Bomet Kericho County News Top News World

Why is Chepseon Trending?

In a disturbing turn of events, a sexual assault incident involving three women and one man has shocked the community of Chepseon and south rift once again.

The heinous act, reminiscent of the recent events in Sigor, has ignited widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

The incident, which took reportely in Chepseon, has caused the same attention as the Sigor videos,  highlighting the urgent need for stronger measures to combat such atrocities. The victims, three women and one man, have bravely come forward to report the assault, shedding light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence that continues to plague our society.

We are working hard to find all the relevant details of the alleged video and you’ll get them here and on our telegram channel

As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative that we as a society stand firm in our condemnation of such acts and work towards creating a culture of respect, empathy, and accountability. The victims deserve justice, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that they receive the support and protection they need.

This incident serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to eradicate sexual violence from our communities. Let us use this moment to reaffirm our commitment to creating a society where such atrocities have no place, and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.


Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

VIDEO: Woman’s Plea for ‘Help’ as Man Wont ‘Release’ Hours Later: Fueling Bomet’s Growing Controversies!

In the wake of the recent scandal involving an alleged orgy in Sigor, Bomet County, another explicit video has surfaced, further igniting discussions on social norms and morality. The video captures a distressing moment where a woman is heard screaming in Kalenjin dialect from a lodging establishment.

The footage depicts a woman expressing her frustration and distress as the man who accompanied her for a night of good time fails to “release,” despite what was presumed to be an intimate encounter.

In her outcry, she raises alarm to her friends in the vicinity, highlighting her ordeal as she screams her legs had grown weary while the man continued his business without an end.

This incident has once again brought attention to the prevalence of explicit content circulating in Bomet, with concerns being raised about the exploitation and objectification of individuals involved. Authorities have yet to comment on the matter, but local community leaders are calling for a deeper examination of societal values and the need for respectful conduct in intimate settings.

The emergence of such videos underscores the importance of promoting a culture of consent, mutual respect, and responsibility in relationships. It also serves as a reminder of the challenges faced in addressing issues of sexual exploitation and gender-based violence within communities.

Watch the VIDEO HERE

As discussions around the latest trend in Bomet unfold, it remains imperative for stakeholders to work collaboratively towards fostering a safer and more dignified environment for all individuals, where such incidents are not only condemned but actively prevented through education and awareness initiatives.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

Mike Sonko Loses His Instagram With Millions of Followers By Sharing ‘Sigor’ Video!

Mike Sonko, the flamboyant former governor of Nairobi, Kenya, has reportedly lost his Instagram account after sharing a controversial video of the now famous ‘Sigor Boys‘. The video, which was deemed inappropriate and against Instagram’s community guidelines, led to Sonko’s account being disabled.

Sonko, who is known for his outspokenness and love for social media, has been using his Instagram account to share his political views and engage with his followers. However, his recent actions have cost him his online platform, leaving his followers in shock and disappointment.

The video in question featured the now famous 7 ‘Sigor Boys’ in a controversial video. The video shows the boys from Bomet county allegedly r*ping an unknown woman.

Instagram’s community guidelines prohibit content that promotes or condones violence, hatred, or discrimination. By sharing the video, Sonko violated these guidelines, leading to the suspension of his account.

The incident has sparked a debate on the role of social media in politics and the responsibility of public figures in using these platforms. While Sonko has the right to express his opinions, he must do so within the bounds of the law and the guidelines set by social media platforms.

In conclusion, Sonko’s loss of his Instagram account serves as a reminder that there are consequences to breaking community guidelines and promoting harmful content. As public figures, politicians and influencers have a responsibility to use their platforms responsibly and promote unity, peace, and respect for all.

Bomet News Top News

Sigor Boys Arrested, As Its Revealed The lady In The S3xtape allegedly Called Them For A ‘Friendly Match’

In another unexpected turn of events, the five men allegedly from Sigor, Bomet County, have been arrested following the leak of a video showing them engaging in intimate acts with a woman. The video, which has been circulating on social media, has sparked outrage and calls for justice.

The Administration has taken swift action, with the case now falling under the jurisdiction of serious crimes. However, questions have been raised about the circumstances surrounding the incident. It is alleged that the woman had previously challenged the men, inviting them for a “friendly match“.

Image: Courtesy

The video, reportedly two months old, does not suggest any forced involvement, with the woman appearing to cooperate with the men. This has led some to question why she did not report the incident to relevant authorities earlier.

The men, who hail from Chebanyiny in Kongasis Ward, have been taken into custody as the investigation continues. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of consent and the potential consequences of non-consensual acts. It also highlights the need for open and honest communication about sexual health and boundaries.

As the investigation continues, it is crucial that all parties involved are treated with respect and dignity. The truth behind the incident may be complex, but it is essential that it is fully understood in order to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The Administration has assured the public that the case will be handled with the utmost seriousness and transparency.

Counties Kisii News Top News

GRAPHIC: Bitter Ex Inflicts Deep Stab Wound on New Boyfriend’s Neck at Kisii University

In a shocking turn of events at Kisii University, a distressing incident has left the community reeling. Reports indicate that a young man, allegedly fueled by jealousy, confronted his former girlfriend and her new partner, leading to a violent altercation that ended in tragedy.

Screenshot of what transpired. Courtesy

The sequence of events began when a young couple, residing in different parts of the Inka and Saveways neighborhoods respectively, recently ended their relationship due to issues surrounding trust and transparency. Just a week after their breakup, rumors began circulating that the girl had moved on and was romantically involved with the boy’s friend.

Fuelled by these rumors, the boy decided to confront his ex-girlfriend directly at her residence. However, upon arrival, he encountered a tense situation as the new boyfriend, referred to as “the big bazzu” in local parlance, was present at the scene. Despite attempts to resolve the matter amicably, the confrontation escalated into a heated argument, with no resolution in sight.

In a tragic turn, the altercation took a violent turn when the boy, reportedly overcome by emotions, resorted to using a sharp object to attack his ex-girlfriend’s new partner. The attack resulted in severe injuries, including a deep laceration to the neck.

Find the Gore and Explicit VIDEO HERE

Its not confirmed if emergency services have been alerted, and/or paramedics rushed to the scene to provide medical assistance.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the Kisii University, prompting widespread condemnation and calls for justice. Authorities have launched a thorough investigation into the matter, with the perpetrator identified and taken into custody pending further legal proceedings.

While the exact circumstances surrounding the altercation are still under investigation, this tragic incident is a grim reminder of the dangers of unresolved conflicts and the importance of seeking peaceful resolutions to interpersonal disputes. As the community mourns the loss of a young life, efforts to promote dialogue, understanding, and conflict resolution have gained renewed urgency.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

Unraveling the Controversial ‘Sigor Boys’ Video: A Call for Thorough Investigation and Justice

The recent surge in online discussions surrounding a video featuring individuals dubbed as the ‘Sigor boys’ engaging in a disturbing sexual act with a woman has sparked widespread concern and outrage. As viewers, we are confronted with unsettling imagery, prompting various interpretations and calls for action.

Within the video, five individuals are prominently featured: ‘Kipyegon’, who appears to be the primary aggressor, ‘Kipsang’, engaging in questionable behavior behind the woman, reminiscent of explicit online content, a camera operator, an evidently intoxicated and naked individual seemingly indifferent to the situation, and another individual seemingly preoccupied with unrelated activities in the background.

The online discourse surrounding this incident is rife with assertions, with many unequivocally labeling it as rape. However, a closer examination of the video reveals several pertinent observations that warrant consideration:

  • The presence of ‘Kipsang’ behind the woman suggests a potentially uncomfortable and non-consensual situation, raising doubts about her preferences regarding certain sexual acts.
  • The visibly intoxicated individual, presumed to have accompanied the woman initially, raises questions about his role and consent.
  • Contrasting with the intoxicated individual, ‘Kipsang’ and the camera operator appear sober, adding complexity to the dynamics of the situation.
  • The seemingly indifferent demeanor of the individual attending to other tasks in the room underscores the abnormality of the situation.

Numerous conjectures have emerged regarding the nature of the incident, each carrying significant implications.One scenario posits that the woman was drugged and subjected to gang rape, implicating all parties involved in a grave criminal offense warranting immediate legal intervention.

  • Conversely, there are suggestions that the woman may have initially consented to engage in sexual activity with the intoxicated individual, only for the sober individuals to exploit her vulnerable state upon their arrival.
  • Controversial interpretation implies that the woman’s apparent lack of resistance could be misconstrued as compliance, potentially complicating perceptions of the incident and highlighting the nuanced nature of consent.
  • Speculations regarding the completion of a prior investigation, purportedly yielding no evidence of criminal wrongdoing, further complicate the narrative and demand clarity.

Irrespective of the myriad interpretations, it is evident that reprehensible actions transpired within that room, necessitating thorough investigation and accountability. The recent resurgence of online attention underscores the urgency of addressing this matter, with a paramount focus on delivering justice for the victim, should the events prove non-consensual.

Watch the VIDEO HERE and judge for yourself

In conclusion, while the opinions presented herein remain subjective, it is imperative that all instances of sexual assault and misconduct be treated with utmost seriousness. The pursuit of justice must remain unwavering, underscoring society’s collective commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender.

Bomet News

Why is Sigor Trending Once Again? A New Video Leak

In a disturbing turn of events, a video of an unidentified woman, and four young boys has surfaced online, depicting what appears to be a despicable act.

The video, which has gone viral on social media platforms, shows almost 4 boys and the woman, who is crying and the boys in a compromising situation, raising serious concerns about the safety of the woman.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and reporting any suspected cases of sexual assault. It is crucial that we all play our part in ensuring the safety and well-being of women and girls, and that those who commit such heinous acts are held accountable for their actions.

Check out the VIDEO: