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Failed Diplomat-Turned-MP, Benjamin Langat Threatens to Sack His Staff Over Finance Bill Whatsapp Text!

Benjamin Langat, the shameful, obese Ainamoi MP, has shown his true colors by threatening to sack one of his staff over a WhatsApp text. This incident highlights the MP’s insane level of ignorance and pride that oozes from his reactions on this incident.

Who is This Obese, Arrogant M-pig?

Benjamin Langat’s political career has been marked by arrogance and disregard for his constituents for quite sometime. It’s nothing new really..

He first got to parliament in 2012 after the death of his late brother, David Kimutai Too, who died while in office. Benja then rode on sympathy votes from the people of Ainamoi and was given a 5 year mandate.

However, by 2017, the voters had grown tired of his antics and rejected him, throwing him out of office. He blindly tried vying for Kericho Governor but due to his unpopularity, that ambition was dead before he could spell his name.

Undeterred, Langat was then awarded a compromise diplomatic posting as Kenya’s High Commissioner to Namibia by the previous Uhuru Kenyatta administration, a move seen as a way to “caress his wounded bum”.  A fact i can guess less than a third of you reading this never knew he was even an ambassador.

Its even rumoured that during this time, Langat, was known to frequent clubs in Kericho on almost every weekend, accompanied by a large ‘entourage‘ of over 30 goons, where he would brazenly displace paying customers just to sit,probably fart and order his Johny Walker Red, without shame.

You would wonder what time he had to attend to his responsibilities far off in windhoek when every weekend he’d be gallivanting in kericho Nightclubs.


The recent drama began when Kevin UFA, a renowned blogger, wrote about the pain his actions has caused the youth by his yes vote to the Finance Bill 2024. Langat responded by threatening Kevin, stating that if he is “man enough“, he should resign or be fired. This was a clear attempt to intimidate Kevin and silence him.

The conversation escalated to a local WhatsApp group, where Langat continued to flex his “Imaginary power” and spill his ignorance. He claimed that Kevin was part of his staff and that he had crossed a “red line“.

Langat’s actions and disregard of his voters is literally the reason that has led to widespread protests against the Finance Bill. His threats and intimidation tactics are a desperate attempt to silence those who are speaking out against his foul actions.

It is clear that Benja is out of touch with the needs and concerns of his constituents. PERIOD! His actions are a slap in the face to the very people he is supposed to represent.

Benjamin Langat’s arrogance is a constant reminder of the kind of ignorance and arrogance with this crop of rotten political leaders.

MPigs and Piglets.. This movement is  something you can’t shake  and the circle is closing in on you quick and fast!

The writing is on the wall!

Viva! Tomorrow is another day Comrades!