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CS Alice Wahome under Ruto: From Muddy Waters to Landslide Moves.

From Water to Land: A Cabinet Shuffle Brings New Challenges

Alice Wahome, known for her fiery personality and unwavering loyalty to President William Ruto, has had a dynamic first year in office. Initially appointed Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation in 2022, she was subsequently reshuffled in October 2023 to head the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development. This unexpected move raised eyebrows, sparking both optimism and concern.


Major Projects: Building a Foundation for the “Big Four Agenda

Wahome’s tenure at Lands has been marked by ambitious projects aligned with Ruto’s “Big Four Agenda” of food security, affordable housing, manufacturing, and universal healthcare. Some highlights include:

Accelerating Land Titling: Digitizing land records and issuing title deeds is a key focus, aimed at increasing land ownership security and facilitating access to credit.

Revamping Housing Policy: Affordable housing initiatives are being streamlined, with targets set for construction of subsidized units.

Infrastructure Development: Emphasis is placed on improving roads, railways, and public transportation across the country.

Urban Regeneration: Slums are being targeted for slum upgrading and green development projects.


Notable Achievements and Accolades CS Alice Wahome has been credited with:

Streamlining processes: Initiatives like online permits and applications aim to enhance efficiency and combat corruption.

Tackling land grabbing: Public pronouncements and increased enforcement aim to protect vulnerable communities from land dispossession.

Attracting investment: Policies aimed at simplifying business registration and land acquisition are designed to encourage investment in real estate and urban development.


Muddy Waters: The Shadow of Corruption Allegations

However, Wahome’s tenure has not been without controversy. A recent land scandal involving accusations of irregular allocation of prime public land for private development has cast a shadow over her achievements. These claims have been vehemently denied by both Wahome and the government, but investigations are ongoing.


Notable Headlines: A Mix of Progress and Controversy

  • Wahome vows to clean up Lands Ministry, digitize all records.
  • Affordable housing push: 100,000 units targeted in first year.
  • Slum dwellers protest planned demolitions in Nairobi.
  • CS Wahome denies involvement in land scandal, calls it political witch-hunt.


Looking Ahead: Building on Promises or Battling Accusations?

Only time will tell if Wahome will be remembered as a transformative leader or tarnished by allegations. Her ability to deliver on ambitious projects while upholding transparency and accountability will determine her legacy in the complex and often opaque world of Kenyan land politics.


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Adan Duale: From Political Powerhouse to Kenya’s Defence Chief

Honourable Aden Duale, a towering figure in Kenyan politics, traded his vibrant halls of Parliament, a place he’s  been for over 10 years, for the strategic corridors of the Ministry of Defence. His journey from political strategist to national security guardian has been fascinating, marked by both triumphs and challenges.


From Majority Leader to Defence Chief:

Duale’s political career flourished under the Jubilee Party, where he served as the Majority Leader in the National Assembly for two consecutive terms. He wielded considerable influence, shaping legislation and navigating the complex political landscape. However, his outspoken nature and perceived allegiance to former DP and Current President, H.E William Samoei Ruto led to his ouster in 2020.


Undeterred, Duale reinvented himself. When President William Ruto took office in 2022, he appointed Duale as the Cabinet Secretary for Defence, a critical and demanding role. This move surprised many, but it also highlighted Ruto’s trust in Duale’s leadership skills and strategic acumen.


Key priorities as Defence CS:

As Defence Chief, Duale has focused on several key areas:


Modernization of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF): Duale has overseen the acquisition of advanced military equipment, including fighter jets and armored vehicles. He has also emphasized training and professional development for KDF personnel.

Enhanced regional security: Duale has played a crucial role in regional security initiatives, particularly in the fight against terrorism and armed groups in Eastern DRC. He has deployed KDF troops to join the East African Community Joint Regional Force in the region.

Strengthening civil-military relations: Duale has actively engaged with civilians, promoting dialogue and understanding between the military and the public.


Notable Achievements and Challenges:

Duale’s tenure has seen notable successes. The KDF has performed well in regional operations, and the modernization efforts have boosted its capabilities. However, challenges remain. Corruption allegations within the military continue to surface, and the fight against terrorism requires constant vigilance.


Duale’s Future:

Duale’s future at the Ministry of Defence hinges on his ability to navigate these challenges. He must foster transparency and accountability within the KDF while ensuring its effectiveness in safeguarding Kenya’s national security. His success will be crucial in shaping Kenya’s defence landscape and ensuring the well-being of its people.


Adan Duale’s transition from political powerhouse to Defence Chief has been a remarkable one. His leadership skills and strategic thinking are now applied to safeguarding Kenya’s security. While challenges remain, Duale’s dedication and commitment to national security hold promise for a more stable and secure future for Kenya.


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CS Murkomen Scorecard Under Ruto, Achievements, Milestones and Controversies.

Onesimus Murkomen, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Roads, Transport, and Public Works, has undertaken a mammoth task: revamping the country’s infrastructure network. His tenure has been a mix of ambitious projects, vocal pronouncements, and criticism, making him a central figure in Kenya’s development narrative.


CS Murkomen’s Major Projects:

  • Ruto’s Big Four Agenda: Murkomen is a key player in President Ruto’s flagship Big Four Agenda, responsible for improving road infrastructure, building affordable housing, boosting manufacturing, and enhancing food security. He has overseen the construction and rehabilitation of numerous roads across the country, aiming to connect communities and spur economic growth.
  • Nairobi Commuter Railway Revival: Murkomen has prioritized reviving Kenya’s struggling railway system. He has spearheaded the modernization of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and championed the construction of new commuter lines like the Riruta-Ngong line.

Notable Achievements:

  • Increased Pace of Road Constructions and Maintenance: Under Murkomen’s leadership, the pace of road construction has accelerated, with several major highways and rural roads completed or in progress.
  • Commuter Railway Revival & Improved Performance: The SGR has seen operational improvements, with increased cargo volumes and passenger numbers.
  • Focus on Rural Connectivity: Murkomen’s emphasis on rural roads has been lauded by some as a crucial step towards closing the development gap between urban and rural areas.
  • Public transport reforms: Murkomen has introduced initiatives to modernize the public transportation sector, including the development of a commuter rail network and the regulation of boda bodas (motorcycles).
  • Focus on technology : Murkomen has embraced technology to improve efficiency and transparency in the Ministry, such as implementing an online platform for procurement and project monitoring.


Murkomen’s Challenges, Criticism and Alleged Corruption Allegations.

  • Corruption Allegations: Murkomen has faced accusations of corruption, particularly regarding the awarding of contracts for projects like the Riruta-Ngong line. He has denied the allegations and vowed transparency in project procurement.
  • Rising Costs: Some critics argue that infrastructure projects under Murkomen’s watch are plagued by cost overruns, raising concerns about financial mismanagement.
  • Land Acquisition Issues: The compulsory acquisition of land for road projects has led to discontent among some communities, raising questions about fair compensation and community engagement.
  • Road Maintenance Levy increase: Murkomen’s proposal to raise the Road Maintenance Levy by Ksh.5 per liter of fuel has met with strong opposition from both citizens and the National Dialogue Committee.
  • Alleged influence peddling: Murkomen has been accused of using his position to influence procurement processes and benefit specific companies.
  • Lack of transparency: Critics argue that the Ministry lacks transparency in its project selection, funding allocation, and contract awarding procedures.


Murkomen’s Future Outlook:

Murkomen’s ambition for Kenya’s infrastructure is undeniable. However, his success will hinge on addressing concerns about transparency, cost efficiency, and community engagement. If he can navigate these challenges and deliver on his promises, CS Kipchumba Murkomen could leave a lasting legacy of smoother roads, faster trains, and a more connected Kenya.