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Alarming Rise in LGBTQ in Kericho, Nakuru, Kiambu, Kisumu Counties, Fueled by Telegram – Report!

Credit: NGLHRC

A recent groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru, a prominent Kenyan researcher on the reknown Platform,, delves deep into the complex and mostly misunderstood world of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

The study, which was meticulously conducted across various regions of Kenya, offers a rare and insightful glimpse into the lived experiences and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

One of the most striking findings of the study is the prevalence of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males. Contrary to popular belief, the research suggests that while homosexuality remains largely stigmatized and criminalized in Kenya, a significant number of men are actively engaged in same-sex relationships and activities.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

This revelation challenges the common misconception that homosexuality is a foreign concept imported from the West and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of sexuality in the Kenyan context.
The study also delves deep into the challenges faced by gay men in Kenya, shedding light on the harsh realities of social stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers.

Many respondents reported experiencing discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including employment, housing, and access to healthcare. The study paints a sobering picture of the daily struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in Kenya, who often live in fear of being outed and facing severe consequences, both social and legal.

Another crucial aspect of the study is the impact of religion and culture on the perception of homosexuality in Kenya. The research suggests that deeply rooted religious and cultural beliefs play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Many respondents reported facing rejection and condemnation from their families and communities due to their sexual orientation, highlighting the need for greater education and dialogue around these sensitive issues.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the study also reveals the resilience and adaptability of the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya. Many respondents reported finding support and community through online platforms and social networks, where they could connect with like-minded individuals and share their experiences. The study also highlights the growing visibility and activism of the LGBTQ+ movement in Kenya, with many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote acceptance and equality.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

In conclusion, the groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the dynamics of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

While homosexuality remains a controversial and sensitive topic in the country, the research highlights the urgent need for greater acceptance, understanding, and legal protection for LGBTQ+ individuals. By shedding light on the lived experiences and challenges faced by the community, the study serves as a powerful call to action for policymakers, religious leaders, and society as a whole to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Kenya for all.

News SmartBuzz Top News

Opinion: Fay Tall’s Wedding: It’s her Time to Celebrate, Not To Be Bashed For Her Past

In the last few days, social media has been awash with pure hate and criticism directed towards Fay Tall and her husband on the occasion of their wedding.

It is sort of disheartening to see such negativity when we should be celebrating the couple’s love and commitment to each other OR just not get involved in things or decisions we have no opinion of at all.

Remember that we all have exes, have dated, broken up, and even had children with people we can’t sit on the same table with. However, this should not be a reason to judge or hate on others who have found happiness in their relationships.

We’ve all seen Fay Tall work tirelessly to achieve success in her online career and now tailor shop, and her hard work has paid off. She deserves to be celebrated for her accomplishments and not subjected to unwarranted criticism.

It is important to remember that everyone has a past, and it is not our place to judge or condemn others for their choices. Instead, we should focus on supporting and uplifting those around us, especially during significant life events such as a wedding,however negative we might be to marriages because of our own pasts.

To Fay Tall, it is crucial that you ignore the hate and focus on your marriage. Surround yourself with loved ones who support and uplift you. Sieve through the negativity and hold onto what matters most: your love for each other.

May God bless your union and may you both find happiness and fulfillment in your marriage.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragic Collision Claims Six Lives in Duka Moja, Kericho: Urgent Call for Road Safety Measures

In a tragic incident, six people have lost their lives in a road accident involving a lorry and a Toyota Probox vehicle at Duka Moja on the outskirts of Kericho town.

The accident occurred when the Probox, carrying eight passengers, collided head-on with the lorry. The impact was so severe that all the passengers in the Probox succumbed to their injuries. The accident has left the community in mourning, with leaders expressing their condolences. The incident highlights the need for drivers to exercise caution and follow traffic rules to prevent such accidents.

It is essential to ensure that traffic laws are strictly enforced, and drivers are held accountable for their actions. The authorities must take necessary measures to enhance road safety and prevent accidents in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims during this difficult time.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragedy Strikes Again: 66-Seater Bus Accident in Londiani!

In a heart-wrenching incident, a 66-seater bus met a devastating fate in Londiani, Kericho County early today, underscoring the growing concern over the alarming rate of road accidents in the region. The incident has sparked renewed calls for immediate action to address the persisting issue, reminiscent of the notorious Salgaa blackspot.


Londiani, once a serene locale, is now grappling with a rising number of road accidents, mirroring the challenges faced by Salgaa in the past. The recent incident has reignited the debate on the need for comprehensive solutions rather than solely relying on prayers to quell the rising tide of tragedies.


It is disheartening to note that despite the escalating frequency of accidents, the approach to the issue seems more inclined towards seeking divine intervention rather than engaging in pragmatic discussions with engineers to implement lasting solutions. Prominent figures like Murkomen could play a pivotal role in steering these conversations toward actionable strategies.


One of the treacherous stretches identified is the Molo junction to Londiani – Fort Tenan route, demanding extreme caution and disciplined driving akin to the challenges faced on the now safe Salgaa Black spot. While road redesigns may be considered, it is crucial to acknowledge that no amount of infrastructure improvements can fully compensate for the crucial factor of user behavior.


Kericho County finds itself at a crossroads where immediate and collaborative efforts are imperative to mitigate the risks posed by the hazardous road conditions. As the Smartie News team continues to monitor the situation closely, we remain committed to updating our readers on the latest developments as they unfold. It is our hope that this tragic incident serves as a catalyst for proactive measures to ensure the safety of all road users in the region.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragedy Strikes in Kericho County as Domestic Dispute Turns Deadly

A tragic incident Just unfolded at Finlays Tea Estate, Kericho County when a domestic dispute escalated into a violent act, leaving one woman dead.


The unfortunate events began when a 46-year-old man, identified as Cornell Otieno, returned home to his residence. Shortly after his arrival, an argument erupted between him and his wife. The heated exchange quickly intensified, leading to a physical confrontation.


In the ensuing struggle, the wife reportedly reached for a knife and attempted to attack her husband. However, he managed to evade her attempt and disarm her. In a desperate act, he turned the knife on her, inflicting fatal injuries.


Following the tragic incident, the man placed his wife’s lifeless body in the passenger seat of his vehicle and drove to the Kapsoit trading center. Upon reaching the trading post, he parked his car and entered a nearby club.


Meanwhile, patrons at the club noticed blood stains on Otieno’s t-shirt, raising their suspicions. They confronted him, demanding to be taken to the location where his car was parked.


Reluctantly, Otieno led the concerned individuals to his parked vehicle. Upon opening the car doors, their worst fears were realized – the lifeless body of Otieno’s wife lay in the passenger seat.


The body bore visible injuries to the head, mouth, and eyes, indicating the severity of the attack.


The incident was promptly reported to the Kapsoit police station. Officers rushed to the scene, apprehended Otieno, and transported him to Sosiot police station for further investigation.


During interrogation, Otieno confessed to engaging in a physical altercation with his wife at their residence. However, he claimed to be unaware that she had succumbed to her injuries.


The victim’s body was transferred to the Kericho county referral hospital mortuary for a post-mortem examination. Meanwhile, Otieno’s vehicle was impounded at the Sosiot police station pending further investigation.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from domestic violence. It is crucial to address the root causes of such conflicts and promote peaceful conflict resolution strategies to prevent similar tragedies from occurring.

Counties Kericho County News Top News

EACC Investigates Alleged Financial Irregularities at KEWASCO Amid Management Shake-Up

Kericho Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kewasco) is currently under the watchful eye of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as allegations of financial misappropriation cast a shadow over the company. A recent audit report for the 2020/21 financial year, conducted by the Auditor-General, revealed that the company had incurred a staggering deficit of over Sh122.3 million, purportedly due to mismanagement and suspected bribery. This unfolding situation has drawn considerable attention, and EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak has confirmed that the investigation is in an advanced stage.


The EACC Investigation:

Twalib Mbarak, the CEO of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, officially confirmed the ongoing investigation, stating that, “The EACC confirms that it is investigating the matter, and upon conclusion, the outcome will inform appropriate action.” The impetus for the investigation came from the Senate County Public Investment and Special Funds Committee, which recommended the dismissal of Kibii Siele from his role as Managing Director (MD) of Kewasco on March 14, 2023. The committee cited allegations of mismanagement and abuse of office that had resulted in the company reporting losses for three consecutive years.

Mr. Siele, KEWASCO MD at a past function. IMAGE: Facebook

Calls for Change and Accountability:

The Senate committee went further to call for the removal of Kewasco’s board members and the thorough investigation of staff implicated in the alleged financial irregularities. Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi urged Kericho Governor Dr. Erick Mutai to take swift action, stating that, “The county chief should reconstitute the board of the company and the entire workforce if the water utility firm is to be saved from sinking and start to make profits.” The Governor was also tasked with collaborating with the County Assembly to establish a proper legal framework for the company’s operations, as it had been operating without one.


Siele’s Defense:

Kibii Siele, the embattled MD, defended himself during the Senate committee’s inquiry. He explained that during the takeover of Tililbei Water and Sanitation Company (Tilwasco) in 2018, Kewasco assumed both assets and liabilities. Among these liabilities were monthly electricity bills, bulk water costs, and salary harmonization expenses. According to Siele, Tilwasco’s liability amounted to Sh90,565,225, with Bomet Water Company responsible for paying Sh25,073,379 as a share of the liabilities during the split. The County Government of Kericho was expected to cover the remaining Sh65.49 million, which has yet to be paid. However, his explanation did not appease the committee, leading to their recommendation for his removal.


Audit Report Highlights Financial Woes:

The audit report for the financial year 2020-2021 painted a grim financial picture for Kewasco. It revealed a loss of Sh10.14 million for the year, pushing the company’s accumulated negative retained earnings to Sh117.22 million as of June 30, 2021. The report highlighted that the company’s liabilities amounted to Sh346.79 million, surpassing its asset balance of Sh224.48 million, resulting in a negative working capital of Sh122.31 million. Auditor General Nancy Gathungu expressed doubts about the company’s ability to continue operations without support from creditors and the county government.


Legal Battle and Verdict Awaited:

In response to the county government’s decision to place him on administrative leave, Kibii Siele took legal action. On July 14, 2023, he challenged the decision in court. The Kericho court ruled in his favor, allowing him to remain in office until his case is heard and concluded. The court is scheduled to deliver its verdict on September 27, 2023, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding drama at Kewasco.