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CS Moses Kuria under Ruto: Public Service, Port Reforms, and Controversies.

Moses Kuria, the outspoken Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, has had a whirlwind tenure under President William Ruto. His time in office has been marked by ambitious projects, bold pronouncements, and a fair share of controversy. Let’s delve into the key aspects of Kuria’s tenure so far:


Kuria’s Major Projects:

  • Port Reforms: Kuria has spearheaded significant reforms at the vital Mombasa port, aiming to enhance efficiency, transparency, and combat corruption. He has implemented digitalization initiatives, tackled dockworker grievances, and pledged to tackle issues like pension remittance delays.
  • Public Service Transformation: Kuria has embarked on a mission to transform the public service, focusing on digitization, eliminating ghost workers, and streamlining processes. He has launched initiatives like Huduma Ndugu, a digital platform for government services, and emphasized performance-based promotions.
  • Youth Empowerment: Kuria has actively engaged with youth, launching initiatives like the Youth Service Corps program and promoting entrepreneurship. He has also advocated for increased youth participation in government and politics.

Kuria’s Notable Achievements:

  • Improved Efficiency at Mombasa Port: Preliminary data suggests a reduction in clearance times and increased revenue since the reform efforts began.
  • Progress in Digitization of Public Services: The Huduma Ndugu platform has gained traction, offering convenience and accessibility for citizens.
  • Increased Focus on Youth: Kuria’s initiatives have engaged youth and provided new opportunities for their participation in the national discourse.
  • Move to Public Service: Kuria’s initial appointment as Cabinet Secretary for Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives raised eyebrows. However, his subsequent move to Public Service, a critical and complex ministry, was seen as a strategic move by Ruto to leverage Kuria’s energy and reformist zeal in a crucial area.

Kuria’s Major Headlines and Controversies During His current Tenure as CS:

  • Exclusion from US Trip:

Kuria’s absence from President Ruto’s US trip in December 2023 fueled speculation about alleged US concerns regarding his past pronouncements.

  • Missing State Honours:

Kuria’s exclusion from the 60th Jamhuri Day honours list recently on 12th December, led to speculation about internal political dynamics and potential friction with Deputy President Gachagua. Although these are just speculations and political machinations emanating from Mt Kenya.

  • Alleged Corruption Scandal:

Kuria has faced accusations of corruption related to the awarding of a contract for the Huduma Ndugu platform. He has denied the allegations and vowed to cooperate with investigations.


Moses Kuria’s tenure under President Ruto has been marked by both progress and controversy.

While his ambitious projects and focus on reform hold promise, the allegations against him raise concerns about transparency and accountability. As Kuria navigates these challenges, the Kenyan public will be watching closely to see if his achievements can outweigh the shadows of doubt.