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Contrasting Paths: UAE’s 52-Year Success Story vs. Kenya’s 60 Years of Independence

Original Tweet By Boniface Mwangi

As Kenya commemorates its 60th year of independence, activist Boniface Mwangi draws attention to the striking disparities between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kenya in a thought-provoking post. Mwangi underscores the impact of leadership on a nation’s progress, citing the thriving UAE and contrasting it with challenges faced by Kenya.


United Arab Emirates is 52 years old. Kenya celebrates 60 years of Independence tomorrow,” Mwangi begins, setting the stage for a comparative analysis. He challenges readers to reflect on the profound difference between nations led by visionary leaders and those plagued by governance issues.


Mwangi dismisses the notion that Dubai’s success is solely attributed to oil, pointing out that the 14 million tourists who visited Dubai last year weren’t drawn by oil fields. Drawing parallels with Singapore, a country without oil, he emphasizes the impact of visionary leadership, noting Singapore’s ability to attract 19 million tourists in 2019 despite a lack of natural resources.


The activist highlights Kenya’s water scarcity issues despite adequate rainfall, emphasizing the innovative farming methods in the UAE’s desert. He questions why Kenya, with millions of arable land and abundant rainfall, struggles to achieve food sufficiency.


Turning his attention to Mombasa, a port city with similarities to Dubai, Mwangi laments its untapped potential. He observes that, like Dubai, Mombasa boasts good weather, food, and welcoming people but remains hindered by issues such as low education levels, youth unemployment, and non-local dominance in well-paying jobs.


Mwangi concludes with a stark critique, attributing Mombasa’s underdevelopment to the election of “populist idiots” as leaders. He wishes his compatriots a “Happy Jamhuri Day” but leaves readers with a sobering reflection on the choices made in leadership.



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MP Irene Mayaka Claims Economy Has Fallen Further Than Her Bo0bs

Special MP Irene Mayaka has left her fellow MPs in shock after claiming that Kenya’s economy has fallen further than her Bo0bs.

Irene mayaka

Speaking at a parliamentary event on November 14, 2023, during the analysis of President William Ruto’s speech, Mayaka expressed regret that the economy is deteriorating every day, despite the President’s promises to Kenyans that things would get better after he took office.


In presenting her argument, the MP wanted to know why, despite the many achievements listed by the President in his speech, the cost of living was still rising.


Criticizing the speech, she said that taxes, the Kenyan shilling and the cost of living had all gone from bad to worse, saying that the President’s agenda of bringing together Kenyans at the bottom was a sham.


Mayaka said that the high cost of living, the increase in taxes and the price of fuel are a curse on the Kenya Kwanza administration.


According to Mayaka, the President should understand that Kenyans are burdened by the high cost of living and also understand that increasing taxes is a step to make life difficult for citizens.


I expected to hear a lot about economic issues from the President because we are in a bad economic state. Kenyans are hit by new taxes every day. We wanted the President to give a clear picture of the situation. Things are very bad in this country,” she lamented.


Ms. Mayaka also criticized the new fees introduced for passports and IDs, saying they are a blow to people who are already struggling.


The MP wondered how Kenyans will pay Sh1,000 to obtain an ID card when these services have been free since independence.


This is a picture of a worrying future, politicians will have a hard time in 2027 when we return to ask for votes from the people because we will have to answer difficult questions from them,” she said.

We will have to pay voters to go and collect their IDs so that they can vote for us,” she concluded.


Hon Mayaka’s Statement Received with Mixed Reactions

Hon. Mayaka’s statement has been met with mixed reactions from Kenyans. Some agree with her that the economy has fallen, while others accuse her of being extreme on her comparison of the Kenyan economy falling just like her ‘Bo0bs’.


Those who agree with her say that the cost of living has risen sharply in recent months, and that taxes and the price of fuel have contributed to this. They say that President Ruto should work to reduce the financial burden on Kenyans.


Notably, many are against Mayaka saying that she is using unnecessarily explicit language, and that she does not know what is going on in the economy. They say that the economy is still growing, and that the standard of living is improving for many Kenyans.


Remember, Hon Mayaka is the same legislator who had to fight a barrage of claims that she was, to put it bluntly, ‘Raila’s Girlfriend’. This claim angered her and she went to X (formerly Twitter) to rubbish the absurd claims.


Counties News Top News

Ruto: Balancing Politics, Taxation, Kenyan Economy and Unending Backlash.

William Ruto, the fifth president of Kenya, has been in office for over a year. During this time, he has had both ups and downs.



One of Ruto’s main achievements has been his focus on infrastructure development. He has launched a number of new road and rail projects, and has also invested in renewable energy. This has helped to boost the Kenyan economy and create jobs.


Ruto has also made progress on some social issues. For example, he has introduced a new school feeding program and has increased funding for health care. He has also taken steps to address corruption, which is a major problem in Kenya.


One of the most notable achievements of the Ruto government has been the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program. This program has made it possible for all Kenyans to access quality healthcare services at an affordable price. The UHC program has been praised by many Kenyans, and it is seen as a major step forward in terms of social justice.


Another major achievement of the Ruto government has been the launch of the Big Four Agenda. This agenda is focused on four key areas: food security, manufacturing, affordable housing, and universal health coverage. The Big Four Agenda is ambitious, but it has the potential to transform the Kenyan economy and improve the lives of millions of Kenyans.



One of Ruto’s biggest challenges has been the high cost of living. Kenyans are struggling to afford food, fuel, and other essentials. Ruto has tried to address this problem by lowering some taxes and providing subsidies for basic goods. However, these measures have not been enough to bring relief to many Kenyans.


Another challenge for Ruto has been the ongoing drought in Kenya. Millions of people are facing food insecurity as a result of the drought. Ruto has launched a number of initiatives to help those affected, but the problem remains serious.


The Ruto government has also been criticized for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has been accused of being slow to react to the pandemic and of failing to provide adequate support to businesses and individuals who have been affected by the pandemic.


“Zakayo Natembeya..”

Ruto has been criticized for his frequent travels outside of Kenya. Some people have accused him of being more interested in traveling the world than in governing the country. Ruto has defended his travels, arguing that they are necessary to attract foreign investment and to strengthen Kenya’s ties with other countries.


However, Ruto’s frequent travels have made him the subject of some mockery, particularly on social media. Some people have even created a hashtag called #ZakayoNatembeya and #TheFlyingPresident to poke fun at Ruto’s travel habits.


“Zakayo Mtoza Ushuru..”

Ruto’s government has been criticized for its focus on taxation. Ruto has increased a number of taxes, including the value added tax (VAT). This has made it more expensive for Kenyans to buy goods and services. Ruto has argued that the increased taxes are necessary to fund government programs and to reduce the national debt.


However, Ruto’s tax increases have been unpopular with many Kenyans. Some people have accused him of being more interested in raising taxes than in helping the Kenyan people.


Our Take..

Ruto’s government has had both ups and downs. He has made progress on some issues, such as infrastructure development and social programs. However, he has also been criticized for the high cost of living, the ongoing drought, his frequent travels outside of Kenya, and his focus on taxation.


It remains to be seen whether Ruto will be able to address the challenges facing his government and meet the expectations of the Kenyan people. We hope and pray, this government