Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

DJ Joe Mfalme’s Role as State Witness in Murder Case: A Look at the Possible Scenarios!

The recent revelation that popular DJ Joe Mfalme will serve as a state witness in the murder case of Kabete Police Detective Felix Kelian has sent shockwaves through the music industry and legal circles alike. As a state witness, DJ Joe’s testimony could play a pivotal role in the case, potentially shaping its outcome and shedding light on the events leading to Kelian’s tragic death.

Here are some possible scenarios of the case going forward with DJ Joe as a state witness:

Conviction of the Accused: DJ Joe’s testimony could provide crucial evidence that leads to the conviction of his long time colleague  and work mate, MC Hypeman Ballo in the murder case. While this outcome would bring a sense of justice to Kelian’s family and loved ones, as well as to the wider community, This would ruin DJ Joe’s relationship completely with Ballo and stick the ‘snitch‘ tag on Joe

New Suspects or Motives: DJ Joe’s testimony could also uncover new information that changes the course of the investigation. This could lead to the identification of new suspects or motives, potentially shedding light on the circumstances surrounding Kelian’s death.

Plea Deal: DJ Joe’s cooperation with the authorities could lead to a plea deal for the accused, potentially reducing their sentence in exchange for information. This outcome could help expedite the legal process and bring closure to the case.

Challenge to Credibility: The defense could challenge DJ Joe’s credibility as a witness, potentially casting doubt on the prosecution’s case. This could lead to a more drawn-out legal process, with both sides presenting their arguments and evidence in court.

Impact on Joe’s Career and Public Image: DJ Joe’s status as a state witness could also impact his career and public image, potentially leading to backlash or criticism from fans or associates. This outcome could be a challenging one for DJ Joe, as he navigates the legal process and the potential impact on his personal and professional life.

Precedent for Future Legal Proceedings: The case could also set a precedent for how state witnesses are treated and regarded in future legal proceedings in Kenya. This outcome could have far-reaching implications for the legal system and the role of state witnesses in criminal investigations.

As the case unfolds, it is clear that DJ Joe’s testimony will be a crucial factor in its outcome. The legal process is complex and unpredictable, and the ultimate outcome will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence, the credibility of the witnesses, and the arguments presented by both the prosecution and the defense.

Regardless of the outcome, DJ Joe’s decision to serve as a state witness is a brave one, and his testimony could play a pivotal role in the pursuit of justice for Detective Kelian and his loved ones, But could be a life ending move for his friend, Allan Ochieng, aka MC Ballo.

Baringo News Top News

Police Officer Fatally Stabbed by Wife For Coming Home Late in Kiplombe, Baringo!

In a shocking turn of events, the tranquil town of Kiplombe in Baringo County was rocked by a tragic incident that claimed the life of a dedicated police officer. Officer Vincent Kipterim met a gruesome fate when he was fatally stabbed with a machete by his own wife, ZamZam Bashir, in their home.

The heartbreaking incident unfolded in the early hours of a Tuesday morning, as Officer Kipterim returned home late, only to be met with a violent outburst from his spouse. The brutal attack, which resulted in the officer’s untimely death, has sent shockwaves through the community and raised concerns about domestic violence and its devastating consequences.

While authorities have not disclosed specific actions taken in response to this tragedy, the incident has shed light on the need for increased awareness and support for victims of domestic violence. The loss of Officer Kipterim serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing issues of conflict and violence within homes and communities.

As investigations continue into the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking event, the community mourns the loss of a dedicated officer and grapples with the aftermath of this senseless act of violence. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the urgent need for greater efforts to prevent such tragedies from recurring in the future.

Bomet Top News

Murder: Tragedy Strikes Silibwet, Bomet As Robert Kilel Massacres His Whole Family.

In a shocking and tragic incident that has left the community of Silibwet Town reeling, a middle-aged man identified as Robert Kilel, also known as Simini, stands accused of a heinous crime. The events unfolded on the evening of March 1, 2024, at Kipkebe Village within the Silibwet Slaughterhouse area. Robert Kilel reportedly slaughtered his three children and a maid while his wife was away selling clothes in their boutique in Silibwet Town.


The victims of this horrific act include a 3-year-old girl, a 4-year-old nephew, and a 20-year-old maid who tragically lost their lives. Additionally, the suspect’s 15-year-old son succumbed to injuries sustained during the attack while undergoing treatment at Tenwek Hospital. The eldest son managed to escape and raise the alarm, rushing his injured younger brother to seek medical help.


Robert Kilel, a resident of Kipkoi Village in Kabungut Sub-location, was unmarried and had formed a family with Naomi, a businesswoman from Silibwet Town. Together they had two sons aged 18 and 15, and a 3-year-old daughter. The family also hosted Naomi’s 4-year-old nephew and employed a 20-year-old maid.


The police are currently on the hunt for Robert Kilel, who is believed to have fled the scene after committing the gruesome act. As this tragic incident continues to unfold, the community is left in shock and mourning over the senseless loss of innocent lives.


News Top News World

Breaking: Fugitive Kelvin Kangethe Captured in Ngong After Week-Long Escape

Kelvin Kangethe, the fugitive who had escaped a few days ago, Causing chaos and threatening US-Kenya relations, was rearrested on Tuesday evening, February 13, in Embulbul, Ngong, after a police night ambush.

Kangethe, who was wanted in Massachusetts for murder, had been on the run for a week before his capture. He was found seeking refuge at a location in Ngong while visiting his cousin.

The rearrest of Kangethe marks the end of his week-long escape and the resolution of a high-profile case. The capture was confirmed by a police report and has garnered significant attention in the news. This event brings closure to the search for Kangethe and is a significant development in the legal proceedings against him.

The details of his rearrest and the circumstances leading to it have been the focus of various news outlets, reflecting the public interest in the case. The authorities’ successful operation to apprehend Kangethe demonstrates their commitment to pursuing fugitives and upholding the law.

Counties News Top News

City Lawyer Mysteriously Abducted, Shocking Twist Reveals Links to Murder Fugitive’s Escape.

City lawyer Beatrice Ngethe found herself in a perplexing situation after being picked up by DCI officers and held in an undisclosed location since Friday. The turning point came when she was released on a Ksh100,000 cash bail, prompting questions about the circumstances surrounding her apprehension.


The sequence of events unfolded when Beatrice was taken from her Nairobi apartment by three unidentified individuals in a Subaru Forester, as captured by surveillance footage from an undisclosed location. After her departure, three officers, two women and a man, were observed entering the premises and later emerging with Beatrice, escorting her towards their parked vehicle adjacent to the apartment wall.


This mysterious incident occurred a few minutes past 6:50 am on Friday, with the group swiftly departing by 7 am, leaving her family members in a state of frantic worry. Despite their relentless efforts scouring various police stations, including Kiambu, Gigiri, Muthaiga, Karen, and the DCI headquarters along Kiambu road, Beatrice remained untraced for three days.


The veil of uncertainty surrounding her whereabouts was lifted when she reappeared at Pangani Police Station. The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) had played a pivotal role in demanding her immediate release, citing her affiliation with Kevin Kang’ethe, a Kenyan fugitive linked to the murder of Maggie Mbitu at Boston Logan International Airport.


While it remains unconfirmed whether Beatrice served as Kang’ethe’s legal representative, LSK affirmed her right to represent him, given his status as the prime suspect. Kang’ethe’s escape from Muthaiga Police Station, allegedly facilitated by a visit from a purported lawyer at a Westlands nightclub, continues to baffle authorities.


Despite ongoing efforts, Kang’ethe remains at large, prompting LSK to seek clarity on the treatment of its member, Beatrice Ngethe. Meanwhile, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations are actively pursuing a second suspect believed to be Kang’ethe’s brother, suspected to be the mastermind behind the dramatic escape.


The male suspect, who allegedly linked up with Kang’ethe at Muthaiga Police Station, has since gone off the grid, switching off his mobile phones and eluding law enforcement alongside the fugitive. Detectives are diligently examining CCTV footage from locations he last visited and analyzing mobile phone call data to aid in their investigation.


The circumstances surrounding Beatrice Ng’ethe’s arrest, lasting close to 72 hours, are shrouded in ambiguity. It remains unclear whether the male suspect communicated with her before or after Kang’ethe’s escape from Muthaiga Police Station, adding another layer of complexity to this unfolding narrative.

Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Why Did Jowie Irungu Kill Monica?

Joseph ‘Jowie‘ Irungu was convicted of murdering businesswoman Monica Kimani in 2018. However, the motive behind the murder remains unknown. Justice Grace Nzioka, in her determination of the murder case against Mr Irungu and his then-fiancée Jacque Maribe, chose not to pursue the topic of motive. The judge agreed with Kimani’s family that a person can be pinned down for murder even when the motive has not been established.


The Penal Code requires proving of malice aforethought (intention to harm) and not the motive. Mr Irungu tried to advance a narrative of unfaithfulness on the part of Ms Kimani in court. However, the judge stated that it is possible to have DNA traces of more than one person on the straps used to tie Monica. As such, why the late Kimani had to die may well remain a mystery.

The questions of why Mr Irungu had a gun he did not use in the murder, why he stole an identity card two days before killing her, and who are the “others before the court” and will they ever be arraigned remain unanswered.


The murder of Monica Kimani was a gruesome and senseless act that left many people wondering why it happened. The fact that the motive behind the murder remains unknown only adds to the mystery. Justice Grace Nzioka’s decision not to pursue the topic of motive has left many people frustrated and confused. However, it is important to note that the Penal Code requires proving of malice aforethought (intention to harm) and not the motive. This means that even if the motive behind the murder is unknown, Mr Irungu can still be held accountable for his actions.


During the trial, Mr Irungu tried to advance a narrative of unfaithfulness on the part of Ms Kimani. He claimed that a message sent from the deceased’s phone to Anthony Kariuki Kaka, one of the prosecution witnesses, saying, ‘Kuja unisaidie kulala,’ was evidence of her unfaithfulness. He argued that if the message got to Monica’s Sudanese boyfriend, he would have gotten infuriated, annoyed, and probably would commit the murder. However, the judge stated that it is possible to have DNA traces of more than one person on the straps used to tie Monica. This means that the DNA traces found on the straps do not necessarily prove that the Sudanese boyfriend was involved in the murder.


The questions of why Mr Irungu had a gun he did not use in the murder, why he stole an identity card two days before killing her, and who are the “others not before the court” and will they ever be arraigned remain unanswered. These questions only add to the mystery surrounding the murder of Monica Kimani. It is important to note that justice was served, and Mr Irungu was convicted of the murder. However, the fact that the motive behind the murder remains unknown is a reminder that sometimes, even the justice system cannot provide all the answers.


In conclusion, the murder of Monica Kimani was a senseless act that left many people wondering why it happened. The fact that the motive behind the murder remains unknown only adds to the mystery. Justice Grace Nzioka’s decision not to pursue the topic of motive has left many people frustrated and confused. However, it is important to note that the Penal Code requires proving of malice aforethought (intention to harm) and not the motive. The questions of why Mr Irungu had a gun he did not use in the murder, why he stole an identity card two days before killing her, and who are the “others not before the court” and will they ever be arraigned remain unanswered. These questions only add to the mystery surrounding the murder of Monica Kimani.


Athletics Sports Top News Uasin Gishu World

Breakthrough: Two Men Arrested in Connection with the Brutal Killing of Olympic Runner in Kenya

Ugandan Olympic Runner Benjamin Kiplagat was found fatally stabbed in a car in Kenya on New Year’s Eve. The news of his death sent shockwaves across the world, and many were left wondering who could have committed such a heinous crime.


However, the Kenyan police have now arrested two men in connection with the killing of the athlete. The motive for the killing appears to have been robbery, as money and a cell phone had been taken from Kiplagat. The knife suspected to be the murder weapon was found on one of the suspects arrested by police.


Kiplagat was a well-known athlete who competed in three Olympic games and six world championships in the 3,000-meter steeplechase. His death has left the sports world in mourning, and many have taken to social media to express their condolences. Uganda’s state minister for sports, Peter Ogwang, said in a statement on social media, “I am saddened to hear about the death of our athlete, Benjamin Kiplagat who was reportedly murdered in Kenya. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”


The arrest of the two men in connection with Kiplagat’s killing is a significant development in the case. The police have launched an investigation, and officers are on the ground pursuing leads. The motive for the killing appears to have been robbery, but the investigation is ongoing. The news of the arrests has brought some relief to Kiplagat’s family and friends, who have been waiting for justice to be served.


News SmartBuzz Top News World

Bizzare Story Of a Naked Kenyan Man Who Beat Another To Death in Texas.

Chrisantus Omondi, a 27-year-old man, was arrested and charged with the murder of a delivery driver in Fort Worth, Texas. The victim, Scott Jackson, was delivering firewood to a residence when Omondi, who was reportedly naked, attacked him with firewood, resulting in Jackson’s death. Omondi also assaulted another individual at the scene. He was reported to have been staying at an Airbnb in the area. Omondi’s aggressive behavior and the tragic incident shocked the local community. He remains in jail on a $300,000 bond and faces charges of murder, aggravated assault, and obstruction or retaliation. The details of the incident and Omondi’s arrest have been widely covered by news outlets in Texas and beyond.


On the fateful day, Scott Jackson, a firewood delivery driver, was making his rounds in Fort Worth, Texas. As he approached a residence to deliver a load of firewood, he was suddenly confronted by a naked man, later identified as Chrisantus Omondi. Omondi, who was reportedly staying at an Airbnb in the area, allegedly attacked Jackson with firewood, causing severe injuries that ultimately led to his death.

The suspect, Mr. Chrisantus Omondi.

The incident did not end there. Omondi also assaulted another individual at the scene, further escalating the situation. The local community was shocked and saddened by the tragic event, as a delivery driver lost his life in a senseless act of violence.


Omondi was quickly apprehended by law enforcement and charged with murder, aggravated assault, and obstruction or retaliation. He remains in jail on a $300,000 bond, awaiting trial. The details of the incident and Omondi’s arrest have been widely covered by news outlets in Texas and beyond, sparking discussions about mental health, homelessness, and the need for better support systems for individuals in crisis.

Tragic Incident Claims 2 Kenyans in Gosnells, WA as Vehicle Crashes and Ignites on Tonkin Highway!

The victim, Scott Jackson, was remembered by his family and friends as a hardworking individual who was dedicated to his job. His tragic death has left a lasting impact on the community, and his loved ones continue to grieve his loss. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing mental health issues and providing support for those in need.

Nairobi News Top News

UPDATE: TRM Drive Killer Used Instagram To Lure Her Victim On The Tragic Airbnb Murder

The TRM Drive Airbnb tragedy takes a chilling turn as it’s revealed that the victim was lured via Instagram. The suspect, a Nigerian national, used the social media platform to initiate contact with the 20-year-old woman, who ultimately traveled to the Airbnb location in Roysambu, Nairobi.


The exchanges between the victim and the suspect shed light on the sinister plot that led to the heinous crime. The suspect was arrested at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) as he attempted to leave the country. The victim’s dismembered remains were found, and the police suspect that she was drugged prior to her death.


This shocking development underscores the potential dangers of online interactions and the need for heightened awareness when using social media platforms. The investigation is ongoing, and the police are working to gather more evidence and information related to the case.


The arrest of the suspect is a significant development in the case, but the full details of the investigation and the motive behind the crime are yet to be revealed. The authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and to report any information that may assist in the ongoing investigation.


The impact of this harrowing incident has reverberated through the community, prompting a renewed focus on the need for enhanced safety measures and awareness, both online and offline. As the investigation continues, the hope is that justice will be served for the victim and her loved ones.


The use of social media in criminal activities is a growing concern, and this tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with online communication. It also highlights the importance of exercising caution and vigilance when engaging with individuals on digital platforms.



Nairobi News Top News

Young Student Brutally Murdered At TRM Airbnb!

In a horrifying incident posted by Mwangi Muthiora on Facebook, A lifeless body of a 24-year-old student has been discovered in a local Airbnb along TRM drive. The victim,a young woman, fell victim to a gruesome crime, as preliminary investigations unveiled a disturbing scene.


Law enforcement officials from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in Kasarani have initiated a thorough investigation into the heinous act. The victim’s body, shockingly dismembered, with body parts meticulously placed in a paper bag, paints a grim picture of the brutality that unfolded within the confines of the rented accommodation.

Sources indicate that the alleged perpetrator is a Nigerian national. The motive behind this chilling crime remains unclear as investigators delve into the details surrounding the incident. The police, alongside forensic experts, are meticulously examining the crime scene to gather crucial evidence that may lead to the apprehension of the assailant.


The identity of the victim is being withheld until the family is officially notified of the heartbreaking news. The entire community is left in shock and grief over the loss of a promising young individual, as they await further details from the ongoing investigation.


As the community grapples with the tragedy, authorities are urging anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and assist in the pursuit of justice. The police are determined to bring the perpetrator to account for this senseless act, offering some solace to a community left in mourning over the untimely death of a vibrant young soul.

News Top News

Disturbing Crime Spree Exposed: Airbnb Clients Turned Criminals Kidnap and Extort Victims After S3x

Nairobi Residents Urged to Exercise Caution in the Wake of Shocking Incidents.


In a chilling revelation, a series of horrifying crimes involving Airbnb clients have come to light, exposing a dark underbelly of criminal activities within Nairobi and the thriving accomodation  sharing sphere of Airbnb’s. It’s alleged that the victims, mostly women engaged in discreet adult services, have fallen prey to a gang led by a man identified as John Matara.


Case 1: A Terrifying Encounter

In the first reported incident, a woman identified as Milcah shared her unnamed friends harrowing experience on social media. According to her account, The friend met John Matara on a dating site, where he initially showered her with financial generosity. Their rendezvous seemed normal, Matara even went to the extend of  insisted on a rapid HIV test, posing as a concerned partner, before holding the lady at knifepoint.

After engaging in a shocking demand for funds, Matara subjected the victim to further degradation, recording explicit videos as a means of coercion.


Milcah managed to escape with her life, but the trauma left behind serves as a stark warning to others. The criminal, John Matara, is said to operate within a group of 11 men, using high-end vehicles to gain the trust of his victims.

Case 2: A Similar Tale of Horror

In a recent strikingly similar incident, the recent victim, identified as Starlet, faced a brutal attack after an outcall to an Airbnb location. As reported, the assailant, presumably John Matara, resorted to violence, leaving the victim battered and seeking ransom. The vicious attack resulted in a blood-stained crime scene, as the victim fought desperately for survival. The alarming aspect of these crimes is the reluctance of victims within certain professions to report such incidents, often fearing societal stigma and victimization.

The rise of Airbnb culture appears to have inadvertently facilitated these criminals in luring unsuspecting victims. Authorities are urging caution, especially for those engaged in activities that might make them vulnerable to such crimes.

Shocking Murder of Pastor Kanyari’s Younger Sister, Starlet Wahu, Unfolds in South B Airbnb

Police Investigation and Public Awareness

In the wake of these shocking revelations, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has launched a comprehensive investigation. John Matara was traced to Mbagathi Hospital after being injured during a scuffle with one of his victims.


Nairobi residents are being urged to exercise heightened vigilance and report any suspicious activities to the police. The disturbing trend highlights the need for enhanced security measures within the sharing economy, particularly when it comes to short-term accommodation services like Airbnb.


As the stories unfold, Smartie News will continue to follow this developing situation, providing updates on the investigation and efforts to ensure the safety of residents in Nairobi and beyond.


Shocking Murder of Pastor Kanyari’s Younger Sister, Starlet Wahu, Unfolds in South B Airbnb

In a deeply unsettling turn of events, the life of Starlet Wahu, the younger sister of controversial pastor Kanyari, was brutally cut short in a South B Airbnb. The circumstances surrounding her tragic death are shrouded in mystery, leaving the community in shock and prompting an intensive police investigation.


The chilling discovery was made when authorities found Starlet Wahu’s lifeless body inside the rented apartment. Initial reports suggest a meticulous and skillful approach to the crime, with indications that the perpetrator was knowledgeable about where and how to inflict fatal injuries.


Speculations about a potential motive have surfaced, with some suggesting a connection to extortion. It is alleged that Starlet Wahu may have threatened the assailant with false accusations of sexual assault, prompting a violent response. However, these claims remain unverified and are part of the ongoing investigation.


Law enforcement officials are not ruling out the possibility of a serial killer being involved, given the methodical nature of the murder. The South B community is now grappling with fear and uncertainty as residents demand answers and justice for Starlet Wahu.


The hookup that led to this tragedy reportedly occurred at the Airbnb in South B, raising concerns about the safety of such accommodations. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are urging anyone with information related to the case to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrator to justice.


The shocking incident has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting discussions about safety measures and the need for increased security awareness. As the investigation progresses, many are left questioning the motives behind such a heinous act and hoping for swift justice for the late Starlet Wahu.

Elgeyo Marakwet

Brutal Cold Murder Case Revisited 12 Years Later: Exhumation Ordered for Former KVDA Boss Silvanos Tubei

Police in Keiyo South Sub County are set to exhume a body believed to be that of the former Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) boss Silvanos Tubei, who went missing 12 years ago.

A court order from the Iten magistrate’s court was obtained by police officers in Keiyo South Sub-County, Elgeyo Marakwet, to exhume Tubei’s remains from his Chepkurmum farm, where they were discovered over the weekend.


The discovery of the remains happened when children sent to collect firewood noticed a blanket buried in the area where Tubei’s body might not have been discovered. Upon pulling the buried blanket, an odor struck them, and a human skull was found, prompting them to alert a gardener on the property.


Two of Tubei’s children with his deceased first wife had moved abroad, while the second wife and her child disappeared after being acquitted by the courts. Officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) will take the remains for DNA testing to confirm if it is indeed Tubei.

If the DNA results identify the remains as those of the former KVDA chief, it could reopen a case dismissed by the courts due to lack of evidence, resulting in his estranged wife and another suspect being set free. The estranged wife was arrested after being found in possession of Tubei’s cell phone.


When reported missing 12 years ago, family sources informed the media and police that Tubei disappeared from his home at 10 am on the morning of September 26 and was never seen again. The discovery of clothing matching what Tubei was wearing when he went missing has raised questions for detectives investigating how a man reported missing ended up buried on his farm wrapped in a blanket.

CS Murkomen’s Alleged Opulent Mansion Under Construction Sparks Controversy.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragedy Strikes in Kericho County as Domestic Dispute Turns Deadly

A tragic incident Just unfolded at Finlays Tea Estate, Kericho County when a domestic dispute escalated into a violent act, leaving one woman dead.


The unfortunate events began when a 46-year-old man, identified as Cornell Otieno, returned home to his residence. Shortly after his arrival, an argument erupted between him and his wife. The heated exchange quickly intensified, leading to a physical confrontation.


In the ensuing struggle, the wife reportedly reached for a knife and attempted to attack her husband. However, he managed to evade her attempt and disarm her. In a desperate act, he turned the knife on her, inflicting fatal injuries.


Following the tragic incident, the man placed his wife’s lifeless body in the passenger seat of his vehicle and drove to the Kapsoit trading center. Upon reaching the trading post, he parked his car and entered a nearby club.


Meanwhile, patrons at the club noticed blood stains on Otieno’s t-shirt, raising their suspicions. They confronted him, demanding to be taken to the location where his car was parked.


Reluctantly, Otieno led the concerned individuals to his parked vehicle. Upon opening the car doors, their worst fears were realized – the lifeless body of Otieno’s wife lay in the passenger seat.


The body bore visible injuries to the head, mouth, and eyes, indicating the severity of the attack.


The incident was promptly reported to the Kapsoit police station. Officers rushed to the scene, apprehended Otieno, and transported him to Sosiot police station for further investigation.


During interrogation, Otieno confessed to engaging in a physical altercation with his wife at their residence. However, he claimed to be unaware that she had succumbed to her injuries.


The victim’s body was transferred to the Kericho county referral hospital mortuary for a post-mortem examination. Meanwhile, Otieno’s vehicle was impounded at the Sosiot police station pending further investigation.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from domestic violence. It is crucial to address the root causes of such conflicts and promote peaceful conflict resolution strategies to prevent similar tragedies from occurring.

Business News Top News

The Intriguing Life and Murder of Jacob Juma, Kenya’s Twitter No Nonsense Boss!

Jaco Juma driving
Jacob Juma’s mercedes is captured on CCTV before his brutal murder. Photo/courtesy

In the realm of Kenyan politics and business, the story of Jacob Juma, affectionately known as @kabetes, is a compelling and intricate story.


Born in 1971 in Mungore Village, Bungoma County, Juma’s life journey was similar to one well scripted movie or a well written storybook. He easily weaved through the corridors of power and wealth. Many were even surprised such a person who was relatively  unknown then, would be this powerful  and have all the intricate details of some of Uhuru Kenyatta’s Major corruption Scandals.


Juma’s Early Years and His Political Entry.

Raised in a humble background, Juma’s pursuit of education led him from Bungoma to Nairobi, where he joined the Kenya Polytechnic, sponsored by MPs Chris Okemo and Cyrus Jirongo. This was his early major breakthrough. However, his academic journey took an unexpected turn when politics beckoned. This came in the form of  Jirongo forming YK92  in 1992to mobilize youth support for then-President Moi.

It was during this period that Juma introduced a young future president, William Ruto to then Cyrus Jirongo, The kanu youth bigwig leading YK92


Juma’s Wealth and Political Influence

As a close associate of Jirongo, Juma found himself immersed in political dealings, accumulating wealth and influence. His ventures included significant land acquisitions, notably the purchase of a Ksh 9 million plot from President Moi’s son, Jonathan Moi, in the late ’90s. Juma’s financial prowess extended to business partnerships, such as Erad Supplies, which secured a lucrative tender worth 700 million Kenyan Shillings to supply maize to the National Cereals and Produce Board in 2004.


A Twitter Whistleblower is Born..

The turning point in Juma’s life occurred in 2012 when he facilitated a multi-trillion deal for a Canadian company, Cortec Mining Ltd, to mine Niobium at Mrima Hills. However, when the government, led by President Uhuru Kenyatta, revoked the license, Juma, feeling betrayed, transitioned from a behind-the-scenes player to a vocal whistleblower, and whistleblowing he did.

Juma’s revelations targeted prominent figures, with then Deputy President William Ruto taking center stage. Exposing Ruto’s ownership of Weston Hotel, alleged land grabs, and involvement in questionable dealings, Juma spared no effort to bring these issues to the forefront. He faced legal battles but remained undeterred, presenting evidence and pushing for justice.


Some of his explosive tweets touching on top Kenyan Politicians above. Photos/Twitter.

More Scandals..

Juma’s whistleblower crusade extended beyond Ruto, targeting then Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, the famous National Youth Service (NYS) scandal, and the Billion dollar Eurobond scandal, where he claimed a staggering 100 billion Kenyan Shillings had been misappropriated. (Yes, that’s 100 with a B!)

His relentless pursuit of truth and justice put him at odds with powerful figures, leading to mounting threats on his life.


Jacob Juma’s Tragic End.

Amid cryptic tweets hinting at a sinister plot against him, Juma’s worst fears materialized on May 5, 2016. Assassinated by unknown gunmen.

His untimely death sent shockwaves throughout Kenya political and social landscape. To add to the gruesome murder, the killers staged the scene to appear as a drive-by shooting. This pointed to a well coordinated, trained, elite killer gang.

The questions surrounding Juma’s demise lingered, leaving a huge void in the fight against corruption and injustice.


Jacob Juma’s life, marked by wealth, political entanglements, and whistleblowing, remains a complex narrative in Kenya’s history. His legacy echoes in the unresolved scandals he brought to light, and the questions surrounding his death underscore the challenges faced by those daring to expose corruption in powerful corridors.

As Kenya navigates its political landscape, the tale of Jacob Juma serves as a poignant reminder of the perils faced by those who choose to speak truth to power.