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DCI Arrests Five in Botched JKIA Cocaine Trafficking Scheme

In a recent operation by the Anti-Narcotics Detectives at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, a significant drug trafficking attempt was thwarted, leading to the arrest of five individuals involved in a botched cocaine trafficking scheme.

The incident unfolded when Apoko Damaris Adhiambo, 32, was intercepted at terminal A1 while attempting to board a Kenya Airways flight to Antananarivo, Madagascar. A body scan revealed concealed cocaine pellets, totaling 600g, hidden in her undergarments. Subsequent investigations and interrogations unveiled a network involving a Ugandan national, Harriet Asaba, leading to further arrests.

Recent cocaine bust at JKIA. IMAGE/DCI

The operation extended to Accra Road in Nairobi CBD, where Asaba was apprehended, and later to Free Area Hotel building, resulting in the discovery of additional cocaine pellets. The total seizure amounted to 33 pellets, with a combined weight of approximately 396 grams.

The authorities have initiated legal proceedings against the arrested suspects, with ongoing collaborative efforts with InterPol to identify the intended recipients of the illicit drugs in Antananarivo.

For those with relevant information, a dedicated hotline has been established by the DCI for reporting drug trafficking activities, ensuring anonymity and encouraging public participation in combating narcotics-related crimes.

#FichuakwaDCI. To provide intelligence on drug traffickers, call 0800 722 203. Anonymity guaranteed. Don’t hesitate! #narcoticsfreestate.


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British Tiktok Influencer Faces Prison Time in Peru for Cocaine Smuggling

A British Tiktok influencer, who goes by the name Adams, has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. On September 30, an astonishing turn of events unfolded at the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Peru, where Adams was apprehended while attempting to smuggle an astounding £300,000 worth of cocaine into the United Kingdom.




Adams, a 25-year-old internet sensation, is now facing the harsh reality of a six-year and eight-month prison sentence handed down by a court in Peru’s Callao district. His charges are in direct connection to his involvement in coordinating the shipment of 2.9 kilograms of cocaine to London.


The entire episode began with a series of dramatic events at the Peruvian airport. Adams was found with nearly three kilograms of cocaine in his possession. Surveillance cameras captured him calmly carrying a suitcase into his hotel, and it was only a matter of time before his audacious smuggling attempt was exposed.


Things took a dire turn when Adams tried to board a flight back to Europe. Authorities swiftly intervened, and his plans for freedom were abruptly halted. Adams readily confessed his guilt and was fined £1,500 before he was sentenced to serve his time in a Peruvian prison, effectively bringing his online influencer career to an abrupt end.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the severe legal consequences associated with drug smuggling, even for those who have achieved fame on social media. It underscores the importance of abiding by the law and making responsible choices, as nobody is exempt from the reach of justice. In a world where actions are constantly under scrutiny, Adams’ story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone tempted to engage in illegal activities, regardless of their online popularity.