Kericho County News Top News

Henious Murder: Motive in Isaac Maritim, ‘Baba Africa’ unearthed.

In a heart-wrenching incident that has left the community of Kipkelion West, Kipsitet and Kericho County specifically in shock. Political blogger and PA Isaac Maritim, widely known as ‘Baba Africa,’ met a tragic end in a brutal murder. The late Maritim was not only a close comfidant to Honorable Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ of Kipkelion West but also served as an officer at the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) office.

Head scan results
Baba Africa’s’ head Injuries. Photo/Facebook

The incident occurred as Maritim was reportedly heading home after having one for the road at Mushroom Club at Kipsitet.  Isaac was brutally attacked and died from severe head injuries. An image of his cracked skull was posted online on X. The details surrounding his death are still emerging, but preliminary information points to a dispute that he had with an individual known as ‘Keki‘ from Kipsitet. From the Screenshots, the suspect is reported to have locked the deceased in a house, bleeding him to death toll This suggests that Isaac could have survived the attack had he been swiftly taken to the hospital.

Isaac murder
The main suspect known as ‘Keki‘. Photo/Facebook


Facebook Screenshot
Screenshot on who might have planned Isaac’s murder. Photo/Facebook

According to screenshots obtained from Facebook, it has been reported that Maritim had been embroiled in a disagreement over a debt issue. The nature and cause of this dispute are yet to be conclusively determined, adding a layer of complexity to the already tragic situation.


Isaac ‘Baba Africa’ Maritim was a well-respected figure within the community, and his untimely demise has sent shockwaves through Kipsitet and beyond. Hon. Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ Koskei expressed deep sorrow over the loss of his close assistant, describing Maritim as a dedicated and valuable member of his team.


Law enforcement is actively investigating the case, with ‘Keki‘ identified as the main suspect. The community is anxiously awaiting further updates as authorities work to unravel the circumstances leading to this devastating event.


As Kipkelion west mourns the loss of a prominent community member, the focus turns towards seeking justice for Isaac Maritim. The impact of this tragedy reaches far beyond the immediate circle of friends and family, reminding everyone of the fragility of life and the need for community solidarity during times of grief.


Kipkelion west, MP, Hon Hillary ‘Nyiganet’ Koskei sent his condolences to the family on his official Facebook page vowing to push the authorities to hold the killers to book.

This is an ongoing story and Smartie News will continue to follow this story as more information becomes available.




17th Nov 2023

More Questions Raised by Locals Regarding Maritime Death

Photo/Courtesy, Facebook

Residents are now piling pressure on Kipsitet Police station, under Kericho County Police Commander to help the family in answering very pertinent issues regarding Baba Africa’s death.  Above is a screenshot of some pertinent important questions regarding the case. This clearly exposes a clear and detailed plan put in place to murder the Blogger.

We are working to update you on each and every progress on this case.

Smartie News

SmartBuzz Top News World

VIDEO: Tiktok ‘Narco Queen’ Sabrina Duran Shot Dead.

In a shocking turn of events, 24-year-old Sabrina Durán, known for her popular beauty videos on TikTok, met a tragic end in Chile. With a substantial online following, Durán’s life took a dark twist as she became involved in underground criminal activities alongside her brothers, earning her recognition for car theft and drug-related offenses.

In 2022, the law finally caught up with Durán, resulting in her arrest and a three-year jail sentence for drug trafficking. However, she had been serving the end of her punishment under supervised release.

On a fateful day, while en route to a nail salon, Durán’s life was abruptly cut short. Masked assailants fired eight shots, leaving her fatally wounded. The gruesome aftermath was captured on social media, sending shockwaves through her followers.

Adding to the brutality of the incident, the assailants proceeded to take her car, setting it ablaze, leaving no doubt about the cold-blooded nature of the attack. The incident occurred at a staggering 9 o’clock in the morning, further intensifying the shock and horror surrounding the event.

What makes this tragedy even more puzzling is that just a day prior to her untimely demise, Durán was reviewing products sent to her by DCM Cosmetic, a company that had recognized her influence and sent her items to promote. The stark contrast between her online persona and the darker aspects of her life raise questions about the complexity of her character and the world she was a part of.

Local law enforcement has labeled her assassination as “cold-blooded,” and they are actively investigating whether her past involvement in drug-related crimes is connected to her shocking death. The circumstances surrounding Sabrina Durán’s life and violent end serve as a stark reminder of the complexities that can be hidden beneath the surface of social media influencers, leaving the public to grapple with the tragic consequences of a life marred by crime.


News Top News

Two Arrested Over Taxi Driver’s Abduction and Gruesome Murder.


In a shocking turn of events, the Nairobi Region Crime Research detectives have cracked a complex case involving the abduction and murder of taxi driver Evans Bikundo Moracha. This gruesome crime has sent ripples through the community, leaving many shocked. The details that have emerged paint a chilling picture of a well-orchestrated murder plot, involving multiple individuals, and an unexpected twist in the investigation.


Evans Bikundo Moracha’s tragic journey into the unknown began on the night of October 11, 2023, when he was forcibly taken from his own home in the presence of his wife, Teresa Masesi Kerubo. Little did they know that this terrifying night would set off a chain of events that would culminate in a gruesome discovery.


Three days later, Teresa reported her husband’s disappearance and the absence of their Toyota Vitz with registration number KDH 833M to Mihang’o Police Station. Adding to the mystery, Evans’s phone was offline, and it seemed as though he had vanished without a trace.


On the same day Teresa reported her husband missing, Assistant Chief of Githuri sub-location in Murang’a County informed the police of an unidentified male body found at River Sagana. The body was not only naked but also bore multiple head injuries, suggesting a brutal and violent end.

Phone recovered from Taxi driver killers
The deceased Phone found in one of the Suspects house. Photo/Courtesy

The authorities took the body to Murang’a Level 5 Hospital Mortuary for further investigation. Thanks to fingerprinting and analysis at the National Registration Bureau (NRB) offices, the body was identified as that of Evans Moracha, the very man whose wife had reported missing.


With a chilling murder case on their hands, the Nairobi Region crime researchers, aided by the operations unit, initiated a relentless manhunt for the perpetrators. Acting on crucial intelligence, the team’s pursuit led them to Ruringu village in Nyeri County, where they arrested Stanley Collins Muthika, one of the suspects.


Upon interrogation, Muthika led the detectives to Olekasasi in Ongata Rongai, where the second suspect, Kennedy Murimi Kinyua, was apprehended. Shockingly, investigations revealed that Kinyua was a police officer who had deserted his duty station, Akila Police Station in Lang’ata, and was on interdiction. He held the rank of a Constable and was designated as a driver.


During a search of Kinyua’s residence, investigators made a significant discovery. They recovered the deceased’s mobile phone and a stun torch, which the suspect confessed to using to light their way to River Sagana, where they disposed of the victim’s body.


As the pieces of this chilling puzzle fall into place, an even more shocking revelation comes to light. Forensic-led intelligence uncovers a well-orchestrated murder plot that challenges the initial assumption of a mere disappearance and sudden death. It appears that Moracha did not simply vanish; he was forcibly taken from his own home by the sinister duo.


The Twist..

Days later after his alleged dissapearence, his car was mysteriously driven back to Teresa’s neighborhood and discreetly abandoned, a safe distance from her house. Cyber-crime detectives entered the scene, and their findings were truly astonishing. They unearthed conversations, including negotiations for undisclosed payments, between Teresa and the two suspects. These exchanges dated back before Moracha’s abduction, during the time he was missing, and even after the recovery of his lifeless body.


In light of this new evidence, the police have cast a spotlight on Teresa, who now finds herself under suspicion. Her arrest appears imminent as authorities believe she may be the mastermind behind her husband’s heinous murder. It is suspected that her report of her husband’s disappearance might have been a calculated move, initiated only after she got wind of her husband’s body being discovered in Murang’a.


As investigations continue to unfold, the motive behind this gruesome homicide remains a mystery, and authorities are determined to uncover the truth.


This chilling case serves as a stark reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and even the most unimaginable crimes can occur in our communities. The search for justice is far from over, and we can only hope that the answers to this twisted tale will soon come to light.


If you have any information, don’t hesitate to call 0800 722 203 to report anonymously. Your voice can make a difference. Usiogope! #FichuakwaDCI