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The Intriguing Life and Murder of Jacob Juma, Kenya’s Twitter No Nonsense Boss!

Jaco Juma driving
Jacob Juma’s mercedes is captured on CCTV before his brutal murder. Photo/courtesy

In the realm of Kenyan politics and business, the story of Jacob Juma, affectionately known as @kabetes, is a compelling and intricate story.


Born in 1971 in Mungore Village, Bungoma County, Juma’s life journey was similar to one well scripted movie or a well written storybook. He easily weaved through the corridors of power and wealth. Many were even surprised such a person who was relatively  unknown then, would be this powerful  and have all the intricate details of some of Uhuru Kenyatta’s Major corruption Scandals.


Juma’s Early Years and His Political Entry.

Raised in a humble background, Juma’s pursuit of education led him from Bungoma to Nairobi, where he joined the Kenya Polytechnic, sponsored by MPs Chris Okemo and Cyrus Jirongo. This was his early major breakthrough. However, his academic journey took an unexpected turn when politics beckoned. This came in the form of  Jirongo forming YK92  in 1992to mobilize youth support for then-President Moi.

It was during this period that Juma introduced a young future president, William Ruto to then Cyrus Jirongo, The kanu youth bigwig leading YK92


Juma’s Wealth and Political Influence

As a close associate of Jirongo, Juma found himself immersed in political dealings, accumulating wealth and influence. His ventures included significant land acquisitions, notably the purchase of a Ksh 9 million plot from President Moi’s son, Jonathan Moi, in the late ’90s. Juma’s financial prowess extended to business partnerships, such as Erad Supplies, which secured a lucrative tender worth 700 million Kenyan Shillings to supply maize to the National Cereals and Produce Board in 2004.


A Twitter Whistleblower is Born..

The turning point in Juma’s life occurred in 2012 when he facilitated a multi-trillion deal for a Canadian company, Cortec Mining Ltd, to mine Niobium at Mrima Hills. However, when the government, led by President Uhuru Kenyatta, revoked the license, Juma, feeling betrayed, transitioned from a behind-the-scenes player to a vocal whistleblower, and whistleblowing he did.

Juma’s revelations targeted prominent figures, with then Deputy President William Ruto taking center stage. Exposing Ruto’s ownership of Weston Hotel, alleged land grabs, and involvement in questionable dealings, Juma spared no effort to bring these issues to the forefront. He faced legal battles but remained undeterred, presenting evidence and pushing for justice.


Some of his explosive tweets touching on top Kenyan Politicians above. Photos/Twitter.

More Scandals..

Juma’s whistleblower crusade extended beyond Ruto, targeting then Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, the famous National Youth Service (NYS) scandal, and the Billion dollar Eurobond scandal, where he claimed a staggering 100 billion Kenyan Shillings had been misappropriated. (Yes, that’s 100 with a B!)

His relentless pursuit of truth and justice put him at odds with powerful figures, leading to mounting threats on his life.


Jacob Juma’s Tragic End.

Amid cryptic tweets hinting at a sinister plot against him, Juma’s worst fears materialized on May 5, 2016. Assassinated by unknown gunmen.

His untimely death sent shockwaves throughout Kenya political and social landscape. To add to the gruesome murder, the killers staged the scene to appear as a drive-by shooting. This pointed to a well coordinated, trained, elite killer gang.

The questions surrounding Juma’s demise lingered, leaving a huge void in the fight against corruption and injustice.


Jacob Juma’s life, marked by wealth, political entanglements, and whistleblowing, remains a complex narrative in Kenya’s history. His legacy echoes in the unresolved scandals he brought to light, and the questions surrounding his death underscore the challenges faced by those daring to expose corruption in powerful corridors.

As Kenya navigates its political landscape, the tale of Jacob Juma serves as a poignant reminder of the perils faced by those who choose to speak truth to power.