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KQ Hacked! Security Breach on Kenya Airways Exposes Customer Passports on the Dark Web

Kenya Airway (KQ) finds itself in the midst of a grave cybersecurity debacle as personal data, including passports and passwords, surfaces on the dark web. While an official confirmation of a breach within KQ’s core systems is pending, suspicions loom large, hinting at a possible preliminary move by the hacker.

A snapshot of the data leaked on the dark web by unknown actors. Image @Cnyakundi_H

An alarming cache of 2.2 GB worth of downloadable data has emerged, reportedly encompassing high-profile government passports, escalating the gravity of the situation. This event goes beyond the confines of Kenya Airways, echoing recent security incidents such as the leakage of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport’s architectural blueprints and a breach in the Assets and Recovery Agency‘s website.


The expansive scope of this security lapse raises serious apprehensions about broader vulnerabilities prevailing in the country’s cyber infrastructure. The spate of recent breaches across critical sectors amplifies concerns regarding the susceptibility of crucial systems to malicious cyber activities.

This remains a developing story, demanding vigilant attention as further details emerge. Stay tuned for real-time updates on this unsettling cybersecurity episode.

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Tragic: Kenyan Man Collapses and Passes Away Moments After Landing at JFK International Airport

A 36-year-old kenyan collapsed and tragically passed away just moments after his flight from Kenya landed at the JKF international Airport.


The deceased, identified as Stafford Osore, had embarked on his journey from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) with a layover in Dubai, flying aboard Emirates Airlines. However, his arrival at JFK Airport was marked by a sudden medical emergency that proved fatal.


In an alleged conversation with a news outlet, Mr. Felix Osore, the brother of the deceased who resides in the USA, recounted the harrowing sequence of events. He revealed that upon arriving at the airport, Stafford had promptly informed the family through their WhatsApp group that he had safely reached his destination.


“Once the plane landed, he notified us through our WhatsApp family group that he had arrived safely,” Mr. Felix shared.


Anxious to reunite with his brother, Felix arrived at the airport ahead of the scheduled landing time, eagerly awaiting Stafford’s appearance. However, as minutes turned into an unsettling delay, he grew concerned. Attempts to reach Stafford via phone went unanswered, and alarm bells started to ring.


Around 4:33 pm, Mr. Felix made an inquiry on the family WhatsApp group about Stafford’s whereabouts, only to be met with silence. Unnerved by the lack of response, he decided to return home with his two children and later embarked on a solo journey back to the airport to unravel the mystery.


It was during this journey that Mr. Felix received a phone call from the New York Port Authority, inquiring about his relationship with Stafford. Expecting his brother’s imminent arrival, he assured them of their connection.


The authorities conveyed the heartbreaking news that Stafford had collapsed at the airport, had been rushed to a hospital, and had, been pronounced dead upon arrival.


Upon investigation, it was revealed that upon disembarking at the first-class area, Stafford’s condition had taken a sudden turn for the worse. An observant air hostess had swiftly arranged a wheelchair for him, suspecting his distress. After being wheeled a short distance, he had attempted to walk, but in a tragic turn, collapsed, clutching his chest.


Stafford’s journey to the United States began in 2015 when he arrived as a Masters student. He had been working and residing in the US, and his untimely demise has cast a shadow of sorrow over his family and friends.


As his family grapples with the shock of this untimely death, they are left to remember Stafford for the moments they shared during his visit to Kenya just three weeks before the tragic incident.


This death underscores the fragility of life and serves as a good reminder to hold dear the moments shared with loved ones.

Top News World

Concerns Arise Over Alleged Planned Blackout at JKIA – Advocacy Group Speaks Out

Amidst the aftermath of the power outage that swept across Kenya on Friday, insiders from Operation Linda Ugatuzi (OLU), an advocacy group, claim to possess intelligence suggesting a premeditated plan behind the nationwide blackout. Fred Ogola, leading the lobby, expressed skepticism that Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), a crucial hub, would lack a functional backup generator in such a critical situation.


Ogola’s group is now pressing for transparency from JKIA’s management. Their demand includes the release of documents outlining the inventory of passenger plane arrivals at the airport on August 25, 2023, during the power disruption. The lobby, citing the importance of accountability, asserts that the lack of cooperation could lead them to seek legal intervention in the form of a High Court appeal.


Elevating their concerns, the group has raised questions about the termination of KAA boss Alex Gitari. They suggest that his removal might be tied to attempts to obscure illicit activities, potentially involving contraband entering the country. The lobby further alleges that, despite the blackout’s impact, multiple planes managed to land at JKIA, which, they argue, contradicts the absence of a functioning backup power source.


“We have information from credible sources that points to a calculated and well-executed plan behind the power outage,” the group stated.


In tandem with its claims, OLU has requested access to records detailing the inventory of passenger and cargo plane arrivals at JKIA during the power outage. The group’s spokesperson elaborated on their demands, emphasizing, “We are compelled to request from you a manifest of the inventory of all the departures of passenger planes from JKIA and that of all the departures of cargo planes on August 25, 2023, along with the manifest of passengers arriving during the outage.”


The lobby’s commitment to transparency remains unwavering, as it calls on JKIA to fulfill its request for information promptly. Fred Ogola concludes, “As Operation Linda Jami, we steadfastly advocate for the interests of Kenyans across the political, social, and economic spectrum. Our role is to provide a rational voice and remain committed to our principled stance.”

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Flight Connections Enhanced: Kenya Airways and Delta Airlines Expand Codeshare Collaboration

Kenya Airways (KQ) and Delta Airlines have taken a step further in their collaborative efforts by expanding their codeshare agreement, resulting in improved travel opportunities for their passengers across Africa and the United States. This extended partnership, including KQ’s Nairobi-New York service, came into effect recently. A codeshare agreement allows both airlines to market and operate the same flights using their own flight numbers and designators.


With the updated KQ-Delta alliance, travelers gain access to a more extensive array of travel choices, spanning over 31 destinations in Africa and encompassing 57 cities throughout the United States and Canada. The previous phase of this partnership expansion in 2020 had connected direct flights to three key locations: Dallas, Washington DC, and San Francisco.


This development not only offers passengers the advantage of streamlined routes and enhanced flight connectivity between the two carriers, but also extends benefits to frequent flyer members of KQ’s Asante Rewards and Delta’s SkyMiles programs, allowing them to accumulate miles on the partnered services.


Allan Kilavuka, the CEO of KQ, underscored the significance of this partnership expansion, highlighting its potential to bolster connectivity between the United States and Africa. Furthermore, he emphasized the ability for Kenya Airways to present its services directly through its American counterpart. Echoing these sentiments, Delta’s President International, Alain Bellemare, acknowledged the positive impact of this collaboration in enhancing air travel between the two continents.