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Kenyan Police Depart for Haiti Peacekeeping Mission Amid Controversy

In a closed ceremony on Monday, a contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers departed Nairobi for Haiti, where they will lead a multinational force against powerful gangs responsible for a surge in deadly violence this year. The deployment is part of a larger planned contingent of 1,000 Kenyan officers for a United Nations-led mission in the Caribbean nation.


The decision to deploy Kenyan police has sparked controversy, defying a court ruling in Kenya that declared the mission unconstitutional. Critics have raised concerns about historical allegations of police misconduct. A new lawsuit has been filed seeking to block the deployment, questioning the legitimacy of the agreement signed between Kenya and Haiti.

President William Ruto, who oversaw the sendoff, has maintained that stabilizing Haiti is “a mission for humanity … a mission for solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Haiti.” The United States has pledged $300 million to support the mission, but President Joe Biden has expressed concerns about the implications of American troop presence in Haiti.

Haiti has witnessed over 2,500 individuals killed or injured in the first quarter of 2024, triggered by a surge in violence starting in late February that has uprooted over half a million residents. Gangs currently hold sway over approximately 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

The reported deployment comes as Kenya faces protests against proposed tax increases. Despite the legal challenges and controversies, the Kenyan government appears determined to proceed with the mission, with an advance team already sent for special training in the U.S. last year.

Human Rights Watch has raised concerns about the mission and doubts over its funding. Rights groups have accused Kenyan police of using excessive force and carrying out unlawful killings. The mission will need to establish a framework of strict internal and external independent oversight and transparency to address these concerns.


Top News World

VIDEO: Harrowing Video Of an Alleged Cannibal Gang In Haiti Feasting On Human Meat Shocks the Internet.

In the midst of heightened tensions and escalating gang violence in Haiti, a shocking video has emerged on social media purportedly depicting a harrowing act of cannibalism.

The harrowing video’s authenticity remains unverified. The nation finds itself embroiled in a state of unrest, with gang leader Jimmy Cherizier, also known as ‘Barbecue,’ seizing control amidst efforts to oust Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Reports of violence and allegations of cannibalistic practices by gang leaders send shockwaves through the international community.

Haiti’s Gang Boss aka ‘Barbeque’. Courtesy

The situation in Haiti has reached a critical juncture, prompting the evacuation of U.S. embassy personnel and the declaration of a state of emergency. Cherizier’s ascent to power, characterized by brutality and alleged involvement in heinous crimes, further plunges the nation into chaos. The emergence of a disturbing video circulating online elicits widespread condemnation and calls for immediate action to address the escalating violence and disorder in Haiti.

As Haiti grapples with the scourge of gang warfare and appalling acts of violence, global observers closely monitor developments, underscoring the pressing need for stability and security in the region.

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Top News World

A Country On Fire: Chaos as Haiti’s Gangs Storm Central Bank Amidst State of Emergency

In a brazen display of power and defiance, Haiti’s notorious gangs orchestrated a series of coordinated attacks, culminating in a daring raid on the central bank amidst a state of emergency gripping the nation. Led by the infamous Jimmy “Barbeque” Chérizier, these armed groups unleashed a wave of violence that engulfed critical sites across the country, including the main airport and national soccer stadium.

The meticulously planned assaults, part of a larger power struggle within Haiti, sought to destabilize the government and instigate widespread chaos. The audacious move by the gangs not only challenged the authorities but also sent shockwaves through a nation already reeling from political unrest and social upheaval.

The siege on the central bank, a symbol of financial stability and national security, underscored the brazenness of the gangs’ actions. Reports indicate that armed assailants breached the bank’s defenses, gaining access to its inner sanctum and wreaking havoc within its hallowed halls. The extent of the damage caused by this unprecedented breach remains unclear, but the implications are far-reaching and profound.

As Haiti plunged deeper into turmoil, a 72-hour state of emergency was declared, further exacerbating an already dire situation. The mass escape of thousands of inmates from prisons added to the chaos, with armed gangs tightening their grip on key locations in the capital. The escalating violence painted a grim picture of a nation teetering on the brink of anarchy, with security forces struggling to contain the rampant lawlessness.

The repercussions of these brazen attacks are likely to reverberate across Haiti for years to come. The breakdown of law and order, coupled with the erosion of trust in institutions, poses a grave threat to the country’s stability and future prospects. As Haiti grapples with this unprecedented crisis, questions loom large about its ability to restore order and rebuild in the aftermath of such wanton destruction.

In conclusion, the events unfolding in Haiti serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace and security in a nation plagued by deep-rooted challenges. The audacity displayed by the gangs in storming the central bank underscores the urgent need for decisive action and international support to prevent further descent into chaos. Haiti stands at a crossroads, where its response to this crisis will shape its destiny for generations to come.


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UN Security Council Greenlights Kenya’s Role in Addressing Haiti’s Gang Crisis”

In most countries worldwide, the presence of armed foreign troops often sparks hostility. However, in Haiti, where gangs have wreaked havoc for years, news of an international armed force being dispatched to combat criminal elements has stirred mixed emotions.


In 2017, armed soldiers and police were withdrawn from Haiti after nearly two decades on the streets, resulting in a surge in criminal activities. Gangs took control of significant portions of the country, causing a spike in robberies, rapes, and kidnappings. Now, the United Nations Security Council’s approval of a one-year deployment of an international armed force to help quell violent gangs has given Haitians a glimmer of hope.


The announcement of this vote has dominated conversations, radio broadcasts, and television programs across the nation. “It’s as if God heard Haiti’s cries for help and is answering them,” said Wensley Johnson, a 40-year-old resident who was forced to flee his home this year due to gang violence.


Johnson, a construction worker, sent his son and stepdaughter to live with relatives in the countryside to shield them from the ongoing violence. Still, he has struggled to provide for them as construction work has ground to a halt in areas controlled by gangs. He expressed relief that a foreign armed force would address the dire security situation. He noted that Haiti’s security forces lack the manpower and resources to effectively confront heavily armed gangs.


Haiti’s National Police have conducted several operations against gangs, but they lack the necessary resources and personnel to adequately address the crisis. With only approximately 10,000 active officers for a population exceeding 11 million people, the challenges are immense.


This upcoming mission, led by Kenya with support from Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda, marks the first international force deployment to Haiti in nearly two decades, following a 2004 U.N. mission that concluded in 2017. The mission will be reviewed after nine months and funded by voluntary contributions, with the U.S. pledging up to $200 million. Kenya’s foreign minister has indicated that the force could be deployed as early as January.


The prospect of gang violence escalating further has left many Haitians deeply concerned. They hope that the international force will bring stability and allow them to return to their normal activities. Peter John, a 49-year-old carpenter, expressed his fear of the growing violence and welcomed the international intervention as a means to combat gangs.


In the meantime, some Haitians have resorted to violent uprisings known as “bwa kale” to take matters into their own hands. This violent response has claimed hundreds of lives since it began in April.


The security situation in Haiti remains dire, with over 2,400 reported killings and numerous kidnappings and injuries documented from January to mid-August this year. Violence against women and children, in particular, has been on the rise.


For Jannette Boucher, a 37-year-old store owner who sells women’s and children’s clothing, the deployment of an international armed force is long overdue. She narrowly escaped a gang attack earlier this year and has lost friends to kidnappings and torture. More than 200,000 Haitians have lost their homes due to gang-related violence.


While previous foreign interventions in Haiti have left many with bitter memories, the hope now is that this new international armed force will respect human rights and help restore some semblance of stability. Critics have raised concerns about past abuses by Kenya’s police force, but supporters point to the resolution’s strong language aimed at preventing abuse and ensuring proper wastewater management.


The United Nations Security Council approved this resolution nearly a year after Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry and 18 top government officials requested immediate foreign armed force deployment to combat the gang crisis that has plagued the country. Haiti now looks to the international community for support in tackling this long-standing security and humanitarian crisis.

(Note: This article is an original piece written for Smartie News Ke, with factual information sourced from APNews, and credit is duly given for their reporting.)