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GRAPHIC: Russian Soldier’s Video of Decomposing Bodies Sparks Outrage!

A very disturbing video has surfaced showing a Russian soldier documenting the decomposing bodies of his fellow soldiers who fell in battle. The soldier, who remains anonymous, recorded the footage under enemy fire, highlighting the gruesome conditions in which the bodies were left.


The video shows the bodies of Russian soldiers who were killed in action, with one soldier described as having burned alive in an armored vehicle. The soldier’s face is severely disfigured, with worms having eaten away at his features. The soldier’s helmet and glasses are still intact, but his face is unrecognizable.

The Russian soldier, in a somber tone, reflects on the sacrifice of his comrades, saying, “My head is still on my shoulders and I’m ready to sacrifice myself on this land. But you’re sitting on the couch there, in a big and beautiful Russia, we’re doing everything to bring defeat to the enemy, if you’re honest with yourself, then good for you and stay safe. But these guys are already in heaven. If you meet them one day and they ask, what will you say?”


The video has sparked widespread outrage and grief, highlighting the devastating toll of the war in Ukraine. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict and the need for all parties involved to work towards a peaceful resolution.

The video can be viewed on our Smartie News Telegram Chanel Here due its graphic nature.

Again, BE WARNED we highly advise that viewers exercise caution due to its  EXTREMELY GRAPHIC NATURE!