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Care-free Cheating Wife Caught Red-Handed By Husband in Lodge Room

A recent incident in Lusaka highlights the prevalence of infidelity in modern relationships. A man, who wishes to remain anonymous, caught his wife red handedly engaging in extramarital activities at a lodging. The couple had paid K300 for a shot time, and the wife walked out of the room smiling, seemingly unbothered by her actions.

The husband, however, was not so nonchalant. He returned to room 18, where he found evidence of the affair, including two bottles of Mosi beer and three used condoms. It is unclear whether the husband purchased the condoms or obtained them from a hospital.

This incident serves as a stark reminder that infidelity is a growing problem, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. The prevalence of cheating spouses is a significant concern, with one in every three married women in Lusaka reportedly engaging in extramarital activities.

Watch the Video Below and leave a comment on what you’d have done if you found your partner in such a situation.