Nairobi News Top News

What Really Happened: The Shocking Truth Behind the Londiani OCS’s Deadly Courtroom Outburst

Deadly Showdown at Makadara Law Courts

In a shocking turn of events, a high-ranking police officer opened fire inside a Kenyan courtroom, leaving a magistrate critically injured and the officer himself dead. The incident has sent shockwaves through the country’s judicial system, raising urgent questions about security and the rule of law.

The drama unfolded on Friday afternoon at the Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi. Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the Officer Commanding Police Station (OCS) from Londiani, had traveled to the capital to attend a court case involving his wife, Jennifer Wairimu. She was accused of obtaining 2.9 million Kenyan shillings by false pretenses.

A Violent Outburst

When Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti denied Wairimu’s request for bail and ordered her remanded, Kipruto flew into a rage. Witnesses say the OCS stormed into the courtroom through the magistrate’s private entrance and opened fire, striking Kivuti in the chest and hip.


“It happened so fast, we couldn’t believe our eyes,” recounted one shaken court clerk. “The OCS just barged in and started shooting at the magistrate. It was pure chaos.”

The Deadly Shootout

Other police officers at the scene quickly responded, engaging Kipruto in a fierce shootout. The OCS was fatally wounded, while three other officers sustained injuries during the exchange of gunfire.

Magistrate Kivuti was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition, where she is currently receiving treatment. The Judiciary has expressed shock and sadness over the incident, with the Chief Justice ordering enhanced security measures at all courts nationwide.

Aftermath and Unanswered Questions

The Makadara Law Courts have been temporarily closed as authorities work to reinforce security and investigate the shocking events. This brazen attack has left the public and legal community alike grappling with questions about the breakdown of order and the safety of Kenya’s judicial system.


“This is a dark day for the Judiciary,” said a senior legal analyst. “We must get to the bottom of what led to this tragic incident and ensure that our courts remain sanctuaries of justice, not battlegrounds.”

As the investigation continues, the nation watches with bated breath, hoping that lessons will be learned and measures put in place to prevent such a devastating breakdown of law and order from ever happening again.


Kiambu News Top News

Gatundu South MP Arrested in Boda Boda Rider’s Shooting

Gatundu South Member of Parliament Gabriel Kagombe has been arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a boda boda rider in Thika two weeks ago, according to Police spokesperson Resila Onyango.

The incident occurred during a chaotic event where rival groups clashed over the ownership and credit of a proposed market valued at Sh55 million in the Kiganjo market in Kamenu Ward. In a viral video, Kagombe can be seen drawing his gun from his waistline and firing shots directly into the crowd.

David Nduati, a 26-year-old boda boda rider, was killed in the incident. A post-mortem examination showed that he died of excessive bleeding from a gunshot wound, with the bullet going through his back and exiting through his chest.

Kagombe has exonerated himself from the shooting and blamed political rivals for “sponsoring the chaos”. However, police sources say most of the politicians who were at the chaotic function have recorded statements.

The arrest comes as Kagombe faces multiple controversies, including an altercation with police during a medical camp event and attacks on the media for allegedly running anti-government stories.