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Hezbollah’s Shocking Drone Invasion: How the Group Outsmarted Israel’s Air Defenses

Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, has published drone footage that appears to show it has been able to conduct extensive surveillance of strategic sites in northern Israel, including the port city of Haifa, without being detected by Israel’s vaunted air defense systems.

The nine-minute video, released on Tuesday, showcases footage that Hezbollah claims was gathered by its reconnaissance drones. The footage includes detailed images of the Haifa port, naval facilities, air defense systems like the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, as well as residential and commercial areas.

This revelation is particularly concerning for Israel, as Hezbollah has been steadily expanding its drone capabilities over the past year, using them for both surveillance and attack purposes. The group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, had previously acknowledged in November 2023 that Hezbollah had been sending drones over Haifa.

The ability of Hezbollah’s drones to penetrate deep into Israeli airspace and capture such detailed footage of sensitive military and civilian sites suggests significant gaps in Israel’s air defense systems. Despite intercepting around 150 Hezbollah drones, others have managed to reach their targets, highlighting the challenges Israel faces in countering this evolving threat.

Experts have noted that Hezbollah has employed tactics like flying at low altitudes and using multiple communication channels to evade detection, which appear to have been effective. Israel has acknowledged the need to invest millions of shekels to upgrade its air defense capabilities to better handle the drone threat.

The publication of this footage is seen as a major propaganda victory for Hezbollah, demonstrating its technological prowess and ability to breach Israel’s security. It also underscores the escalating tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border, as the two sides continue to exchange fire amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Video courtesy of Aljazeera/YouTube 


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WW3?: Beach Bathers in Tel Aviv Forced To RUN For Cover As Iron Dome “Failure” Allows Hamas Missiles to Rain Down on Israel

So one of the most advanced defense systems in human history just randomly decided to fail one day?

Some reports indicate we have not seen an alarm there like this since January! This is potentially the most “successful” attack on Israel in modern history.


The Israeli government is intentionally allowing missiles to rain on their own citizens in a desperate attempt to regain public support for their war campaign in Gaza. Many allegations are still unresolved that they also allowed the October 7th attack, or at least intentionally let it go on longer, in order to “justify” killing over 35,984 Palestinians.

Pay very close attention to what happens next!

Post lifted from Matt Wallace on X

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Chilling, Scary Video Released By IDF On Rafah on The Upcoming Blitz and Genocide in Gaza!

In a scary twist of events, chilling video footage has emerged, showcasing a formidable display of Israeli military might at the Rafah border in the dead of night. The video captures a convoy of tanks and bulldozers, including units from the renowned “Iron Tracks” and “Givati” divisions, crossing the border fence into the southern Gaza city. This military buildup signals a significant escalation as Israeli forces intensify their operations in Rafah, raising concerns about the potential for further conflict and civilian casualties.

Video: TheSun

The presence of these military vehicles, captured in the video released by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), underscores the gravity of the situation in Rafah. The footage highlights the determination of Israeli forces as they press forward in their mission to assert control over the region. This display of military power comes amidst international apprehension, with US President Joe Biden issuing a stern warning against a full-scale invasion of Rafah, citing concerns for civilian safety and threatening repercussions on weapon supplies.

As tensions mount and the situation in Rafah remains volatile, the video serves as a stark reminder of the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestinian factions. The continued military maneuvers and the deployment of tanks and bulldozers underscore the high stakes and the potential for further violence in the region. The international community closely watches as the situation unfolds, hoping for a peaceful resolution to prevent further loss of life and humanitarian crisis in Rafah.


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BREAKING: IDF Launches Invasion of Rafah Amid Ongoing Conflict with Hamas

In a major escalation of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have launched a ground invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah. This move comes despite international calls for restraint and concerns over the potential humanitarian catastrophe.

The IDF has been urging civilians in eastern Rafah to evacuate the area for several days, with around 100,000 people ordered to relocate to a designated “humanitarian zone.” This evacuation order has caused widespread panic and uncertainty among the local population, who are already facing dire humanitarian conditions due to the seven-month-long conflict.

According to IDF officials, the invasion of Rafah is a crucial component of Israel’s strategy to defeat Hamas, which the military claims is operating from the city. The IDF has asserted that the operation is necessary to secure the release of Israeli hostages and achieve a “total victory” over the militant group.

However, the move has drawn sharp criticism from the international community. The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has warned that a ground invasion of Rafah would be “intolerable due to its devastating humanitarian consequences”.

The US President, Joe Biden, has also reiterated his opposition to the operation, urging Israel to prioritize the protection of civilians.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that Rafah is home to the Karem Abu Salam (Kerem Shalom in Hebrew) border crossing, a crucial lifeline for the delivery of humanitarian aid and commercial goods to the Gaza Strip. The IDF’s seizure of control over this crossing has effectively halted all travel and aid flow into the enclave.

The conflict has already claimed the lives of at least 34,735 people in Gaza, with the majority being women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.  The Israeli military, on the other hand, estimates that around 1,200 people were killed in a single Hamas attack on October 7th, with over 300 soldiers among the dead.

As the situation in Rafah continues to unfold, the international community is urging both sides to prioritize the protection of civilians and to work towards a ceasefire agreement. The ongoing negotiations in Cairo and Doha offer a glimmer of hope, but the path to a lasting peace remains uncertain.