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Kenya Power Chair’s Shameful and Insensitive Online Rant: ‘Nimebuy Tokens za 10k, Meter Ikajam’

In a stunning display of disconnect from the struggles of the common man, Kenya Power Board Chairperson Joy Mdivo has sparked outrage with her recent social media posts. The posts, which have gone viral, show Mdivo boasting about her ability to purchase electricity tokens worth thousands, while ordinary Kenyans are grappling with the skyrocketing cost of living.
The brazen display of insensitivity comes on the heels of Kenya Power’s recent disruption to its prepaid token vending system, which left many customers unable to purchase electricity tokens from June 2nd to 3rd, 2024. This disruption forced countless households to scramble to buy tokens in advance, lest they be left in the dark.

Mdivo’s Facebook post, which has drawn widespread criticism, details how her energy meter jammed due to the sheer volume of units she bought. The post has been seen as a callous display of wealth, with many Kenyans expressing outrage at the Chairperson’s apparent disregard for the struggles of the average citizen.
“This is a heavy slap in the face to every Kenyan who has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping the lights on,” said one outraged citizen. “When leadership fails to empathize with the plight of its people, it becomes nothing short of a travesty.”

The incident has raised questions about the leadership’s ability to understand and address the needs of the people they serve. As the cost of living continues to rise, many are left wondering if those in power are truly committed to finding solutions or simply content to flaunt their privilege.
The backlash against Mdivo’s post has been swift and severe, with many calling for greater accountability from those in positions of power. As the people of Kenya continue to struggle with the rising cost of living, one thing is clear: the disconnect between leadership and the people cannot be ignored any longer.