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US House of Representatives Bans Microsoft’s Copilot AI Chatbot Over Leaking Documents

Image Credits: PcTablet

In a recent development, the US House of Representatives has taken a decisive step to ban the use of Microsoft’s Copilot AI chatbot by its staff members. This decision, spearheaded by the House’s Chief Administrative Officer, Catherine Szpindor, comes in response to identified security risks associated with the application.

The Office of Cybersecurity within the House raised alarms over the potential leakage of sensitive House data to unapproved cloud services through the utilization of Copilot. As a precautionary measure, the ban encompasses the removal and blocking of Copilot from all House Windows devices, aiming to safeguard against any inadvertent data breaches or unauthorized data transfers.

This prohibition on Copilot usage underscores the House’s commitment to upholding stringent data security protocols and reflects the broader challenges faced by government entities in managing the integration of AI technologies within their operations. Notably, this ban follows a previous restriction imposed on ChatGPT last year, indicating the House’s proactive stance on regulating AI applications within its infrastructure.

In response to the ban, Microsoft has acknowledged the unique security requirements of government users and has pledged to develop a suite of AI tools, including a government-specific version of Copilot, tailored to meet the stringent security and compliance standards mandated for federal government entities. This move by Microsoft signals a concerted effort to address the security concerns raised by the House while also aligning with the company’s commitment to providing secure AI solutions for government use.

The decision to ban Copilot from House usage highlights the ongoing dialogue surrounding data security and AI governance within governmental bodies, emphasizing the need for robust measures to safeguard sensitive information in an increasingly digital landscape. As the House navigates the complexities of AI integration, this ban serves as a proactive step towards ensuring the protection of critical data assets and upholding the integrity of House operations in the face of evolving technological challenges.

News Tech Top News World

Microsoft Launches Bing Copilot AI in Google Playstore.

Microsoft’s AI assistant, Copilot, takes flight on Android smartphones with the launch of its dedicated app! Now, Android users can experience the versatile powers of ChatGPT-4 technology directly on their mobile devices.


Previously accessible via web browsers and integrated into specific software, Copilot finally liberates itself from the confines of laptops and desktops. Android users can now have their own pocket-sized AI companion, ready to answer questions, generate creative text formats, translate languages, and even explain complex topics in digestible chunks.


A Buffet of Abilities:

Copilot’s repertoire goes beyond a simple search engine. Users can expect:

  • Direct Question Answering: Get straightforward answers to any query, large or small. Need to know the capital of Mongolia? Copilot’s got your back.
  • Creative Text Generation: Unleash your inner artist with Copilot’s text generation skills. It can craft poems, scripts, emails, musical pieces, or even code, tailored to your specific needs.
  • Image to Text: Can’t decipher that cryptic photo? Upload it to Copilot and let it weave a story based on its visual cues.
  • Voice Prompts: Feeling hands-free? No problem! Simply speak your request and Copilot will listen and respond.


While currently exclusive to Android, whispers of an iOS version linger in the air. Microsoft remains tight-lipped on an official timeline, but the prospect of Copilot gracing iPhones has undoubtedly excited Apple users.


The Copilot app marks a significant step towards Microsoft’s vision of ubiquitous AI. By putting this powerful technology directly into people’s pockets, Microsoft opens doors to countless possibilities – from streamlining daily tasks to unlocking creative avenues.


So, Android users, prepare to experience the magic of AI at your fingertips. Download the Copilot app and let your virtual assistant guide you through a world of information and creative expression. The future of mobile just got a whole lot smarter.