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ChatGPT Outage Highlights OpenAI’s Tumultuous Times

The recent over seven-hour outage of ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular chatbot, has thrown the company into further disarray, adding to the growing uncertainty surrounding its future. This disruption comes amidst a series of tumultuous events, including the sudden firing and rehiring of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman by Microsoft, a move that has raised questions about the company’s stability and leadership.


ChatGPT‘s outage, which began on November 21, 2023, left users frustrated and unable to access the chatbot’s services. The outage lasted for nearly seven hours, during which time OpenAI provided minimal updates on the situation. This lack of transparency further compounded user frustration and concerns about the company’s ability to maintain its flagship product.

Smartie News has checked Downdetector and over 10,000 reports of outage have been submitted globally. Angry ChatGPT users are ranting in the comments, expressing their frustration with the outage and demanding answers from OpenAI.

In an update on its status site, OpenAI acknowledged the outage and stated that it is affecting “non-completion API endpoints” as well. The company is “continuing to work on a fix” and has attributed the issue to “an issue with our database replicas.

Users visiting the Chatbots link are getting an error message stating, “Something went wrong. If this issue persists, please contact us through our help center at”


The outage coincides with the ongoing turmoil at OpenAI, which has been marked by internal disagreements, leadership changes, and questions about the company’s direction. In October 2023, the OpenAI board of directors voted to fire Altman, citing concerns about his management style and strategic vision. However, less than 24 hours later, Microsoft, a major investor in OpenAI, intervened and pressured the board to reinstate Altman.

This rollercoaster of events has raised serious concerns about OpenAI’s stability and future. The company’s internal divisions, coupled with the recent outage and leadership turmoil, suggest a lack of cohesion and clear direction. If OpenAI is unable to address these issues effectively, the company’s future may be in jeopardy.


The ChatGPT outage serves as a stark reminder of the challenges OpenAI faces. If the company is to regain its footing and restore user confidence, it must prioritize transparency, stability, and a clear strategic vision. Without these elements, OpenAI may continue to face turbulence, jeopardizing its position as a leader in the field of artificial intelligence.