Counties News Top News

Kenya Power Chair’s Shameful and Insensitive Online Rant: ‘Nimebuy Tokens za 10k, Meter Ikajam’

In a stunning display of disconnect from the struggles of the common man, Kenya Power Board Chairperson Joy Mdivo has sparked outrage with her recent social media posts. The posts, which have gone viral, show Mdivo boasting about her ability to purchase electricity tokens worth thousands, while ordinary Kenyans are grappling with the skyrocketing cost of living.
The brazen display of insensitivity comes on the heels of Kenya Power’s recent disruption to its prepaid token vending system, which left many customers unable to purchase electricity tokens from June 2nd to 3rd, 2024. This disruption forced countless households to scramble to buy tokens in advance, lest they be left in the dark.

Mdivo’s Facebook post, which has drawn widespread criticism, details how her energy meter jammed due to the sheer volume of units she bought. The post has been seen as a callous display of wealth, with many Kenyans expressing outrage at the Chairperson’s apparent disregard for the struggles of the average citizen.
“This is a heavy slap in the face to every Kenyan who has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping the lights on,” said one outraged citizen. “When leadership fails to empathize with the plight of its people, it becomes nothing short of a travesty.”

The incident has raised questions about the leadership’s ability to understand and address the needs of the people they serve. As the cost of living continues to rise, many are left wondering if those in power are truly committed to finding solutions or simply content to flaunt their privilege.
The backlash against Mdivo’s post has been swift and severe, with many calling for greater accountability from those in positions of power. As the people of Kenya continue to struggle with the rising cost of living, one thing is clear: the disconnect between leadership and the people cannot be ignored any longer.

Business Tech Top News World

Meta’s Open Source AGI: A Game-Changer for AI Development and Accessibility

Meta, the company led by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is actively developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) and has indicated that it may release it as open source software. AGI is a form of AI that is capable of understanding, learning, and applying knowledge in a way that is similar to human intelligence. Zuckerberg has stated that the long-term vision for Meta is to build AGI, open source it responsibly, and make it widely available for everyone’s benefit.


Meta is bringing together two of its AI research teams, FAIR (Facebook AI Research) and GenAI, to work towards this goal. The company is also working on training its next-generation model, Llama 3, and is building a massive compute infrastructure to support future AI models. This includes plans to have 350,000 H100 GPUs by the end of the year, which would amount to almost 600,000 H100 equivalents of compute.


Zuckerberg has expressed that AI and the metaverse are closely linked, and he envisions smart glasses as a primary way people will interact with AI and the metaverse. He has also mentioned that Meta’s approach to AGI will be to open source it as long as it is safe and responsible to do so, although he has not committed to a definitive plan for open sourcing any potential AGI developed by Meta.


The move towards open sourcing AGI aligns with Meta’s and Zuckerberg’s advocacy for keeping AI technology open-source, which has sparked debate within the tech industry. This stance is somewhat in contrast to more secretive rivals and has led to the formation of the AI Alliance, a group launched by Meta and IBM to promote an open-source vision of AI.


Zuckerberg’s announcement follows a trend of tech leaders downplaying the dangers of AGI, and it comes at a time when the tech industry is hotly debating the control and accessibility of AGI technology. The decision to open source AGI is ultimately Zuckerberg’s, given his voting control over Meta’s stock.

In summary, Meta is investing in the development of AGI with the intention of potentially open sourcing it, which would be a significant contribution to the AI ecosystem and could influence the future direction of AI development and accessibility.

Business Tech Top News World

Vusi Thembekwayo’s Facebook Hacked: A Cautionary Tale and Cybersecurity Guide

Vusi Thembekwayo, a prominent South African figure in the business world, recently fell victim to a Facebook hack, resulting in the unauthorized posting of irrelevant and misleading content on his account. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the prevalence of cyber threats and the importance of robust online security measures.


Among the misleading posts was a rumor falsely claiming the death of Jamie Foxx. This incident, as reported by Precious Chukwuemeka Nwosu, highlighted the malicious nature of the hack, as the content shared was not in line with Thembekwayo’s typical posts.

The dissemination of false information about Jamie Foxx’s death serves as a poignant example of the potential consequences of such breaches, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity measures and heightened vigilance on social media platforms.


As a renown venture capitalist and bestselling author, Thembekwayo’s experience sheds light on the risks individuals face in the digital landscape.


The unauthorized access to Thembekwayo’s account underscores the need for individuals to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their online presence. While specific details of the actions taken to secure his account have not been publicly disclosed, it is imperative for individuals to report such breaches, change their passwords, and implement additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication.


In an era where social media plays a pivotal role in personal and professional branding, the implications of a hack can be far-reaching.

The incident involving Thembekwayo’s Facebook account is as a cautionary tale, prompting anyone online in this day and age to prioritize cybersecurity and stay informed about best practices for protecting their online identities.

Counties News Top News

Urgent Appeal: Locals Join Forces to Locate Disoriented Woman in Muguga Gatuanyaga

Renowned blogger and Facebook influencer, Mwangi Muthiora, recently shared a distressing post that has sparked a community-wide effort to aid a middle-aged woman found wandering in the Muguga Gatuanyaga area. The woman appears to be disoriented and has been enduring harsh weather conditions, including sleeping outside in the cold and heavy rain.


Muthiora’s post highlights the urgency of the situation, expressing concern for the woman’s deteriorating condition. Witnesses who have encountered her since her arrival in the area have reported a visible decline in her well-being each passing day.


The post not only serves as a plea for assistance but also as a call to action for the community to come together. Muthiora encourages people to share the information widely in the hopes of reaching the woman’s relatives. The power of social media is harnessed to amplify the message and expedite the search for her family.


In the spirit of humanity, Muthiora’s post reflects the collective compassion of individuals who want to extend a helping hand to someone in need. The heartbreaking emojis accompanying the post underscore the emotional impact of the situation, emphasizing the urgency of the woman’s predicament.


Local residents are urged to be vigilant and report any sightings or information that could lead to identifying the woman or locating her family. This collaborative effort embodies the strength of community bonds, showcasing the positive impact of social media when used for the greater good.


As the post gains traction across social platforms, the hope is that it will reach beyond Muguga Gatuanyaga, reaching a wider audience and increasing the chances of reuniting the woman with her loved ones. In times of crisis, it is heartening to witness the digital community rallying together to address real-world challenges and extend a helping hand to those in distress.

Business Tech Top News World

Elon Musk Offers $1 Billion To Rename Facebook To “Faceboob”

In a surprising move, billionaire Elon Musk has offered to pay Mark Zuckerberg $1 billion to rename Facebook to “Faceboob.” Musk made the offer in a tweet on November 1, 2023, in response to an article from the satirical news website The Babylon Bee.


The article, titled “Elon Musk Offers Mark Zuckerberg $1 Billion To Rename Facebook To ‘Faceboob,'” is a clear joke. However, Musk’s tweet suggests that he may be serious about the offer.


It would be a much better name!” Musk tweeted.


Musk’s tweet has sparked a lot of discussion online, with some people expressing support for the idea and others criticizing it. Some people have praised Musk for his sense of humor, while others have accused him of being disrespectful to Zuckerberg and Facebook.


It is unclear whether Musk is serious about his offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook. However, the tweet is a sign of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind.


It is also worth noting that Musk has a history of making controversial statements on social media. In the past, he has tweeted about a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, politics, and artificial intelligence. His tweets have often been met with mixed reactions.


It is too early to say whether Musk’s offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook will be accepted. However, the tweet is a reminder of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind.


Musk’s offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook is a clear sign of his growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind. It is also a sign of his sense of humor, as the name “Faceboob” is a clear joke.


It is unclear whether Musk is serious about his offer, but it is likely that he is using it as a way to generate publicity and attention. Musk is a master of social media, and he knows how to use it to get his message out.


It is also possible that Musk is trying to make a point about Facebook’s name. The name “Facebook” has been criticized for being too generic and for not accurately reflecting what the company does. Musk may be suggesting that Facebook should consider a rebranding in order to better reflect its identity and values.


Whatever Musk’s intentions are, his offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook is a surefire way to get people talking. It is also a reminder of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to challenge the status quo.