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The Unforeseen Rise of Female Gangsters in Nairobi’s Eastlands in 2017

In the annals of Nairobi’s Eastlands, a shadowy menace had taken root. Back in December 2017, I reported on the infamous Gaza gang, a criminal outfit that had been tormenting the community for two relentless years. The event that caught everyone’s attention was the surrender of 21 Gaza gang members in a dramatic negotiation at Njiru market, Nairobi. This unexpected development provided a glimmer of hope, but it also raised perplexing questions.


While Kenya had a long history of gang activity, it was an anomaly to see girls among the group that yielded to the authorities that day. Typically, the criminal underworld in Kenya had been a male-dominated realm, with females relegated to peripheral roles. Yet here, in the heart of Eastlands, girls were not just participants; they were emerging as significant players in a world that had always been considered a male stronghold.


Despite the government’s two-year crackdown on Gaza and the surrender of these 21 members, the war against this notorious gang showed no signs of abating. In the days that followed the high-profile amnesty event in Njiru, violence continued to grip the area. A Chief Inspector in charge of Administration Police was fatally shot and robbed, raising suspicions that Gaza was far from defeated. The gangsters appeared to operate with a brazen fearlessness, demonstrating a disregard for law enforcement.


The Rise And Fall Of Michael Mwaniki, Aka Mwane Sparta

The statistics were chilling. Over 240 teenagers had been arrested in the first half of that year for crimes linked to Gaza, and shockingly, nearly a quarter of them were girls. Equally disturbing was the fact that an almost equal number had been killed, often due to their possession of firearms. It was a grim reality for Kayole and neighboring estates like Dandora, Komarock, Njiru, Kasarani, Umoja, Utawala, and Doonholm, where law enforcement’s attempts to curb teenage gang activity had proven inadequate.


Ali Nuno, the OCPD of Kayole, issued a stern warning: “Anyone found with a firearm will be shot on sight.” The gang members who had surrendered sought negotiations with elders, seemingly desperate to avoid the fate that had befallen so many of their peers.


However, what was most concerning was the increased involvement of girls in the gang’s criminal activities. Some reports even suggested that these girls were younger, tougher, and sometimes more violent than their male counterparts. In one particularly harrowing incident, two girls were part of a gang that terrorized shopkeepers in Kayole estate, showcasing a boldness and ruthlessness that was previously unimaginable.


This rise of female gang members was marked by their distinctive street style – flashy silver necklaces and rings, colloquially known as “wayawaya.” They flaunted their jewelry, firearms, and drug connections openly, even on social media platforms like Facebook.


For instance, a girl who went by the moniker “Lexy Galdem Shuga” posted a photo featuring bullets laid out on Kenyan currency notes and American dollars, with comments from her friends revealing a disturbing level of bravado and casual discussion about crime. This public display of criminality was a disconcerting sign of the times.


The allure of joining gangs like Gaza was driven by a complex mix of factors for many girls. Some saw it as a form of protection from sexual violence and unwanted attention, while others craved the sense of belonging that came with gang membership. Regardless of the reasons, the involvement of young girls in criminal activities posed a significant challenge for law enforcement.


These girls’ lives were far from typical. Many enjoyed a standard of living that their neighbors could only dream of, funded by their involvement in crime. Their affluence contrasted sharply with the daily threats they faced, as police officers were instructed to shoot anyone in possession of a firearm, regardless of gender. Yet, it seemed that the allure of quick money, societal affirmation, and protection from sexual harassment were powerful motivators.


In the years since that article, the phenomenon of female gang members has continued to evolve, and the tragic tales of pretty thugs, like Claire Njoki and Marsha Minaj, serve as stark reminders of the dangers they face. These young women, some as young as 14, often find themselves caught in a relentless cycle of violence and crime, leaving their lives lonely and fragile.


The emergence of female gangsters was a social upheaval that authorities had initially underestimated. As they increasingly became active participants in gang activities, the landscape of crime in Eastlands and beyond underwent a significant transformation. The fascination with the apparent glamour of gang life among teenagers continued to pose a challenge for the community and

law enforcement alike.

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The Rise and Fall of Michael Mwaniki, Aka Mwane Sparta: A Gangster’s Reign of Terror

In the underbelly of Nairobi’s criminal world, a notorious figure emerged after the fall of the infamous Tomaso, known as Gagula. Michael Mwaniki, popularly known as Mwane or Mwanii Sparta, carved a dark legacy that gripped the city with fear. Here is the gripping tale of a man who rose to prominence as a gangster and left a trail of violence in his wake.


Mwane’s journey began in the Kayole B3 area, a place known for its challenges and adversity. He attended Imara Primary School and briefly ventured into high school at Joy Valley before eventually dropping out. His early criminal career involved petty theft, including snatching handbags and stealing phones from unsuspecting victims.


However, his transformation into a notorious criminal took a more sinister turn when he became involved in protecting grabbed land for a local politician. The substantial payment they received for their efforts enabled them to acquire firearms and ammunition, marking the beginning of a life steeped in crime.

After the demise of Tomaso in 2014, Gaza, the notorious gang, splintered into smaller factions. Amid the chaos, Mwane emerged as a de facto leader, based in the Soweto slums of Kayole. His gang operated with meticulous precision, requiring potential members to undergo elaborate rituals such as oath-taking and head-shaving with a razor blade.


The Enigmatic Life And Death Of Tomaso Gagula: A Glimpse Into Nairobi’s Underworld

What set Mwane apart, and ultimately proved to be his downfall, was his brazen disregard for law enforcement. He openly boasted about killing police officers, intending to elevate his reputation and instill fear among both his subordinates and rivals.


The police force, united in its abhorrence of cop killers, launched a relentless pursuit of Mwane. The hunt became so intense that the OCS of Soweto Police Station, along with several sergeants and constables, were transferred, amid suspicions of corruption.


Mwane’s violent spree escalated when he shot and killed Officer Boniface Oketch during a chance encounter with police officers in Soweto. Tragically, this incident occurred on the same day another officer, Japheth Mwiti, lost his life outside Naivas in Kayole.


Mwane’s bloodlust for law enforcement continued as he was linked to the killings of several police officers, including Asbel Kipkorir, Kennedy Nkune, and ASP Eston Ndwiga in Mihango, among others. He was also implicated in the fatal shooting of former Moyale MP Philip Godana.


During this tumultuous period, Mwane was romantically involved with Claire Njoki, infamously known as Clea Adi Vybz, who was also involved in criminal activities. Their relationship was marked by violence, suspicion, and betrayal, leading to shocking murders within their close circle.

Claire Njoki
Claire Njoki, infamously known as Clea Adi Vybz Photo:

One chilling episode involved the execution of a close friend named Collo, whom Mwane led to a quarry under the pretense of a private conversation before shooting him and pushing his lifeless body into the abyss.


Mwane’s gang also used female members, including Claire, for nefarious purposes, such as ferrying weapons and luring potential victims in clubs. Their ability to blend in with the crowd and avoid suspicion made them invaluable assets to the gang’s criminal endeavors.


In April 2017, Mwane and his associates killed an AP officer in Ruai, prompting an extensive manhunt that resulted in the death of some gang members. The group then relocated to Weitethie, but their reign of terror continued.


In August 2017, Mwane’s gang ambushed and killed two police officers on patrol in Miti Kenda, Kibichoi, Kiambu County. They seized the officers’ firearms, including an AK and a Ceska Pistol, further escalating their notoriety.


Tragedy struck in May 2017 when Claire, the infamous gangster and Mwane’s lover, was killed in Chokaa. Mwane taunted the police, alleging they had murdered an innocent girl because she refused to betray him. Soon after, another of Mwane’s associates, Marsha Minaj, met a similar fate after being warned by Hessy on MKZ.


Hessy, an online police vigilante, cautioned gang members against attending Clea’s funeral, where law enforcement officers were expected to be present. True to their word, the police arrested three gang members during the event.


The beginning of the end for Mwane came when a special police unit planted informants within his gang. They learned of the gang’s hideout in Weitethie, which led to a fateful showdown.


On the morning of August 20, 2017, an informant received a call requesting copper. The police unit discreetly accompanied him, tracing his phone calls to the gang’s exact location. A dramatic shootout ensued when Mwane and his crew confronted undercover officers. The gun battle raged on for two hours, resulting in the death of gang members.


Mwane met his fate that day, marking the end of his reign of terror. He was buried nine days later in his hometown, with his family providing a brief eulogy claiming he was a land broker. The funeral was a low-key affair, as gang members knew that the police were watching.


With Mwane’s demise, the leadership of the Gaza gang fell into the hands of his close friends Kagwanja, Odinga, and Teddy Kasanga. However, their leadership was short-lived, as they too met their end in December 2017.


Teddy and several accomplices attempted to escape to Kathaana, Tala, but were pursued by the Flying Squad. In a fierce shootout, two gang members were killed, one took his own life, and Teddy and another accomplice were tracked down and shot dead in Mwonyeni.

Mwanes Gang

Mwane Sparta’s reign marked a dark chapter in Nairobi’s criminal history, leaving behind a legacy of violence, fear, and a resounding message from law enforcement: no one is above the law.



The information in this article is compiled from Eduzmi and various other sources and may be subject to inaccuracies.

Please let me know if you would like any specific details added or if you have any further information or context to include in the article.



Counties Nairobi News Top News

The Mysterious Life and Death of Tomaso Gagula: A Glimpse into Nairobi’s Underworld

In the dark underbelly of Nairobi’s criminal world, one name that stands out is Tomaso Gagula. Born into privilege and surrounded by political connections, Tomaso’s descent into a life of crime remains a puzzling enigma. This is the story of a man who had everything going for him, yet chose a path filled with danger and violence.

Tomaso in a club.

Tomaso Gagula, hailing from a prominent family with ties to politics, seemed destined for a different life. His maternal grandfather, Clement Lubembe, served as both an MP and an Assistant Minister, and his family had connections that reached the highest echelons of power, including former Attorney General Githu Muigai.


However, Tomaso’s life took a dark turn. He became associated with the notorious Gaza Boys, a gang that terrorized Nairobi in the past. His criminal activities eventually caught up with him, and on the fateful night of August 14, 2014, he was gunned down in the Buruburu area. This marked the tragic end of a young man who seemed to have everything going for him.

Mwane Sparta: ‘Kayole’s Reign of Terror’

Tomaso’s downfall is said to have started with the murder of a police officer in Lang’ata. This incident painted a target on his back, with law enforcement officers determined to bring him to justice. Over a short period, several members of his crew met their demise, and he, too, faced the wrath of the law.


One particular incident involved an ambush near Buruburu, where a prospective buyer lured Tomaso and his crew into a trap. In a hail of bullets, lives were lost, and Tomaso was left gravely injured. The police manipulated him into making calls to his next of kin, only to betray him by opening fire.



Tomaso’s downfall is said to have started with the murder of a police officer in Lang’ata. This incident painted a target on his back, with law enforcement officers determined to bring him to justice. Over a short period, several members of his crew met their demise, and he, too, faced the wrath of the law.


One particular incident involved an ambush near Buruburu, where a prospective buyer lured Tomaso and his crew into a trap. In a hail of bullets, lives were lost, and Tomaso was left gravely injured. The police manipulated him into making calls to his next of kin, only to betray him by opening fire.


The funeral of Tomaso Gagula was a spectacle like no other. Eastlands gangs united to pay their respects, and chaos ensued as jewelry, rolls of weed, bottles of alcohol, knives, and even guns were tossed into his grave. His own father was unable to prevent the unconventional burial, as by disowning him, he had lost all rights to him.

Wapi Kadere?? An abandoned Toyota is found by a local in Ndumberi suggesting an overnight Hijack

Tomaso was known as one of the touts of Telabang, the most prominent nganya (matatu crew) of Umoja/Kayole at the time. His life was marked by confrontations, theft, and a web of grievances within Nairobi’s underworld. His wanted lists against those he believed had wronged him remained unexecuted at the time of his death.

Telebang matatu
The renowned matatu, ‘Telebang’ plying the Eastlands route.

Despite his tumultuous life, Tomaso’s mother continued to defend him, paying those who accused him of theft. The police’s relentless pursuit of Tomaso was driven by their determination to bring him to justice.


Tomaso Gagula’s story is a complex narrative of a young man who strayed from a life of privilege into the criminal underworld. His life and death remain shrouded in mystery, leaving us with more questions than answers about the choices he made and the world he inhabited.


In the aftermath of Tomaso’s demise, the Gaza Boys gang fragmented, making way for new players, including the enigmatic Mwani and his infamous partner, dubbed “Kenya’s prettiest gangster.”



The story and images above was compiled from tweets/threads of one steenyamu and eduzmi on X. All credits to them.