Kericho County News Top News

Kericho Family Drama: Chaos Reigns as Tea Plantations Uprooted in Inheritance Battle!

A family dispute in Kericho County has intensified following a High Court ruling mandating the equal division of the estate left by the late Jonathan Kipsang Ngeno among his 12 children. The conflict arose when some siblings, led by Gilbert Kiprono and his brothers, failed to comply with the court’s directive to share the property equally with their sisters.

The tension culminated in a dramatic scene at the Chepsir property, where the sisters, supported by legal authorities, surveyed and divided the land as per the court order. Justice Joseph Sergon emphasized the fair distribution of assets under the Law of Succession Act, dismissing claims of prior land allocation to certain siblings as unsubstantiated.

The court’s decision to divide not only the land but also shares in various blue-chip companies equally among the family members underscores Justice Sergon’s commitment to upholding legal statutes and ensuring a just distribution of assets


The case highlights the complexities and emotional toll that family disputes over inheritance can bring, shedding light on the importance of legal clarity and fairness in such matters.