountability in the business world.


Mitchell Green, a former employee of Sire Spirits, came under scrutiny for his involvement in embezzling a staggering $7 million from the company through deceptive practices. Green’s actions, which involved inflating prices and misappropriating funds under the guise of “agent’s fees,” sparked a legal firestorm that has reverberated through courtrooms and headlines alike.

In response to Green’s fraudulent activities, 50 Cent, known for his unwavering commitment to integrity and transparency in business dealings, took decisive legal action against his former associate. Despite Green’s attempts to evade accountability by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, 50 Cent remained resolute in his pursuit of justice, challenging the bankruptcy ruling to ensure that Green faced the full consequences of his actions.

Courtroom Drama:

The courtroom proceedings have unfolded as a dramatic showdown between two formidable figures, with each legal victory underscoring 50 Cent’s determination to hold Green accountable for his betrayal of trust. As revelations of secret deals and kickback schemes came to light, the battle between 50 Cent and Green intensified, showcasing the rapper’s unwavering resolve to protect his business interests and uphold ethical standards.

The legal battle between 50 Cent and Mitchell Green serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of transparency and integrity in business transactions. As the case continues to unfold with appeals and rulings shaping its trajectory, it stands as a testament to the enduring pursuit of truth and restitution in the face of deception.

In conclusion, the ongoing legal saga between 50 Cent and Mitchell Green stands as a compelling narrative of justice prevailing over betrayal, resonating with audiences worldwide as a symbol of accountability and ethical conduct in the realm of business.

Nairobi News Top News

Renowned Journalist Rita Tinina Found Dead in Her Nairobi Home

In a tragic turn of events, the journalism community mourns the loss of Rita Tinina, a distinguished journalist known for her unwavering dedication and passion for storytelling.

Rita Tinina’s lifeless body was discovered in her residence in Kileleshwa, Nairobi, on Sunday afternoon. The cause of her untimely death remains undisclosed as authorities continue their investigations.

Rita Tinina’s impactful career spanned years, where she served as a beacon of journalistic excellence, enlightening and inspiring countless individuals through her work. Her commitment to informing, educating, and engaging audiences has left an indelible mark on the hearts of many, creating a legacy that will be cherished for years to come.

As the community reels from this loss, prayers and condolences pour in for Rita Tinina’s family and friends. May her soul find eternal peace as her memory lives on in the hearts of those she touched with her remarkable storytelling and dedication to journalism.

News SmartBuzz Top News World

Breaking News: Vybz Kartel’s Murder Conviction Overturned – What’s Next for the Dancehall Icon?

Jamaican dancehall artist Vybz Kartel has made headlines as his murder conviction was overturned by the Appeals Court. This decision comes exactly a decade after his initial guilty verdict for the murder of Clive “Lizard” Williams. Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Palmer, successfully appealed his conviction to the Privy Council in London, citing juror misconduct during the trial.

Following the successful appeal, authorities in Jamaica will determine whether Kartel will face a retrial. Notably, Kartel, a prominent figure in Jamaican music, celebrated the news on social media, expressing his victory.

This development marks a significant turn in the case that began in 2014, where Kartel and three co-defendants were convicted after a trial that lasted over two months. Prosecutors alleged that Williams was killed over missing guns, with Kartel being accused of orchestrating the murder.

Despite the conviction being overturned, the possibility of a retrial remains pending a decision by Jamaican officials. Kartel’s influence in the music industry, collaborations with international artists, and his continued music releases from behind bars have kept him in the spotlight. Stay tuned for further updates on this evolving story.


Conspiracy Planet SmartBuzz Top News World

John Cena’s Bizarre Dressing: Dive Into Hollywood’s Gender-Bending Trend and Controversial ‘Humiliation Ritual’ With Andrew Tate

In a rather unexpected turn of events yesterday at the Oscars, Hollywood heavyweight John Cena has recently made headlines for his bizarre and daring decision to dress as a woman, sparking a wave of controversy and raising questions about the entertainment industry’s treatment of gender roles.

This unexpected transformation comes amidst growing scrutiny over the alleged ‘Humiliation Ritual’ practiced by some in the industry, as revealed by the outspoken Tate brothers, and the influence of comedian Katt Williams in pushing celebrities to don feminine attire.

The wrestling icon turned actor, known for his muscular physique and tough-guy persona, shocked fans and critics alike with his latest fashion statement. Sporting a wig, makeup, and a glamorous gown at a high-profile event, Cena defied traditional norms and challenged societal expectations with his bold choice. While some applauded his courage and commitment to breaking stereotypes, others raised concerns about the underlying motives behind such a drastic transformation.

The Tate brothers, rising stars in their own right, shed light on the dark side of Hollywood’s glamour, alleging a disturbing ‘Humiliation Ritual’ that pressures aspiring talents to undergo degrading tasks as a rite of passage. Their revelations have sent shockwaves through the industry, prompting calls for greater transparency and accountability in an environment often shrouded in secrecy and manipulation.

Adding fuel to the fire is the controversial figure of Katt Williams, whose provocative comedy and unapologetic commentary have stirred up controversy within the entertainment world. Known for his sharp wit and no-holds-barred approach, Williams has been vocal in his criticism of Hollywood’s treatment of male celebrities, accusing power players of coercing stars into emasculating roles for their own amusement.

As discussions around gender identity and representation continue to evolve, Cena’s bold move serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities and challenges faced by those in the spotlight. Whether seen as a progressive statement or a troubling trend, his decision to embrace femininity in a traditionally masculine industry has sparked important conversations about authenticity, empowerment, and self-expression.

In a landscape where image is everything and conformity often reigns supreme, Cena’s willingness to push boundaries and defy expectations stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of individuality and creativity. As Hollywood grapples with its own demons and confronts long-standing issues of power dynamics and exploitation, one thing remains clear: change is on the horizon, and those brave enough to challenge the status quo may just be the ones to lead the way towards a more inclusive and equitable future.


Business SmartBuzz Top News World

From Potato Crisp Skits to Six Figures: Inside Elsa Majimbo’s Lucrative Career Path

Internet personality Elsa Majimbo has amassed a fortune through strategic partnerships and innovative content creation, transforming herself into a globally recognized figure. Here’s a breakdown of her most significant financial achievements:

Annual Revenue

As reported by Forbes, Majimbo generates approximately $500,000 annually. This income primarily derives from sponsored posts, brand collaborations, and merchandising efforts.

Brand Endorsements

Majimbo has secured endorsement deals with notable companies such as Fenty and Mac Cosmetics. These partnerships have contributed significantly to her growing wealth.

Luxury Brands

The comedian has worked closely with Valentino, resulting in a collaboration and appearances at prestigious events like the Met Gala. Additionally, she has a book published with the Italian fashion house.

Product Line Expansion

Majimbo has expanded her product line beyond digital content, launching a clothing line called “Elsapedia,” available via her website.

Real Estate Investments

She purchased a home in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, further solidifying her status as a successful entrepreneur.

Car Collection

Her sole vehicle, a Tesla Model 3, reflects her commitment to sustainable living and affluence.

Future Projects

Majimbo is actively involved in developing films and TV series, showcasing her versatility as an entertainer.


SmartBuzz Top News

‘Her Services are No Longer Needed’. Love Turns Bittersweet as Trevor Rebrands Ex’s Mungai Eve’s YouTube After Breakup!

In a shocking turn of events, renowned video director and social media influencer Trevor has made headlines by announcing significant changes to the digital presence of his and former partner, Mungai Eve. The once-thriving duo, known for their popular YouTube channel and other online ventures, has recently faced a split that has led to Trevor taking charge of all social media platforms associated with Mungai Eve.

The YouTube channel, which boasted over 750,000 subscribers under the banner ‘Mungai Eve,’ has been rebranded as ‘Kenya Online Media.’ This drastic shift in brand identity follows Trevor’s declaration that he no longer requires Mungai Eve’s services after their relationship came to an end. Additionally, Trevor has assumed control of Mungai Eve’s official Facebook page, which he initially established for her.

This unexpected development has left many fans questioning the future of the beloved content produced by the ex-couple, who were earning approximately Sh14 million annually through their YouTube endeavors alone. As the dust settles following the announcement, speculation continues to swirl around the reasons behind Trevor’s decision to sever ties with Mungai Eve and take ownership of her digital assets.

Sources close to the situation suggest that the breakup may have played a role in Trevor’s decision to rebrand the platform; however, neither party has publicly confirmed these claims or provided specific details regarding the circumstances leading to the separation. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the cause of the split, one thing remains certain – the landscape of Kenyan online entertainment has shifted dramatically due to this unforeseen event.

As the world waits to see how Trevor plans to proceed with the newly acquired digital properties, fans can only hope that the quality content they have come to expect from Mungai Eve will continue to thrive under new management. Only time will tell if the bittersweet ending between Trevor and Mungai Eve will lead to a sweet beginning for Kenya Online Media.