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Ruto’s US Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Boost Kenya’s Flailing Economy and Image?

US President Joe Biden speaks as Kenyan President William Ruto applauds during a White House state arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 23, 2024 [Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters]

Ruto arrived in Atlanta on Monday, where he wasted no time in pitching Kenya as an “irresistible investment destination” to American multinationals. He touted the country’s ICT, e-mobility, agriculture, and renewable energy sectors as ripe for foreign capital. However, one can’t help but wonder if this is more about Ruto’s personal legacy than Kenya’s actual economic potential.

After all, Kenya’s economy is in shambles, with high inflation, a weakening currency, and a ballooning debt burden. Ruto’s grand plans for “green investments” and “100% renewable energy” ring hollow when his government is struggling to provide basic services and security to its citizens. Is he simply trying to distract from these failures by painting a rosy picture for foreign investors?

The optics of Ruto visiting the Carter Library and Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta also reek of political theater. He’s trying to portray himself as a champion of democracy and civil rights, but his own record tells a different story. Under his watch, Kenya has seen a worrying backslide in democratic freedoms, with crackdowns on dissent and a politicized judiciary.

Ruto’s regional message in Washington is equally suspect. He’s calling for “greater collaboration and strategic global leadership” to address conflicts in the Horn of Africa. But Kenya’s own role in these conflicts, from the war in Somalia to the tensions with Ethiopia, is often overlooked. Is Ruto trying to position himself as an indispensable regional player, even as his government’s foreign policy blunders mount?
The Biden administration, for its part, seems eager to embrace Ruto. They’re dangling the carrot of a new trade deal and security cooperation. But this is likely more about geopolitics than genuine partnership. The US wants to counter China’s growing influence in Africa and maintain a foothold in a strategically important region.

Ruto’s visit is a means to that end.
In the end, Ruto’s US trip may yield some short-term gains, like photo ops with Biden and a few investment pledges. But it won’t solve the deep-seated problems plaguing Kenya. The country needs real economic reforms, democratic renewal, and accountable leadership – not just a slick PR campaign targeting foreign audiences. Ruto’s visit is a distraction from the hard work that lies ahead.

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Kenya’s Economy Poised for Takeoff After President Ruto’s Historic US Visit

Kenyan President William Ruto’s landmark state visit to the United States has yielded a staggering $5.6 billion in investments, partnerships, and debt relief commitments that are poised to turbocharge Kenya’s economy. The visit, the first by a Kenyan leader in 15 years, has cemented the East African nation’s status as a key strategic partner for the US in the region.

The centerpiece of the visit was a slew of major investment deals, headlined by a $3.6 billion agreement to build a 440 km superhighway linking the capital Nairobi to the key port city of Mombasa. The project will be financed by US infrastructure firm Everstrong Capital and the Kenya National Highways Authority.

Other key investments include:
$250 million in new funding from the US International Development Finance Corporation for projects including affordable housing
A $1 billion partnership between Microsoft and UAE’s G42 to build a green data center in Kenya
$60 million from the Millennium Challenge Corporation for urban transport and climate-friendly transit $10 million in loans and equity from the DFC to Kenyan health and e-commerce startups
The visit also yielded important diplomatic breakthroughs, with the US designating Kenya as a major non-NATO ally, the first sub-Saharan African country to receive this status. The two countries also agreed to deepen cooperation on regional security, climate change, and artificial intelligence.

Crucially, President Ruto and President Biden launched the “Nairobi-Washington Vision”, a joint appeal for debt relief and more favorable financing terms for heavily indebted developing nations like Kenya. The US also committed $21 billion in lending to the IMF’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust and $250 million for crisis response to the World Bank’s International Development Association.

For President Ruto, the visit represents a major personal and political triumph, showcasing his ability to attract investment and position Kenya as a preferred destination for US capital and companies. The massive influx of funds will provide a much-needed boost to Kenya’s economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and grapples with the fallout from the Ukraine war.

As Kenya continues its transformation into an economic powerhouse, this historic visit has laid the foundation for an even stronger US-Kenya partnership in the years ahead. With President Biden planning to visit Africa in 2024, the future looks bright for this increasingly vital relationship.


Who Is The HUGE Man Taking Photos With President Ruto?.. Shaq Steals the Show!

During President William Ruto’s state visit to the United States, a light-hearted moment occurred when the Kenyan leader met NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park in Atlanta.

The 7-foot-tall basketball star’s presence dwarfed the rest of the people in the room, including President Ruto, who was visibly awed by O’Neal’s towering height.
In a video that has since gone viral, President Ruto can be seen excitedly shaking O’Neal’s hand and placing his other hand on the athlete’s shoulder, stunned by the size difference. The president kept looking up at the former NBA champion as they briefly engaged in friendly banter.

The encounter between the two giants quickly became the talk of social media, with many Kenyan leaders, including Aaron Cheruiyot, Kimani Ichung’wah, and Aden Duale, taking turns to pose for pictures with O’Neal. The excitement was palpable as camera lights flashed across the room, capturing the historic moment.

President Ruto’s state visit to the US marks the first such visit by a Kenyan leader in 16 years. The four-day trip aims to attract trillions of shillings in investment to Kenya, with trade negotiations and business deals worth over $20.5 billion (KSh 2.69 trillion) expected to take center stage.

News Tech Top News

Kenyan Government Seeks Legal Backing to Monitor Mobile Money Transactions for Tax Evasion

The Kenyan government is proposing to amend the Data Protection Act to allow the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to access and analyze bank and mobile money transaction data, including M-Pesa accounts, in order to identify potential tax discrepancies and catch tax evaders.

Image Courtesy: Standard.

This controversial plan is part of President William Ruto’s strategy to broaden the country’s tax base and raise revenue, as the KRA has been missing its targets in recent years. The KRA intends to integrate its tax system with telecommunication companies to gain unfettered access to customer transaction data.

However, the proposal has drawn heavy criticism from consumer rights groups like the Consumer Federation of Kenya (COFEK), who argue it violates consumer privacy rights guaranteed by the constitution and consumer protection laws. There are concerns it could force people to revert to using cash instead of mobile money.

The KRA believes monitoring the hugely popular M-Pesa platform, which accounts for nearly all mobile money transactions in Kenya, will provide a treasure trove of financial data to help identify individuals and businesses whose tax payments do not match their spending on assets like real estate and luxury vehicles.
The government is seeking to increase tax revenue to KES 3 trillion ($24.2 billion) in the next fiscal year to fund its ambitious budget plans. But the plan to allow the KRA to access sensitive personal data without a court order has been described as “worrying” by legal experts.

Nairobi News Top News

Henry Rotich Joins Ruto’s Team Of Six Most Powerful Advisors Led By David Ndii.

Henry Rotich, the former Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury, has taken on a new role as President William Ruto’s special advisor. This appointment comes after Mr. Rotich’s departure from the Treasury amidst accusations of fraud involving significant tenders. Despite the apparent downgrade in his position, insiders believe that his new role may wield substantial influence, given its proximity to the seat of power.


In his new capacity as a senior advisor on Fiscal Affairs Budget Policy in the Office of the President, Mr. Rotich’s influence may not be as limited as it seems. The recent case of Dr. David Ndii, another special advisor to President Ruto, has demonstrated the significant impact these advisors can have on policy-making.


While some may view these appointments as mere formalities, the reality is that these advisors, including individuals like Dr. Cheruiyot and Mr. Ali Mohamed, hold considerable sway over policy decisions. Their collective influence, all housed within State House, ultimately answers to one person: President Ruto.


The role of the Treasury in light of these developments has come into question, with suggestions that its functions may be at odds with the Public Finance Management Act. Despite this, Mr. Rotich has denied declining the appointment and has been exonerated of the previous accusations against him.


Ultimately, the power and impact of these advisors, often referred to as the President’s “kitchen cabinet,” remain subject to the President’s discretion. As one commentator noted, “the buck stops with the President.” The true extent of Mr. Rotich’s influence in his new role is yet to be seen, but it is clear that his appointment signifies a significant shift in the dynamics of President Ruto’s advisory team.


The influence of advisors in President Ruto’s administration, particularly the appointment of Henry Rotich as a special advisor, has raised questions about the balance of power and the decision-making process within the government. The implications of these appointments are likely to be closely monitored in the coming months.


The appointment of Henry Rotich as President Ruto’s special advisor has sparked discussions about the influence of advisors in the current administration and the dynamics of decision-making at the highest levels of government. The true extent of Mr. Rotich’s influence in his new role is yet to be seen, but it is clear that his appointment signifies a significant shift in the composition of President Ruto’s advisory team.


News Top News Uasin Gishu Uasin Gishu County

Engineer Sudi Takes Swift Action in Eldoret Land Dispute Following Presidential Directive on The Presidents Classmate Land!

In a remarkable display of prompt intervention, Engineer Oscar Sudi, spurred into action by a direct directive from President William Ruto, swiftly addressed the Eldoret land dispute that had garnered recent attention. The “engineer” tag, often a subject of curiosity, gained newfound significance as Sudi emerged as a catalyst for justice.


President Ruto’s encounter with Emily Jepkemei, an elderly woman seeking assistance to reclaim allegedly grabbed land, triggered a sequence of events that unfolded with unprecedented speed. Jepkemei, a former classmate of the president, approached him with her predicament, leading Ruto to call upon Engineer Sudi to handle the matter urgently.


Sudi, responding promptly to the presidential directive, mobilized a sizable crowd and confronted the illegal occupants armed with pangas and power saws. In a matter of minutes, the structures erected by the alleged land grabbers crumbled, marking a decisive and immediate response to the illicit activities.


Speaking to the media, MP Sudi pointed an accusatory finger at the Judiciary, alleging corruption that facilitates land grabbing. “There is corruption in the court, and it’s people from one side…we won’t let this Eldoret case continue like this,” Sudi declared, highlighting a commitment to combating corruption within the legal system.


The role of Sudi in this high-profile land dispute underscores the influence of individuals in championing justice. Sudi’s willingness to act swiftly in line with the president’s directive has brought attention to the broader issue of land rights and the need for decisive measures to address land disputes.


As Eldoret grapples with the aftermath of the demolitions and the ensuing legal complexities, Engineer Sudi stands at the forefront of the narrative, symbolizing a proactive approach in the pursuit of justice. The rapidity with which he executed the presidential directive has left an indelible mark on the ongoing discussion about land rights, transparency in the legal system, and the role of individuals in safeguarding the rights of the vulnerable.

Nairobi News Top News

President Ruto’s Remarks on the Judiciary: Judges and Law Society Respond!

President William Ruto’s recent remarks on the judiciary have sparked controversy and criticism from various stakeholders, including judges and the Law Society of Kenya (LSK). In this article, we will explore the responses of the judiciary, judges, and the LSK to President Ruto’s statements.President Ruto’s Remarks.


President Ruto raised concerns over what he called the abuse of the judiciary by a few individuals to sabotage government programs. He accused the judiciary of taking bribes to sabotage the government and expressed his administration’s intention to no longer follow court orders. These remarks have drawn criticism from the LSK and other stakeholders, with LSK President Eric Theuri urging President Ruto to take back his comments.

President Ruto’s Controversial Clash with the Judiciary: What You Need to Know

Judges’ Respond!

Judges have responded to President Ruto’s remarks by defending the independence of the judiciary and condemning any attempts to undermine it. Justice David Maraga, the former Chief Justice of Kenya, tweeted that “the independence of the Judiciary is sacrosanct and must be protected at all costs”. Justice Maraga’s sentiments were echoed by other judges, who emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and constitutional principles.


Law Society of Kenya’s Respond!

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has also criticized President Ruto’s remarks, with LSK President Eric Theuri urging him to take back his comments. The LSK has emphasized the importance of judicial independence and the need to respect court orders. The society has also called for constructive dialogue and collaboration between the different arms of government to uphold the rule of law and constitutional principles.


Implications on Ruto’s Remarks

H.E Ruto’s remarks have raised concerns over the relationship between the executive and the judiciary and the potential threat to judicial independence.

The judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring checks and balances in the government. Any attempt to undermine its independence could have far-reaching consequences for Kenya’s democracy and governance.



President Ruto’s controversial remarks on the judiciary have sparked a heated debate on the role of the judiciary in Kenya’s governance and the relationship between the executive and the judiciary. Judges and the Law Society of Kenya have responded by defending the independence of the judiciary and emphasizing the importance of upholding the rule of law and constitutional principles. The ongoing exchange between President Ruto’s office and the judiciary highlights the need for constructive dialogue and collaboration between the different arms of government to uphold the rule of law and constitutional principles.

Why is former Citizen TV’s Hussein Mohamed Trending

Nairobi News Top News

President Ruto’s Controversial Clash with the Judiciary: What You Need to Know

President William Ruto’s recent remarks on the judiciary have sparked controversy and criticism from various stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the events that led to the controversy and the implications of President Ruto’s statements.


The Controversy

President Ruto raised concerns over what he called the abuse of the judiciary by a few individuals to sabotage government program. He accused the judiciary of taking bribes to sabotage the government and expressed his administration’s intention to no longer follow court orders.

These remarks have drawn criticism from the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and other stakeholders, with LSK President Eric Theuri urging President Ruto to take back his comments. Despite the criticism, President Ruto has maintained that he is committed to upholding the rule of law and defending constitutional values.


The Implications of H.E Ruto’s Remarks

President Ruto’s remarks have raised concerns over the relationship between the executive and the judiciary and the potential threat to judicial independence. The judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring checks and balances in the government. Any attempt to undermine its independence could have far-reaching consequences for Kenya’s democracy and governance.


State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed’s Defense

State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed has defended President Ruto’s remarks, emphasizing the need to end impunity in the judiciary.

Mohamed has cited examples of the President’s efforts in championing judicial independence, rectifying past injustices, and pushing for judicial reforms. However, his defense has also drawn criticism, with some advising him to focus on his role as a spokesperson and refrain from actively participating in political debates

Why is former Citizen TV’s Hussein Mohamed Trending

President Ruto’s controversial clash with the judiciary has sparked a heated debate on the role of the judiciary in Kenya’s governance and the relationship between the executive and the judiciary. While some argue that President Ruto’s remarks threaten judicial independence, others support his stance on addressing corruption within the judiciary. The ongoing exchange between President Ruto’s office and the Law Society of Kenya highlights the need for constructive dialogue and collaboration between the different arms of government to uphold the rule of law and constitutional principles.


Some Examples of Ruto’s alleged Examples of Judicial Impunity.

President William Ruto has cited several examples of judicial impunity in Kenya. He has accused some judicial officials of being “signs of judicial tyranny and impunity perpetuated by compromised and corrupt judicial officers“. He also accused the judiciary of taking bribes to sabotage the government and expressed his administration’s intention to no longer follow court orders. President Ruto has cited cases in court as a sabotage move. He has expressed his dismay at the recent incidents where “independent institutions were being used to settle political scores”. President Ruto has also condemned the fact that “such suspects are now roaming free in our streets with impunity“. He has urged all State Organs, State officers, public officers, and Kenyans to join hands in the fight against corruption and impunity.

H.E Ruto has reaffirmed his commitment to upholding the rule of law and defending constitutional value. Despite the criticism, President Ruto has maintained that he is committed to upholding the rule of law and defending constitutional values.


Nairobi News Top News

Why is former Citizen TV’s Hussein Mohamed Trending

Hussein Mohamed, a former Citizen TV journalist and current State House spokesperson, is trending due to his involvement in a controversy surrounding President William Ruto’s remarks on the judiciary. In this article, we will explore the events that led to his trending status and the implications of his new role in the political sphere.


President Ruto’s Controversial Take

The controversy began when President Ruto made remarks about the judiciary, accusing it of corruption and sabotaging government programs. The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and other stakeholders criticized these remarks, with LSK President Eric Theuri urging Ruto to take them back, In response, State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed defended President Ruto’s comments, emphasizing the need to end impunity in the judiciary. This defense led to more uproar, with some advising Hussein to focus on his role as a spokesperson and refrain from actively participating in political debates.


Hussein Mohamed’s journey into the political sphere marks a significant transition from his previous role as a prominent journalist known for his tough interviews on Citizen TV. As the Head of Communications in the State House, Hussein has taken on a new challenge, representing the President’s position on various issues, including the judiciary controversy.


Hussein’s X’s Reaction

Hussein’s involvement in the social media chatter began when he expressed his displeasure with critics of President Ruto’s Christmas donations.

His defense of President Ruto’s judiciary remarks has led to mixed reactions on social media platforms, with some supporting his stance and others criticizing his shift from journalism to politics.


Hussein Mohamed’s new role as State House spokesperson and his involvement in the judiciary controversy have made him a trending figure in the Kenyan political scene. His transition from journalism to politics has led to both support and criticism, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that come with his new role.

Business Counties News Top News

CS Alice Wahome under Ruto: From Muddy Waters to Landslide Moves.

From Water to Land: A Cabinet Shuffle Brings New Challenges

Alice Wahome, known for her fiery personality and unwavering loyalty to President William Ruto, has had a dynamic first year in office. Initially appointed Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation in 2022, she was subsequently reshuffled in October 2023 to head the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development. This unexpected move raised eyebrows, sparking both optimism and concern.


Major Projects: Building a Foundation for the “Big Four Agenda

Wahome’s tenure at Lands has been marked by ambitious projects aligned with Ruto’s “Big Four Agenda” of food security, affordable housing, manufacturing, and universal healthcare. Some highlights include:

Accelerating Land Titling: Digitizing land records and issuing title deeds is a key focus, aimed at increasing land ownership security and facilitating access to credit.

Revamping Housing Policy: Affordable housing initiatives are being streamlined, with targets set for construction of subsidized units.

Infrastructure Development: Emphasis is placed on improving roads, railways, and public transportation across the country.

Urban Regeneration: Slums are being targeted for slum upgrading and green development projects.


Notable Achievements and Accolades CS Alice Wahome has been credited with:

Streamlining processes: Initiatives like online permits and applications aim to enhance efficiency and combat corruption.

Tackling land grabbing: Public pronouncements and increased enforcement aim to protect vulnerable communities from land dispossession.

Attracting investment: Policies aimed at simplifying business registration and land acquisition are designed to encourage investment in real estate and urban development.


Muddy Waters: The Shadow of Corruption Allegations

However, Wahome’s tenure has not been without controversy. A recent land scandal involving accusations of irregular allocation of prime public land for private development has cast a shadow over her achievements. These claims have been vehemently denied by both Wahome and the government, but investigations are ongoing.


Notable Headlines: A Mix of Progress and Controversy

  • Wahome vows to clean up Lands Ministry, digitize all records.
  • Affordable housing push: 100,000 units targeted in first year.
  • Slum dwellers protest planned demolitions in Nairobi.
  • CS Wahome denies involvement in land scandal, calls it political witch-hunt.


Looking Ahead: Building on Promises or Battling Accusations?

Only time will tell if Wahome will be remembered as a transformative leader or tarnished by allegations. Her ability to deliver on ambitious projects while upholding transparency and accountability will determine her legacy in the complex and often opaque world of Kenyan land politics.


News Top News

CS Moses Kuria under Ruto: Public Service, Port Reforms, and Controversies.

Moses Kuria, the outspoken Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, has had a whirlwind tenure under President William Ruto. His time in office has been marked by ambitious projects, bold pronouncements, and a fair share of controversy. Let’s delve into the key aspects of Kuria’s tenure so far:


Kuria’s Major Projects:

  • Port Reforms: Kuria has spearheaded significant reforms at the vital Mombasa port, aiming to enhance efficiency, transparency, and combat corruption. He has implemented digitalization initiatives, tackled dockworker grievances, and pledged to tackle issues like pension remittance delays.
  • Public Service Transformation: Kuria has embarked on a mission to transform the public service, focusing on digitization, eliminating ghost workers, and streamlining processes. He has launched initiatives like Huduma Ndugu, a digital platform for government services, and emphasized performance-based promotions.
  • Youth Empowerment: Kuria has actively engaged with youth, launching initiatives like the Youth Service Corps program and promoting entrepreneurship. He has also advocated for increased youth participation in government and politics.

Kuria’s Notable Achievements:

  • Improved Efficiency at Mombasa Port: Preliminary data suggests a reduction in clearance times and increased revenue since the reform efforts began.
  • Progress in Digitization of Public Services: The Huduma Ndugu platform has gained traction, offering convenience and accessibility for citizens.
  • Increased Focus on Youth: Kuria’s initiatives have engaged youth and provided new opportunities for their participation in the national discourse.
  • Move to Public Service: Kuria’s initial appointment as Cabinet Secretary for Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives raised eyebrows. However, his subsequent move to Public Service, a critical and complex ministry, was seen as a strategic move by Ruto to leverage Kuria’s energy and reformist zeal in a crucial area.

Kuria’s Major Headlines and Controversies During His current Tenure as CS:

  • Exclusion from US Trip:

Kuria’s absence from President Ruto’s US trip in December 2023 fueled speculation about alleged US concerns regarding his past pronouncements.

  • Missing State Honours:

Kuria’s exclusion from the 60th Jamhuri Day honours list recently on 12th December, led to speculation about internal political dynamics and potential friction with Deputy President Gachagua. Although these are just speculations and political machinations emanating from Mt Kenya.

  • Alleged Corruption Scandal:

Kuria has faced accusations of corruption related to the awarding of a contract for the Huduma Ndugu platform. He has denied the allegations and vowed to cooperate with investigations.


Moses Kuria’s tenure under President Ruto has been marked by both progress and controversy.

While his ambitious projects and focus on reform hold promise, the allegations against him raise concerns about transparency and accountability. As Kuria navigates these challenges, the Kenyan public will be watching closely to see if his achievements can outweigh the shadows of doubt.

Business News Top News

Kenya Secures Transformational $4.48 Billion Deals at COP28 in Dubai

In a groundbreaking development at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, Kenya has inked deals worth a staggering USD 4.48 billion, ushering in a new era of sustainable development and energy security. The comprehensive agreements span across diverse sectors, from green energy projects to cutting-edge technology initiatives, solidifying Kenya’s commitment to a greener and more resilient future.


1. Green Fertilizer Revolution (USD 1.5 Billion)

Kenya, in collaboration with Fortescue, has embarked on a revolutionary green ammonia project, injecting USD 1.5 billion into the endeavor. This ambitious initiative not only bolsters the nation’s energy security but also marks a significant stride towards reducing dependence on imported resources. The partnership promises to reshape Kenya’s agricultural landscape, providing sustainable solutions for the farming sector.


2. Geothermal Data Center at Olkaria (USD 600 Million)

KenGen, Konza, and US investors have joined forces to plan a cutting-edge 200MW data center at Olkaria, fueled by geothermal energy. With an investment of USD 600 million, this project aligns with Kenya’s commitment to harnessing clean energy sources for technological advancements, positioning the country as a regional hub for data-driven innovation.


3. Suswa Geothermal Power Boost (USD 1 Billion, 300MW)

Kenya has entered into a strategic partnership with Indonesia and Masdar to initiate a 300MW geothermal project at Suswa. This USD 1 billion venture not only underscores Kenya’s commitment to renewable energy but also highlights the nation’s global collaboration efforts to address climate change and achieve sustainable development goals.


4. Menengai Geothermal Investment (USD 110 Million, 35MW)

Globeleq’s USD 110 million investment in the Menengai Geothermal project solidifies Kenya’s commitment to secure investments in sustainable energy. The 35MW project in Menengai promises to play a crucial role in diversifying Kenya’s energy portfolio, ensuring a stable and resilient power supply for the nation.


5. Paka Geothermal Powerhouse (USD 800 Million, 200MW)

GDC and AMEA Power have pooled resources to launch the USD 800 million Paka Geothermal project, signaling a major stride in Kenya’s clean energy agenda. The 200MW capacity of Paka Geothermal will contribute significantly to meeting the growing energy demands of the nation while adhering to environmentally friendly practices.


6. Clean Energy Supply Chain (CESC) Initiative (USD 200 Million)

In a collaborative effort involving the United States, Brazil, India, and Kenya, the Clean Energy Supply Chain (CESC) initiative has been launched with a USD 200 million investment. This initiative, coupled with a USD 568 million loan for developing countries, aims to expand the clean energy supply chain, fostering sustainable practices globally.


7. Sustainable Agriculture Partnership (USD 270 Million)

United Green and Kenya Development Corporation have joined hands for a USD 270 million investment in a 15,000-hectare sustainable agriculture project. This ambitious venture not only promotes eco-friendly agricultural practices but also addresses food security concerns, reflecting Kenya’s commitment to holistic sustainable development.


In conclusion, Kenya’s remarkable achievements at COP28 underscore the nation’s dedication to sustainable development, clean energy, and global collaboration. These transformative initiatives position Kenya as a regional and global leader in green innovation, setting the stage for a brighter and more sustainable future.

Features Nairobi News Top News

Murathe Emerges from Hiding, Mocks Kuria, and Threatens to Bring Down Ruto Government

In a scathing attack on the Kenya Kwanza administration, Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe has emerged from his post-election lull, making a series of bold claims and threats.
Speaking on Spice FM Thursday morning, Murathe started by mocking Public Service CS Moses Kuria for allegedly ‘leaking’ how President William Ruto rigged the 2022 election.

Murathe, who still cannot come to terms with Ruto’s victory, claimed that Kuria’s revelations, which included the involvement of Western powers, provided him with much-needed clues. He further expressed his dissatisfaction with the Kenya Kwanza Govts’ lack of focus on the rising cost of living during the recently concluded National Dialogue Initiative.


Questioning the government’s economic policies, Murathe pointed out that Ruto and many of his cabinet members were part of the previous administration. He accused them of shifting blame for the current economic woes onto the previous government, despite their direct involvement in its policies.


In response to Eric Latiff’s query regarding the delayed criticism of the National Dialogue Initiative, Murathe dismissed the notion of malice, stating that leaders like Eugene Wamalwa, who was part of the committee, were only expressing their dissatisfaction after the committee’s conclusion.

Jubilee VC, David Murathe at Spice FM. Photo/Video Screengrab

Addressing the disputed Jubilee party leadership, Murathe maintained that Sabina Chege’s challenge was unfounded. He hinted at Sabina’s continued illegal enjoyment of perks as a minority whip, despite her dewhipping by Jubilee in Parliament. He also accused the Political Parties Tribunal of siding with government interference in party affairs in regards to Jubilee’s leadership woes.


Murathe reiterated his determination to categorically ‘Bring down the Ruto government‘, hinting at civil disobedience as a potential tactic. He blamed Kenya Kwanza’s troubles on its clueless leaders but was fact-checked by Latiff, who pointed out that most of the loans borrowed by Uhuru Kenyatta had not matured yet when he was leaving office, giving him an advantage in avoiding the loan payment deadlines faced by President Ruto and his current government.


Murathe also raised concerns about the stalled construction of roads, particularly in the Central and the larger Mt Kenya region, insinuating a sinister motive by President Ruto to sideline Central Kenya.

Murathe’s reemergence and combative stance have injected renewed energy into the political landscape, signaling a potential escalation of tensions between the opposition and the government. His claims and threats will undoubtedly draw scrutiny and could have far-reaching consequences for Kenya’s political stability.

Basketball News Sports Top News

Swish! NBA Opens Office in Nairobi, and Kenya Is Ready to Slam Dunk!!

The opening of the National Basketball Association (NBA) office in Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2023, is a landmark moment for basketball in Kenya and in Africa as a continent. The NBA has a long history of investing in the development of basketball in Africa, and the new office will allow the league to expand its efforts to grow the sport on the continent.


The NBA’s commitment to Africa is evident in the number of initiatives it has undertaken in recent years. These include:

  • The NBA Africa Development Camps, which provide elite training and exposure to top African prospects
  •  The Basketball Africa League (BAL), which is the premier professional basketball league in Africa
  • The Jr. NBA program, which teaches basketball fundamentals and life skills to millions of children across Africa


The NBA’s new office in Nairobi will build on these efforts and focus on the following areas:

  • Grassroots development: The NBA will work with local partners to identify and develop young talent in Kenya and across Africa.
  • Coach and scout training: The NBA will provide training and certification programs for coaches and scouts in Kenya and Africa.
  • Infrastructure development: The NBA will work with local governments and organizations to build and improve basketball facilities in Kenya and Africa.
  • Community engagement: The NBA will host events and programs that will engage the community and promote basketball participation.


The NBA’s investment in Africa is not only about growing the sport, but also about creating opportunities for young people. Basketball can be a powerful tool for social development, and the NBA is committed to using its platform to make a positive impact in Africa.


Impact on Kenya

The NBA’s presence in Kenya is expected to have a significant impact on the development of basketball in the country. The NBA’s investment in grassroots development and coach training will help to identify and nurture young talent. The NBA’s commitment to infrastructure development will create more opportunities for people to play basketball. And the NBA’s community engagement programs will help to promote the sport and inspire young people.

The Impact on Africa

The NBA’s new office in Nairobi will also have a positive impact on basketball across Africa. The NBA’s efforts to develop talent, train coaches, improve infrastructure, and engage communities will benefit all African countries. The NBA’s commitment to Africa will help to raise the level of basketball on the continent and create opportunities for African players to reach their full potential.


The NBA’s new office in Nairobi is a major step forward for basketball in Africa. The NBA’s investment in the continent will help to grow the sport, create opportunities for young people, and raise the level of basketball across Africa.


News SmartBuzz Top News

MP Irene Mayaka Claims Economy Has Fallen Further Than Her Bo0bs

Special MP Irene Mayaka has left her fellow MPs in shock after claiming that Kenya’s economy has fallen further than her Bo0bs.

Irene mayaka

Speaking at a parliamentary event on November 14, 2023, during the analysis of President William Ruto’s speech, Mayaka expressed regret that the economy is deteriorating every day, despite the President’s promises to Kenyans that things would get better after he took office.


In presenting her argument, the MP wanted to know why, despite the many achievements listed by the President in his speech, the cost of living was still rising.


Criticizing the speech, she said that taxes, the Kenyan shilling and the cost of living had all gone from bad to worse, saying that the President’s agenda of bringing together Kenyans at the bottom was a sham.


Mayaka said that the high cost of living, the increase in taxes and the price of fuel are a curse on the Kenya Kwanza administration.


According to Mayaka, the President should understand that Kenyans are burdened by the high cost of living and also understand that increasing taxes is a step to make life difficult for citizens.


I expected to hear a lot about economic issues from the President because we are in a bad economic state. Kenyans are hit by new taxes every day. We wanted the President to give a clear picture of the situation. Things are very bad in this country,” she lamented.


Ms. Mayaka also criticized the new fees introduced for passports and IDs, saying they are a blow to people who are already struggling.


The MP wondered how Kenyans will pay Sh1,000 to obtain an ID card when these services have been free since independence.


This is a picture of a worrying future, politicians will have a hard time in 2027 when we return to ask for votes from the people because we will have to answer difficult questions from them,” she said.

We will have to pay voters to go and collect their IDs so that they can vote for us,” she concluded.


Hon Mayaka’s Statement Received with Mixed Reactions

Hon. Mayaka’s statement has been met with mixed reactions from Kenyans. Some agree with her that the economy has fallen, while others accuse her of being extreme on her comparison of the Kenyan economy falling just like her ‘Bo0bs’.


Those who agree with her say that the cost of living has risen sharply in recent months, and that taxes and the price of fuel have contributed to this. They say that President Ruto should work to reduce the financial burden on Kenyans.


Notably, many are against Mayaka saying that she is using unnecessarily explicit language, and that she does not know what is going on in the economy. They say that the economy is still growing, and that the standard of living is improving for many Kenyans.


Remember, Hon Mayaka is the same legislator who had to fight a barrage of claims that she was, to put it bluntly, ‘Raila’s Girlfriend’. This claim angered her and she went to X (formerly Twitter) to rubbish the absurd claims.