Kiambu News Top News

Tragedy at Delview Flyover As Senior Assistant Chief Commits Suicide!

In a somber turn of events at the Delview flyover along the bustling Thika Muranga highway, the identity of the man who tragically took his own life has been revealed. The late Stephen Nganga, a respected Senior Assistant Chief from Mataara village in Gituamba sub-location, Gatundu North, Kiambu County, has left a community in mourning.

Nganga, an officer with the NGAO, was discovered lifeless beneath the high-level flyover by passing motorists near the Delmonte pineapples plantation early yesterday morning.

Both authorities and his family confirmed that he had left behind a note, shedding light on his inner struggles with depression. This poignant act followed a previous note where he had entrusted close friends with the care of his family during his absence.

Kiambu News Top News

Shocking: Goshen Employees in Elaborate Multi-Million Kiambu Fraud Scheme Arrested By DCI.

In a shocking revelation, two employees of Goshens Real Estate in Kiambu’s Ruaka township, Judy Muringe Mugo (41) and Catherine Waithera Ruiru (26), are set to be arraigned at Kiambu Law Courts for their alleged involvement in a complex financial fraud amounting to over Sh15.6 million over a span of 18 months. The suspects, holding positions as the Marketing Officer and Receptionist respectively, stand accused of orchestrating a sophisticated scheme involving conspiracy and modern-day computer fraud.

The case came to light following a report filed by the company Director, Mr. Andrew Kirumba, at the DCI Kiambaa offices on January 23, 2024. According to the complaint, Judy Mugo exploited her role as the Marketing Officer to deceive tenants of Goshens Real Estate into diverting their rent payments to her personal accounts instead of the designated company accounts. She allegedly manipulated tenants into disregarding the official payment channels provided on their lease agreements and directed them to use the company office line under her control.

Judy’s manipulation extended further as she declared the company’s paybill and bank account as “no longer functional,” instructing tenants to channel payments through an OPPO phone and number assigned to her for marketing purposes. Subsequently, she diverted substantial sums of money received from tenants for rent, water bills, and other services to her personal phone numbers before transferring the funds to her accounts at Family Bank.

To cover her tracks and ensure that discrepancies went unnoticed by management, Judy colluded with Catherine Waithera, the Receptionist, who allegedly tampered with records in the company’s system to indicate that no tenants had outstanding arrears. In return for her complicity, Catherine received a portion of the ill-gotten gains from Judy. This illicit partnership persisted from June 2022 until January 2024.

The investigation launched by detectives based in Kiambaa involved gathering statements from affected tenants and securing court orders to scrutinize bank records and mobile money transactions associated with the suspects. Subsequent analysis confirmed the diversion of funds by Judy through her personal numbers before funneling them into her Family Bank accounts. Notably, Judy also transferred significant amounts to Catherine through mobile transactions and her KCB account within the period under investigation.

Further scrutiny revealed that Judy, whose monthly salary was reported at Sh30,000, had made a substantial payment of Sh750,000 to AUTOCAD Motors for a Toyota Harrier registered as KBH 252S on April 14, 2023. The vehicle was traced back to Judy until January 25, 2024 when she was summoned by Kiambaa detectives for questioning. In an attempt to evade justice, Judy subsequently transferred ownership of the vehicle to Andronicus Mbuthia Kamakia.

Following these revelations, investigators sought and executed search warrants at the suspects’ residences where they recovered the Toyota Harrier among other items. Additionally, phones belonging to both suspects and Catherine’s desktop were confiscated for forensic analysis by the cybercrime unit. Efforts were made to prevent any potential disposal or misuse of assets acquired through criminal activities.

An audit report detailing the elaborate scheme unveiled that Goshens Real Estate suffered losses totaling Sh15,633,147 due to the fraudulent activities orchestrated by Judy Mugo and Catherine Waithera. The meticulous investigation conducted by law enforcement agencies underscores the importance of vigilance in detecting and combating financial crimes within organizations.

The impending arraignment of these individuals signifies a crucial step towards accountability and justice for those impacted by this egregious breach of trust and financial misconduct.


Kiambu News Top News

Woman Rescued, 645,000 Recovered And Kidnappers Nabbed After Horror Kiambu Ordeal.

A harrowing kidnapping ordeal in Kiambu County has culminated in the arrest of two suspects, Laban Chomba Muthini and Peter Mugera Maburi, but the scars of the crime run deep for the victim and the community. This is her story, pieced together from official reports and a glimmer of hope amidst the terror.


On the crisp morning of December 16th, the victim’s world took a horrifying turn. Walking along a seemingly ordinary path, she was accosted by a vehicle carrying two men and a woman. In a chilling, DCI-reported account, one of the men flung open the car door, leaving her with no choice but to comply. Forced inside, she was plunged into a nightmare.


Blindfolded and trapped, the victim faced a torrent of fear. The perpetrators demanded her mobile money and bank account PINs, wielding the threat of violence like a cruel weapon. Over Ksh.645,000, a substantial sum painstakingly built, was ruthlessly siphoned from her accounts and transferred to six different lines, a sickening echo of her stolen security. Not content with digital plunder, they snatched Ksh.80,000 in cash from her purse, adding insult to the already gaping wound.


Despite the suffocating terror, the victim clung to a sliver of hope. Pleading for her life, she cooperated with the criminals, her mind focused solely on survival. Finally, at 8 pm that night, after hours of torment, they abandoned her on the dark road.


But she was not alone. As fate would have it, good Samaritans, beacons of humanity in the face of evil, came to her aid. They helped her reach Samuru police station, where she recounted her ordeal in a voice raw with emotion. The report of her kidnapping, a chilling testament to the perpetrators’ depravity, landed on the DCI’s desk, igniting a swift and resolute response.


The Operations team, fueled by a burning desire for justice, swiftly swung into action. Tracking down leads, piecing together fragments of evidence, they finally apprehended Muthini and Maburi. An ID parade held within the confines of the law confirmed the victim’s harrowing recollection, her unwavering gaze pinning them to the scene of her pain.


Now, the suspects stand before a Kiambu Law Courts magistrate, awaiting the wheels of justice to turn. Custody orders have been granted to the detectives, allowing them to complete their investigation and build a watertight case. This swift action sends a powerful message: Kiambu will not tolerate such brazen assaults on its citizens.


But the scars of this ordeal run deep. The victim, robbed not just of her finances but of her sense of security, embarks on a long road of healing. The community, shaken by the incident, grapples with a renewed sense of vulnerability. Vigilance has become a watchword, whispers of caution mingling with the daily hum of life.


This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking around corners, even in seemingly familiar pathways. It underscores the importance of community support, the vital role of good Samaritans who turn fear into hope. And most importantly, it highlights the swift and decisive action of law enforcement, a bulwark against the rising tide of crime.


Together, we can create a safer Kiambu, a community where fear does not linger like a dark shadow. Let this ordeal not be forgotten, but rather, a catalyst for increased vigilance, unwavering support, and a fierce commitment to ensuring the safety of every citizen. For in the face of darkness, it is the glimmer of hope, the power of unity, and the unyielding pursuit of justice that truly illuminates the path forward.


Smartie News: Committed to bringing you the latest news with accuracy, compassion, and a unwavering commitment to protecting the safety of our community.

Kiambu Kisumu Mombasa Nairobi News Top News

Airbnb Con Artist Exposed: Sheila Wakesho’s Elaborate Fraud Scheme Unveiled

In a shocking fraud case that DCI unearthed, Sheila Wakesho Matasa, the alleged mastermind behind a series of fraudulent schemes targeting holidaymakers, has been apprehended by detectives in Kiambaa, Kiambu County. The 24-year-old suspect’s audacious exploits spanned across Nairobi, Kiambu, Kisumu, and Mombasa counties, leaving unsuspecting victims stranded and out of pocket.

Mombasa Airbnb Con
One of the 24yr Olds Airbnb Facebook page that she used to dupe unsuspecting clients. Photo/DCI

Wakesho’s modus operandi involved creating a facade of multiple Airbnb properties along the picturesque coastal region of Mombasa. With social media accounts like Lifestyle Beachfront Airbnb, Mombasa Raha Airbnb, and Shah Tours, she managed to amass a following of over 10,000 individuals seeking memorable getaways.


However, her apparent empire was built on deception. The content used to promote these luxury accommodations was plagiarized, and the accompanying photos were not only misleading but also bore copyright infringement. Wakesho’s victims, who could only interact with her online, fell prey to her cunning tactics.


The unsuspecting holidaymakers were instructed to channel their booking fees to Mpesa Till number 8981656 or Paybill number 400200 ACC name: 01100252088001. Once the funds were transferred, Wakesho disappeared, leaving her victims stranded at various locations, including beaches, bus stations, SGR terminals, and airports.


What makes Wakesho’s case particularly intricate is her meticulous effort to cover her tracks. She used multiple subscriber SIM cards registered under different names, often utilizing stolen ID cards. The list of numbers associated with her fraudulent activities includes 0708901010, 0799 661 708, 0799 605 774, 0707 920971, 0742 521046, and 0788 370306.

The turning point in her spree came when she targeted a banker who refused to be just another victim. The banker’s alertness and quick action led to a tip-off to the detectives, culminating in Wakesho’s arrest at a bank lobby in Ruaka.


As law enforcement agencies across Nairobi, including DCI Kilimani, Kasarani, Thika, Kiambaa, and DCI Kiambu, process files for her arraignment, Wakesho awaits legal proceedings in multiple counties where her fraudulent activities have been reported.


For individuals with information or potential victims, the DCI has launched the #FichuakwaDCI campaign, urging them to call 0800 722 203. Remember, reporting is a shared responsibility!