Counties News Top News

Kenya Power Chair’s Shameful and Insensitive Online Rant: ‘Nimebuy Tokens za 10k, Meter Ikajam’

In a stunning display of disconnect from the struggles of the common man, Kenya Power Board Chairperson Joy Mdivo has sparked outrage with her recent social media posts. The posts, which have gone viral, show Mdivo boasting about her ability to purchase electricity tokens worth thousands, while ordinary Kenyans are grappling with the skyrocketing cost of living.
The brazen display of insensitivity comes on the heels of Kenya Power’s recent disruption to its prepaid token vending system, which left many customers unable to purchase electricity tokens from June 2nd to 3rd, 2024. This disruption forced countless households to scramble to buy tokens in advance, lest they be left in the dark.

Mdivo’s Facebook post, which has drawn widespread criticism, details how her energy meter jammed due to the sheer volume of units she bought. The post has been seen as a callous display of wealth, with many Kenyans expressing outrage at the Chairperson’s apparent disregard for the struggles of the average citizen.
“This is a heavy slap in the face to every Kenyan who has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping the lights on,” said one outraged citizen. “When leadership fails to empathize with the plight of its people, it becomes nothing short of a travesty.”

The incident has raised questions about the leadership’s ability to understand and address the needs of the people they serve. As the cost of living continues to rise, many are left wondering if those in power are truly committed to finding solutions or simply content to flaunt their privilege.
The backlash against Mdivo’s post has been swift and severe, with many calling for greater accountability from those in positions of power. As the people of Kenya continue to struggle with the rising cost of living, one thing is clear: the disconnect between leadership and the people cannot be ignored any longer.

Counties News Top News

Enemies Of ‘Power’ Nabbed, Recoveries Made

Several suspects believed to be behind the spate in vandalism cases targeting Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) apparatus in Kondele area within Kisumu Central Sub-County have been arrested and several recoveries made.Acting on intelligence, a sting operation led by OCS Kondele and the DCI officers attached to KPLC Kisumu was conducted in the White Gate area, during which officers ambushed about 50 youths vandalizing KPLC properties.

Upon sighting the officers,all the suspects abandoned their loot and scampered dangerously to evade arrest, but one; Stephen Okunya Onyango who held on to the nine binding roll wires and three aluminum cross-arm metal stands that he had stolen. He was taken to custody.

Others who escaped left behind a Toyota Axio Reg. no. KDL 461A, Isuzu D-Max Reg. no. KCM 409B, two Bajaj Boxer motorcycle Reg. nos. KMDN 406C & KMGK 177M, and another Honda bike Reg. no. KMGB 185U. They were all impounded awaiting their claimants at the Kondele station.

After interrogation of the arrested suspect (Stephen Okunya), the operation was extended to Car Wash area of Kondele, where Eddy Ochieng (driver of Mitsubishi lorry Reg. no. KAN 255H), Benard Owuor, Biron Wanga and George Otieno were rounded up. From them, the officers recovered 14 drums of aluminum conductors and seven earth rods.All the suspects have been booked in custody pending arraignment on Monday, April 15, 2024.

#FichuakwaDCI. Call 0800 722 203 to report anonymously. Usiogope!

Nairobi News Top News

Beware: Thieves Disguised As KPLC Staffers Raid Neighborhoods Stealing Cloths On Hanging Lines

In a concerning trend, the theft of clothes left to dry in Nairobi County has surged, particularly impacting low to moderate-income neighborhoods, with a notable peak during the festive season. Perpetrators, cleverly disguised in official uniforms of the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), exploit the trust of residents by claiming to inspect meters or address electricity issues.


Daylight becomes their opportune moment, targeting rugs, clothes, and shoes when homeowners are away at work. Unfolding their stolen bounty, they meticulously pack items into bags, later peddling them as second-hand treasures in Gikomba market. The response from residents has been to bolster daytime security measures to curb this rising menace.


An investigation done by Taifa Leo has unveiled a thriving market for stolen children’s clothing, women’s attire, handbags, and shoes. The retail clothing businesses in both street markets and central Nairobi, notably flourish, reaching a crescendo in December. Men’s shoes, commonly priced between Sh 3,000 – 4,000 in conventional stores, find themselves fetching approximately Sh500 on the bustling streets.


This resurgence of second-hand clothing trade ignited a fervent debate last year, with some leaders advocating for its dismissal. However, a resilient online community of traders ardently defended the industry. They argued that their livelihoods are intricately tied to the trade, given the limited employment opportunities prevailing in the country.


Opposition leader Raila Odinga, echoing the sentiments of many, emphasized that shutting down this sector is not the solution. Instead, he highlighted its crucial role in providing numerous jobs for Kenyans, underscoring the complexities surrounding this nuanced issue. As Nairobi grapples with this challenge, residents and authorities alike are working towards innovative solutions to safeguard their communities and preserve the vibrancy of their local markets.


Business Top News

Suspected Vandal Arrested: 1,020kg of KPLC Cables Seized in Nairobi

In a recent development, law enforcement authorities in Nairobi successfully apprehended a suspect involved in the alleged theft of copper cables belonging to the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC). The operation, which took place yesterday, resulted in the seizure of a significant quantity of cables weighing 1,020 kilograms.

The confiscated Copper. Photo/DCI

Detectives executed the operation at a godown in Nairobi, where they uncovered the stash of copper cables suspected to be unlawfully taken from KPLC infrastructure. The seized cables, with an estimated weight of 1,020kg, indicate the scale of the operation that the suspect was allegedly engaged in.


The arrest of one suspect in connection with this incident marks a significant stride in the ongoing efforts to curb vandalism and theft of critical infrastructure. The suspect is now in custody, and further investigations are likely to shed light on the extent of the network involved in such illegal activities.


The theft of copper cables not only poses a threat to the smooth functioning of KPLC services but also contributes to disruptions in the local power supply and can lead to financial losses for the company. Copper cables are a valuable resource, and their illegal trade has become a persistent challenge for utility companies worldwide.


This recent success in apprehending a suspect and recovering stolen cables underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and utility providers. It sends a strong message that such criminal activities will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.


As the investigation unfolds, authorities will likely explore avenues to enhance security measures around critical infrastructure to prevent future incidents of vandalism and theft. The public’s cooperation in reporting suspicious activities can play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of essential services and ensuring a reliable power supply for the community.


In conclusion, the arrest of a suspected vandal and the seizure of 1,020kg of KPLC cables highlight the ongoing challenges faced by utility companies in safeguarding their infrastructure. This incident emphasizes the need for continuous vigilance and collaborative efforts to combat the illegal trade of copper cables, ultimately preserving the integrity of essential services for the community.

Blackout Tracker

Scheduled Power Outages in Nairobi and Kilifi on November 22nd

Kenya Power will be conducting maintenance activities in parts of Nairobi and Kilifi County on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023. The affected areas will experience power outages from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.



Affected area: Part of Roll Mill, Industrial Area

Affected customers: Mukuru kwa Reuben, Police, Gatoto Community School, Bins & adjacent customers


Affected area: Part of Kilifi

Affected customers: Sea Horse, Magreb, Kilifi Governor’s Residence, Viwa Hospital & adjacent customers


Kenya Power apologizes for any inconvenience caused by these scheduled power outages. Please make the necessary arrangements to prepare for the power interruption.

Blackout Tracker

KPLC Planned Power Outage. Sunday, 5/11/2023

In a bid to enhance the efficiency and reliability of its power distribution network, the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has announced scheduled power outages in various regions across the country on the 5th of November, 2023. These planned outages are part of KPLC’s routine maintenance efforts to ensure a robust and resilient power supply system for its customers. Here’s a breakdown of the areas affected in different regions:

Nairobi Region – Utawala area

(9 am to 5 pm)

Residents and businesses in the Utawala area of Nairobi will experience a temporary power outage from 9 am to 5 pm on the 5th of November. KPLC has assured customers in this region that the outage is necessary for crucial maintenance activities to improve the quality of power supply. To minimize disruptions, KPLC advises residents to unplug sensitive electronic devices during the scheduled outage.


Western Region – Prime Steel area and RAE Cement

(8 am to 5 pm)

In the Western Region, the areas surrounding Prime Steel and RAE Cement will also be affected by a planned power outage from 8 am to 5 pm. This outage is part of KPLC’s ongoing efforts to upgrade and maintain its electrical infrastructure in the region. Customers are urged to take necessary precautions and make any essential arrangements to cope with the temporary loss of power.


South Nyanza – Parts of Migori County and Changamwe Kibarani

(9 am to 5 pm)

South Nyanza, particularly parts of Migori County and the Changamwe Kibarani area, will experience a scheduled power outage from 9 am to 5 pm. KPLC has emphasized that this maintenance is crucial to prevent unforeseen power interruptions and ensure the long-term reliability of the electrical grid.


During these planned outages, KPLC technicians and engineers will be working diligently to carry out maintenance tasks, inspect power lines, transformers, and other critical infrastructure. These efforts are aimed at reducing the likelihood of unexpected power failures and enhancing the overall quality of electricity supply.

KPLC Planned Outage
KPLCs Planned Outage. Photo/Courtesy

KPLC understands the inconvenience that power outages can cause, and they are committed to minimizing the disruption as much as possible. Customers are encouraged to unplug sensitive equipment and plan for alternative power sources if needed during the maintenance period. KPLC also advises residents to report any safety concerns or incidents during the outage to their customer service hotline for immediate assistance.


While these planned outages may temporarily disrupt daily routines, they are essential for the long-term reliability and safety of Kenya’s electrical grid. KPLC’s proactive approach to maintenance and improvement will ultimately benefit customers by providing a more dependable and efficient power supply.