Kericho County News Top News

Allegations of Misconduct Against Police Officer in Kericho County

A recent social media post by Cyprian  Nyakundi source has shed light on allegations of misconduct against a police officer in Kericho County, identified as Rhoda Gichama.

The post accuses Officer Gichama of engaging in behavior that includes bullying citizens and business owners for financial gain. The officer allegedly intimidates individuals, threatening arrest or summoning them if demands are not met, particularly in the absence of her superiors.

Furthermore, the post claims that Officer Gichama fabricates charges against those who do not comply with her requests, falsely accusing them of offenses. The officer is accused of targeting Kericho residents with harassment and unwarranted actions, creating a hostile environment within the community.

These serious allegations have raised concerns about the conduct of law enforcement officers and the treatment of civilians in Kericho County. Authorities are urged to investigate these claims thoroughly to ensure accountability and uphold the integrity of the police force.

This story highlights the importance of transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies to maintain public trust and ensure fair treatment of all individuals.

Kericho County News Top News

Kericho Family Drama: Chaos Reigns as Tea Plantations Uprooted in Inheritance Battle!

A family dispute in Kericho County has intensified following a High Court ruling mandating the equal division of the estate left by the late Jonathan Kipsang Ngeno among his 12 children. The conflict arose when some siblings, led by Gilbert Kiprono and his brothers, failed to comply with the court’s directive to share the property equally with their sisters.

The tension culminated in a dramatic scene at the Chepsir property, where the sisters, supported by legal authorities, surveyed and divided the land as per the court order. Justice Joseph Sergon emphasized the fair distribution of assets under the Law of Succession Act, dismissing claims of prior land allocation to certain siblings as unsubstantiated.

The court’s decision to divide not only the land but also shares in various blue-chip companies equally among the family members underscores Justice Sergon’s commitment to upholding legal statutes and ensuring a just distribution of assets


The case highlights the complexities and emotional toll that family disputes over inheritance can bring, shedding light on the importance of legal clarity and fairness in such matters.


Business Kericho County Tech Top News

Resilient Oldies: The Uncommon Planes that Keep Kericho’s Tea Industry Thriving

If you are a resident of Kericho or you were commuting through the green town this past week, you might have noticed the Unending buzzing noises of small tiny planes all over kericho’s skyline. These planes literally sound like the tiny ‘Buzz- Bombing Nettles’ we used to stick a thorn up their backside and ‘ride’ my plane till sunset ages ago. That’s DARK ikr..


Now, Have you ever sat and wondered how those huge tracts of tea plantations in Kericho are sprayed?

Well,these are the beasts that do the work, effortlessly. They’re rightfully nicknamed ‘Air Tractors‘. Old school planes, but they pretty much do the intended work and even more.

One of the Thrush Planes. Photo/Courtesy of Thrush.

The Thrush 510p

Amidst the rolling hills and lush green tea plantations of Kericho, Kenya, a fleet of old, rugged planes continues to play a vital role in the region’s tea industry. These planes, affectionately known as “thrushers,” are a testament to resilience and innovation, defying the odds and keeping the tea industry humming despite their age and limitations.


The thrushers, primarily composed of Air Tractors and De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beavers, date back to the 1950s and 1960s. Despite their age, these planes have proven to be remarkably durable and adaptable to the challenging terrain of Kericho’s tea country. Their sturdy construction and ability to operate from makeshift airstrips have made them indispensable tools for Kericho’s mega international companies, namely; James Finlay and Unilever.


Kericho’s Unforgiving Landscape

The unique characteristics of Kericho’s tea plantations pose a significant challenge for aerial spraying. The tea bushes are often planted on steep slopes and in narrow valleys, making it difficult for larger, more modern planes to maneuver effectively. The thrushers, however, excel in these conditions. Their small size and maneuverability allow them to navigate the intricate landscape with precision, ensuring that every corner of the plantation is covered.


Precision Spraying for Optimal Yields

The thrusters play a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of Kericho’s tea plantations. By delivering precise applications of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, these planes help to protect the tea plants from pests and diseases while promoting optimal growth and yield. The ability of the thrusters to target specific areas of the plantation ensures that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Beyond their agricultural importance, the thrusters have become an integral part of the Kericho community. The planes provide employment for pilots and maintenance crews, and their presence contributes to the region’s distinctive identity. The rhythmic hum of the thrushers over the last week, as they crisscrossed the skies is becoming a familiar and comforting sound for the people of Kericho.

Air Tractor’ prepares for take off. Photo/Courtesy, Thrush.

A Symbol of Resilience

As the tea industry in Kericho faces increasing global competition and the challenges of climate change, the thrushers stand as a symbol of resilience and innovation.

These aging planes, with their patchwork of repairs and modifications, continue to defy expectations and play a vital role in the region’s economic well-being.

Their story is a testament to the resourcefulness and determination of the Kericho community, and their continued service underscores the enduring value of these remarkable machines.


Kericho County News Top News

Henious Murder: Motive in Isaac Maritim, ‘Baba Africa’ unearthed.

In a heart-wrenching incident that has left the community of Kipkelion West, Kipsitet and Kericho County specifically in shock. Political blogger and PA Isaac Maritim, widely known as ‘Baba Africa,’ met a tragic end in a brutal murder. The late Maritim was not only a close comfidant to Honorable Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ of Kipkelion West but also served as an officer at the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) office.

Head scan results
Baba Africa’s’ head Injuries. Photo/Facebook

The incident occurred as Maritim was reportedly heading home after having one for the road at Mushroom Club at Kipsitet.  Isaac was brutally attacked and died from severe head injuries. An image of his cracked skull was posted online on X. The details surrounding his death are still emerging, but preliminary information points to a dispute that he had with an individual known as ‘Keki‘ from Kipsitet. From the Screenshots, the suspect is reported to have locked the deceased in a house, bleeding him to death toll This suggests that Isaac could have survived the attack had he been swiftly taken to the hospital.

Isaac murder
The main suspect known as ‘Keki‘. Photo/Facebook


Facebook Screenshot
Screenshot on who might have planned Isaac’s murder. Photo/Facebook

According to screenshots obtained from Facebook, it has been reported that Maritim had been embroiled in a disagreement over a debt issue. The nature and cause of this dispute are yet to be conclusively determined, adding a layer of complexity to the already tragic situation.


Isaac ‘Baba Africa’ Maritim was a well-respected figure within the community, and his untimely demise has sent shockwaves through Kipsitet and beyond. Hon. Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ Koskei expressed deep sorrow over the loss of his close assistant, describing Maritim as a dedicated and valuable member of his team.


Law enforcement is actively investigating the case, with ‘Keki‘ identified as the main suspect. The community is anxiously awaiting further updates as authorities work to unravel the circumstances leading to this devastating event.


As Kipkelion west mourns the loss of a prominent community member, the focus turns towards seeking justice for Isaac Maritim. The impact of this tragedy reaches far beyond the immediate circle of friends and family, reminding everyone of the fragility of life and the need for community solidarity during times of grief.


Kipkelion west, MP, Hon Hillary ‘Nyiganet’ Koskei sent his condolences to the family on his official Facebook page vowing to push the authorities to hold the killers to book.

This is an ongoing story and Smartie News will continue to follow this story as more information becomes available.




17th Nov 2023

More Questions Raised by Locals Regarding Maritime Death

Photo/Courtesy, Facebook

Residents are now piling pressure on Kipsitet Police station, under Kericho County Police Commander to help the family in answering very pertinent issues regarding Baba Africa’s death.  Above is a screenshot of some pertinent important questions regarding the case. This clearly exposes a clear and detailed plan put in place to murder the Blogger.

We are working to update you on each and every progress on this case.

Smartie News