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How Did GHash Mining Manage To Dupe Millions Of Investors To a Dubious Crypto Mining Scam?

In a recent crackdown on financial fraud, Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has finally uncovered a massive cryptocurrency scam involving a Crypto Currency Company known as GHash Mining. GHash Minings has left many investors across the country reeling and counting their losses.


We try to shed light on the intricate web of deceit and try revealing how this sophisticated operation  managed to win over thousands of unsuspecting Kenyan citizens.

An illustration of GHash’s head office tweeted on X (Twitter) Account. Image/GHash- X (Twitter) 

From it’s inception, GHash Mining promised to provide a lucrative investment opportunity through cloud mining services, allowing individuals to participate in Bitcoin mining without having to own or manage any hardware themselves.

However, as investigators delved deeper into the company’s operations, it became apparent that GHash Mining had been operating a Ponzi scheme, using new investor funds to pay out returns to existing members while keeping a significant portion for its operators.

A breakdown of GHash packages. Image/GHash – X(Twitter)

The elaborate deception began with slick marketing campaigns aimed at attracting potential investors. These efforts included social media influencers promoting the platform, promising high returns and minimal risk.

Once investors signed up and deposited their money, they received regular payments based on the amount invested and the supposedly impressive performance of the virtual currency market.

GHash even went to the extent of faking financial reports and paying newspapers for positive reporting to net more Kenyan investors into the trap.

However, behind closed doors, GHash Mining’s operators were not investing in legitimate mining activities but rather diverting funds to personal accounts and other illicit ventures. As more people joined the scheme, the need for fresh capital grew exponentially, leading to the collapse of the entire enterprise when the influx of new investments could no longer sustain the false promises made to earlier participants.


After months of painstaking investigation, the DCI finally exposed the true nature of GHash Mining’s operations. In collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, authorities arrested several key suspects involved in running the scam. The DCI also seized assets linked to the criminal activity, including luxury vehicles and properties purchased with illegally obtained funds.

This groundbreaking case serves as a warning against the dangers we face necessitated by unregulated investment schemes, particularly those operating within the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies. It highlights the importance of conducting thorough due diligence before committing one’s hard-earned savings to such ventures and encourages vigilance among consumers who are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals seeking to exploit emerging technologies.