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KQ Hacked! Security Breach on Kenya Airways Exposes Customer Passports on the Dark Web

Kenya Airway (KQ) finds itself in the midst of a grave cybersecurity debacle as personal data, including passports and passwords, surfaces on the dark web. While an official confirmation of a breach within KQ’s core systems is pending, suspicions loom large, hinting at a possible preliminary move by the hacker.

A snapshot of the data leaked on the dark web by unknown actors. Image @Cnyakundi_H

An alarming cache of 2.2 GB worth of downloadable data has emerged, reportedly encompassing high-profile government passports, escalating the gravity of the situation. This event goes beyond the confines of Kenya Airways, echoing recent security incidents such as the leakage of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport’s architectural blueprints and a breach in the Assets and Recovery Agency‘s website.


The expansive scope of this security lapse raises serious apprehensions about broader vulnerabilities prevailing in the country’s cyber infrastructure. The spate of recent breaches across critical sectors amplifies concerns regarding the susceptibility of crucial systems to malicious cyber activities.

This remains a developing story, demanding vigilant attention as further details emerge. Stay tuned for real-time updates on this unsettling cybersecurity episode.