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FINAL 7: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case by Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind.

Who owns KCF 031E?

These images show very well Irungu and Maribe reaching their Langata residence after coming from Club Forty40, there are some fixed movements said to have been done by Irungu from Ngonya wa Gakonya roundabout around Kariokor Market (Eastleigh).

This insinuates that after getting home, Mr Irungu left and headed to Eastleigh.

Furthermore, the vehicle which has been placed at this Ngonya wa Gakonya Roundabout towards Kariokor Market is actually a KCF 031E, a smaller car, different make, black in colour, different bumper design with yellow and red reflector stickers which is totally different from the KCA 031E which is bigger, of a different make, grey in colour, and different bumper design.

Whose car is KCF 031E? What is his involvement in this case?

This is a clear indication that the IC3 which is under the office of the inspector General and has been provided by the Ministry of ICT has allowed the prosecution to manipulate and place a suspect somewhere he was not just in order to fit the charges put upon him and infringe the judiciary system of justice from knowing the truth and instead hurting the innocent.

Who authorizes the manipulation of the IC3?

Because the forms were signed by some authority, did they really verify the information therein? Please see as attached the IC3 images below…

Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

PART 6: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case by Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind.

Directorate of Command, Control and Communication (IC3) Centre. The overall aim of the IC3 is to improve the National Police Service operational efficiency by deploying new hardware using up-to-date technology that will enable the Police to adopt more efficient working practices and new operating concepts.

The IC3 operations integrate the Command, Control, and Communication functions.

One of these functions is the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Control System to control all ANPR equipment and archiving/retrieving recognized license plates.

According to reports, images of the car Mr Irungu was driving on the said dates (KCA 031E) that were captured by police cameras on the route from Denis Pritt Road to his residence in Lang’ata show that the driver was in the company of another man.

The same report is also supposed to show Mr Irungu’s movements from the day of the murder up until 21st September 2018.

IC3 trajectory movement of KCA 031E show very well the incoming of Irungu from their residence home in Langata however, on the said date of the murder incident; referring to a witness (Mr Lee Omondi) already testified that in his interaction with Mr Irungu at Monicah’s apartment, Irungu had mentioned that he resides in Eastleigh.

The Prosecution has tried to match this statement by trying to manipulate the IC3 images.

Some of the images that have reached our desk are shocking.We need to mention that before an arrest is made, the investigative officers need to have collected all the evidence needed for prosecution.

This means the images we have are the ones that were presented in court as evidence of Mr Irungu’s movements on the said dates.

On 26th October, 2021, the prosecution stated in court that they had made a mistake and wanted to be allowed to file new images after realizing their manipulation had been noted by the defence team.

The judge rejected this appeal. The Mainstream media will never report this. Below is the true copy of the original certificate that indicates that the IC3 report was received and signed by the relevant authorities.

Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

PART 5: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case by Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind.

Jowie Shooting Himself, Maribe’s Nanny Mysteriously Dying In Terryanne Chebet’s House. Still on the witnesses’ issue, according to the documents sent to our desk, there are some contradicting statements from the initial written statements from the witnesses and the typed ones in court.

Case in point is the then Jaqcue Maribe’s housegirl Ms Pamela Kembo and Brian Kasaine’s on matters surrounding the night that Mr Irungu allegedly shot himself.

According to Pamela she never heard any gunshots. We have established that her statement did not match the expected narrative. So, if Mr Irungu shot himself in the house as said, then obviously Pamela would have heard the gunshots.

According to Kasaine, before rushing Mr Irungu to the hospital, he went upstairs and I quote “I went upstairs and found a trail of blood that led to the master bedroom. I entered the bedroom and saw a pool of blood on the walk-in closet. I saw bullets scattered on the floor and a firearm. I picked up the firearm and identified it to be mine. I picked also the bullets neatly arranged on the floor. There was also a spent cartridge” So he picked them up and went back to where Irungu was lying. And then they left for the hospital.

However, Ms Kembo said after they had left for the hospital, she went upstairs and found the pistol on the floor. So, which firearm did Brian pick? This also doesn’t add up.

He was not able to answer to these allegations during the recent hearing held on the 28th September 2021 claiming that he was feeling confused, nauseous and could not remember everything. He at some point asked for a break to think during the hearing.

Oh! and just as a by the way, the said Ms Kembo (Maribe’s nanny) is reported to have died mysteriously in the house of media personality Terryanne Chebet her then-employer at the time of her death.

Coincidence? We don’t know!

See below the contradicting statements.

On the issue of the accused having shot himself, the same has not been charged with the offence or with having illegal weapon.

On 25th October, 2021, the doctor’s representative was unable to prove in court that indeed Mr Irungu had shot himself.

The wound is said to have been bigger at the front and smaller at the back.

From an expert’s perspective, Gunshot wounds can produce two types of wounds, depending on the direction of travel of the projectile. These are entry wounds and exit wounds – entry wounds are generally smaller and more regular than exit wounds.

So, if at all he shot himself, he must have shot himself from the back according to the


We need to mention that the Doctor who could have testified to prove this also died

mysteriously and therefore the hospital sent a representative.

Coincidence? We don’t think so.

Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

PART 4: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case by Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind.

Witnesses (I)

According to our sources, one of the witnesses is the watchman on duty at Lamuria Gardens Apartments on the 19th of September, 2018.

According to him, the policy of the apartments indicates that for someone to access the apartments, they needed to call the residents to say who the visitor was and thereafter they would take the said visitor’s details before letting them in.

However, in his (the watchman) typed statement, it indicates that he said he was under instructions from the deceased not to take records of the other gentlemen but one hence the names of the other visitors were missing.

The said witnesses in the victim’s apartment names were not in the visitor’s occurrence book.

In his written statement, Mr Lee Owen Omondi who is said to be one of the friends at Monicah’s apartment says he left the apartment at 10.40pm leaving Mr Irungu there.

However, on the visitor’s occurrence book presented in court, the ID card belonging

to one Dominic Bisela, allegedly used by Mr Irungu to access the apartments is registered to have arrived at Lamuria Gardens at 23:21 and left at 23:31.

So it is either Mr Omondi was also coerced into telling the made-up narrative and was never

in the house to begin with, since his name is not on the occurrence book, either Mr Irungu was never there hence the missing CCTV footage or someone somewhere is playing us all big time!

See the image taken from the occurrence book below as well as an excerpt from Mr Omondi’s written statement.

Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

PART 3: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case.

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case by Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind.

The Call Logs

I have obtained the call logs of the deceased and of the first accused between 18th and 21st September 2018. The logs as shown below can clearly show that there is no time the two had any communication between them.

No calls, no SMS, no nothing!

This is the official report from Safaricom.

Her phone number then was #0715775856 while his was #0727010675… Where did the reports that the two had talked to each other come from? Did the media cook stories up or were they fed with cooked stories and as usual did not bother to countercheck?

Still on matters calls, according to the deceased brother’s statement, he had tried calling his sister’s phone in the night and in the morning but it went unanswered. The phone went off at around 11.37am the following day. Reports indicate that two of her phones had been immersed in the bathtub. If the phones were in the water, there is no way either of them would have been still on the following day while immersed in water not even hours after the alleged time of murder.

It is said that waterproof phones can stay underwater for a limited period. Usually, this time ranges from 5-30 minutes. From the call logs below, we can see that the last communication she made was an SMS sent to 2519 and another before sent to 0722549005 which was responded to at 23.22. Her number also received some calls up until 10.28 the following day even though the calls went unanswered.

Can a phone survive in water for more than 12 hours?

Thereafter, you can see the phone went dead completely as the IMEI/phone model did not register anymore as per the call logs below. So, if the murder took place the night of the 19th, how could the phone which has been immersed in water still be operational hours later? See call logs obtained from Safaricom below.

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PART 2: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case – CCTV Footage

Reports indicate that some details police scooped from Mr Irungu’s phone conversations show that he arranged and picked Monica from the airport and dropped her to her Kilimani Estate house after jetting in from South Sudan.

On the other hand, other reports indicate that she was picked up by a Taxi whose driver has since written a statement on the same.

To settle this matter once and for all, we believe that JKIA have CCTV Cameras placed in all corners and they would be able to show hers and his movements if at all any, in and out of the airport.

No CCTV footage of Mr Irungu picking her up from the airport has been produced. Tollgate ticket records should have shown that he was there or the said vehicle KCA 031E issued a ticket.

There is footage of her when she arrived at the airport and as she exited.

This footage hasn’t been provided in court. The only thing produced in court is some photos extracted from the footage.

Still on the CCTV issue, it is also very strange that it happens that the Lamuria Gardens Apartment CCTV cameras were not working on that particular day since no footage was presented in court.

Even so, the apartment block is surrounded by guest houses or apartments whose CCTV cameras could capture the happenings of the said night or at least at the entrance on the said night unless they were all coincidentally not working on the said night too.

Nothing of the sort has been presented in court to prove beyond reasonable doubt that in deed Mr Irungu was there. The investigating officer said this in court and I quote “my team did not ask security guards about CCTV footage of events at Monicah’s house because they were only interested in securing the murder scene”…

Really!! Really!!

According to the defense side, Mr Irungu, is said to have been waiting for Ms Maribe at Road House Grill Restaurant along Dennis Pritt road as it was the norm for him to pick her after reading the 9pm News.


It is said that Ms Maribe asked him to meet him at Club 40Forty instead. M-Pesa statements paid at the said establishment can prove that he was there, CCTV footage from the two places even though this was not presented in court can show what time he was there and the time he left.

Nothing from these places have been presented in court even though the interviewed persons from the said clubs confirmed indeed Mr Irungu was there at the said times.

Nairobi News Top News

PART 1: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case

Below is a detailed debunking and analysis of Jowie Irungu’s alleged murder case as per Veteran Cyprian Nyakundi’s take from his X (Twitter) account. C_NyakundiH

All views in this series news articles solely belong to Cyprian Nyakundi and we saw it fit to share his view on our platform for you, the reader to make up your mind. 

Someone conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Jowie Irungu case. Jowie was convicted and sentenced to death by Lady Justice Grace Nzioka for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani. The court found that the murder was intentional and premeditated. Despite his plea for a custodial sentence rather than the death penalty, the court upheld the sentence due to the gravity of the crime. This analysis points out peculiar aspects of the case that may interest you and I believe it’s worth sharing with the public as received for their insights and comments. Since it’s a lengthy document, I plan to break it down into a series of posts for easier consumption.


Let us look at what the reports say about DNA and samples taken from the scene of the crime and from the accused. Our reliable sources state that only Brian Kasaine, the 1st and 2nd accused whose DNA samples were taken. The sample forms are supposed to be signed by:

  • A doctor
  • The investigating officer
  • The suspects.

However, in the papers presented to court, Mr Irungu’s DNA sample report was not signed by any of the above. We are curious to know why the forms presented in court were not complete.

Still on the DNA issue, the government pathologist told the court he received 73 exhibits from the police as well as DNA samples and swabs from several people.

Exhibits included charred clothes, open shoes, a bloodstained towel, adhesive tape, a knife, a wine glass, empty beer can and empty beer bottles.

However, reports indicate that there were two friends of the deceased, Mr Lee Owen Omondi and a Mr Daboul Walid, who identified Mr Irungu as the last person they left at the apartment.

The common thing would have been to have their DNA swabs taken too to rule them out from being suspects but our sources indicate that no DNA

samples were taken from the two said men.

So, what was used to rule them out as suspects?

If they were at any point at the scene of crime, what criteria was used to move them from being suspects to witnesses.

  • NO DNA samples were taken.

So basically, the police used their word of mouth to rule them out as suspects. Police reports dragged two more unidentified people to the scene of the crime through their DNA Sweep.

We would like the police to explain to the general public why these samples were not taken. Who are the other unknown and unidentified males whose DNA was found on the beer cans and the white straps used to tie her hands?

Government analyst Joseph Kimani told the court that the straps, which form part of the exhibits he was required to profile, did not link Mr Irungu, to them in any way. So, whose, was it?

Reports indicate that Monicah Kimani wasapparently raped before being brutally murdered.

On the 4th and 5th October 2018, the Standard newspaper reported that a DNA test of semen found in Monicah’s pants matched Irungu’s by 99% therefore placed him at the centre of the crime scene.

Please note that the DNA sample forms presented in court state that the DNA samples of the 1st and the 2nd accused were taken on this very 5th of October at 18.10hrs.

So how did the police then issue a statement on the issue to the Standard Newspapers without having taken the samples first?

Now, Listen to this!

From our investigation desk, it has been made known to us that the Post-mortem report presented in court had nowhere mentioning that there were signs of rape neither is there any document presented in court indicating the same.

Who gave out this information? Remember, this is the only one time all samples taken in the Lamuria Gardens apartment are said to have matched Mr Irungu’s DNA.

Where are these results indicating a 99% match and why were they never presented

in court?

Please see screenshot of the post-mortem results below.


Still on the DNA issue, the investigating officer revealed that tests by the Government Chemist in a report reference A 199/2018 dated December 13, 2018, confirmed that DNA profile generated from the shorts Mr Irungu wore on the day of the murder marched that generated from Monicah’s blood sample.


Apparently, the Investigating officers found it appropriate to cut the area in which the stain of blood was in order to take it to the lab for further analysis.

They however cut both sides of the Khaki shorts insinuating that the blood stain had penetrated through the leg and onto the other side of the shorts. Something that is literally impossible.

Part 2