Health & Relationships Nairobi News Top News

Story Behind Man Seen Sl*pping Woman On A BodaBoda.

In a shocking display of public anger, a man was seen fuming beside a busy road and visibly upset with a lady who was on a boda boda, seemingly Staggering. The man is surprisingly seen landing a slap on the lady. It’s now come to light that the couple’s young child was left unattended, sort of justifying the gravity of the altercation .

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the husband’s fury was justified. The wife had abandoned their child to go drinking, showing a blatant disregard for her responsibilities as a parent. The video, captured by a passerby, shows the wife stumbling off the boda boda, highlighting the dangerous consequences of her actions.

This incident raises questions about the state of Kenyan Family values and personal responsibility in our society. It serves as a stark reminder of the impact of alcohol abuse on families and the importance of responsible parenting.

From the video, we are left wondering where we are heading as a society. Will we continue to prioritize personal desires over family obligations, or will we take steps to ensure that our actions do not harm those who depend on us?

This story is a call to action for all of us to reflect on our own values and priorities, and to consider the consequences of our actions on those around us.

Nairobi News Top News

Crackdown on Drug Trafficking Networks in Nairobi Suburbs Leads to Multiple Arrests

In a concerted effort to combat the scourge of drug trafficking in Nairobi, law enforcement agencies have conducted a series of targeted operations resulting in the apprehension of several individuals involved in illicit drug activities across various suburbs.

The recent arrests have shed light on the extent of the narcotics trade in the region and the diverse network of individuals implicated in these illegal operations.

Details of the Arrests:

Ruth Wamboi Maina, a 65-year-old woman known as ‘Shosh‘ or ‘Shosh wa madre,’ was arrested on March 18, 2024, at her retail shop, Wachamka, in the Githurai-Majengo area of Kasarani. She stands accused of peddling heroin, bhang, and illicit brews. Ruth Wamboi was subsequently arraigned before the Kahawa law courts on March 20, 2024.

Margaret Adhiambo Owino and Joyce Akoth Atanasi, both 63 years old, were apprehended on March 15, 2024, by DCI officers in Kware, Ongata Rongai. Their arrest followed a police raid on a drug den allegedly distributing drugs to students from nearby universities such as Multimedia University, Africa Nazarene, and Catholic University.

Eddy Owino, a Kenyan, and Janeth Israel Masaki, a Tanzanian, were arrested alongside Margaret and Joyce for their involvement in packaging drugs for further distribution. The four individuals were presented before the JKIA Law Courts on March 20, 2024.

Florence Wanjiku, known as ‘Mama Esther,’ and her daughter Esther Wambui Wachira were apprehended at their residence in Grogon with a significant quantity of heroin valued at approximately 7.5 million. Esther was also found with heroin in her vehicle, a Nissan Note KDH 690D, which she intended to distribute.

Julius Karomo was arrested within Ruaka estate for peddling drugs to students and young residents. He was caught with cannabis and synthetic drugs aboard his Honda Fit vehicle. Julius appeared in court on March 20, 2024, at the JKIA Law Courts and was granted bail.

Yusuf Juma was arrested on March 19, 2024, in the Hurlingham area of Kilimani with cocaine valued at approximately 1 million. His Nissan Latio vehicle, along with drug paraphernalia, was recovered during the operation.

The recent arrests of these individuals involved in drug trafficking highlight the ongoing efforts by law enforcement to dismantle illicit drug networks operating in Nairobi suburbs. These operations serve as a stark reminder of the persistent challenges posed by drug trafficking and the importance of collaborative efforts to combat this menace in the community.

Nairobi News Top News

Beware: Thieves Disguised As KPLC Staffers Raid Neighborhoods Stealing Cloths On Hanging Lines

In a concerning trend, the theft of clothes left to dry in Nairobi County has surged, particularly impacting low to moderate-income neighborhoods, with a notable peak during the festive season. Perpetrators, cleverly disguised in official uniforms of the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), exploit the trust of residents by claiming to inspect meters or address electricity issues.


Daylight becomes their opportune moment, targeting rugs, clothes, and shoes when homeowners are away at work. Unfolding their stolen bounty, they meticulously pack items into bags, later peddling them as second-hand treasures in Gikomba market. The response from residents has been to bolster daytime security measures to curb this rising menace.


An investigation done by Taifa Leo has unveiled a thriving market for stolen children’s clothing, women’s attire, handbags, and shoes. The retail clothing businesses in both street markets and central Nairobi, notably flourish, reaching a crescendo in December. Men’s shoes, commonly priced between Sh 3,000 – 4,000 in conventional stores, find themselves fetching approximately Sh500 on the bustling streets.


This resurgence of second-hand clothing trade ignited a fervent debate last year, with some leaders advocating for its dismissal. However, a resilient online community of traders ardently defended the industry. They argued that their livelihoods are intricately tied to the trade, given the limited employment opportunities prevailing in the country.


Opposition leader Raila Odinga, echoing the sentiments of many, emphasized that shutting down this sector is not the solution. Instead, he highlighted its crucial role in providing numerous jobs for Kenyans, underscoring the complexities surrounding this nuanced issue. As Nairobi grapples with this challenge, residents and authorities alike are working towards innovative solutions to safeguard their communities and preserve the vibrancy of their local markets.


Kiambu Kisumu Mombasa Nairobi News Top News

Airbnb Con Artist Exposed: Sheila Wakesho’s Elaborate Fraud Scheme Unveiled

In a shocking fraud case that DCI unearthed, Sheila Wakesho Matasa, the alleged mastermind behind a series of fraudulent schemes targeting holidaymakers, has been apprehended by detectives in Kiambaa, Kiambu County. The 24-year-old suspect’s audacious exploits spanned across Nairobi, Kiambu, Kisumu, and Mombasa counties, leaving unsuspecting victims stranded and out of pocket.

Mombasa Airbnb Con
One of the 24yr Olds Airbnb Facebook page that she used to dupe unsuspecting clients. Photo/DCI

Wakesho’s modus operandi involved creating a facade of multiple Airbnb properties along the picturesque coastal region of Mombasa. With social media accounts like Lifestyle Beachfront Airbnb, Mombasa Raha Airbnb, and Shah Tours, she managed to amass a following of over 10,000 individuals seeking memorable getaways.


However, her apparent empire was built on deception. The content used to promote these luxury accommodations was plagiarized, and the accompanying photos were not only misleading but also bore copyright infringement. Wakesho’s victims, who could only interact with her online, fell prey to her cunning tactics.


The unsuspecting holidaymakers were instructed to channel their booking fees to Mpesa Till number 8981656 or Paybill number 400200 ACC name: 01100252088001. Once the funds were transferred, Wakesho disappeared, leaving her victims stranded at various locations, including beaches, bus stations, SGR terminals, and airports.


What makes Wakesho’s case particularly intricate is her meticulous effort to cover her tracks. She used multiple subscriber SIM cards registered under different names, often utilizing stolen ID cards. The list of numbers associated with her fraudulent activities includes 0708901010, 0799 661 708, 0799 605 774, 0707 920971, 0742 521046, and 0788 370306.

The turning point in her spree came when she targeted a banker who refused to be just another victim. The banker’s alertness and quick action led to a tip-off to the detectives, culminating in Wakesho’s arrest at a bank lobby in Ruaka.


As law enforcement agencies across Nairobi, including DCI Kilimani, Kasarani, Thika, Kiambaa, and DCI Kiambu, process files for her arraignment, Wakesho awaits legal proceedings in multiple counties where her fraudulent activities have been reported.


For individuals with information or potential victims, the DCI has launched the #FichuakwaDCI campaign, urging them to call 0800 722 203. Remember, reporting is a shared responsibility!