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Google Temporarily Halts People Generation Feature Amidst Accuracy Concerns and Bias Allegations

Google, one of the world’s tech giants, recently announced a temporary suspension of their Gemini AI’s ability to generate images featuring human subjects. This bold step follows mounting criticism regarding the accuracy and sensitivity of the generated imagery, especially when depicting various ethnicities and historical scenarios.



Gemini, launched in late 2023, quickly gained attention for its innovative approach to creating visual representations based on natural language prompts. However, users soon discovered inconsistencies and questionable outcomes when requesting images involving humans, particularly those belonging to underrepresented groups within history. For instance, Gemini might produce pictures of nonwhite individuals during eras predominantly populated by Caucasians, raising concerns about misinformation and perpetuation of stereotypes.


Controversy Surrounding Gemini’s Human Images:

Critics argued that Gemini’s output lacked nuance and often missed crucial details, resulting in distorted narratives. Social media platforms witnessed viral posts showcasing instances like multiracial Nazi soldiers, African American astronauts before the space race era, and other historically implausible scenarios. These blunders led to widespread condemnation and calls for accountability from both the public and industry experts alike.


Google Responds:

Responding to the uproar, Google admitted that despite good intentions, Gemini had fallen short in some areas, specifically concerning historical authenticity and cultural sensitivity. In a statement released by Google Research, the company expressed regret for missing the mark in certain historical depictions and pledged to improve the algorithmic processes involved in generating human images.


To address the issue at hand, Google plans to invest additional resources in refining Gemini’s algorithms to minimize errors and promote fairness. The company aims to develop techniques that will enable Gemini to better understand and represent global diversity without compromising historical integrity. By doing so, Google hopes to regain trust and confidence in its AI systems and set new standards for responsible AI development.

Matt Walsh’s Response regarding the apparent racial discrimination on Gemini AI People image discrimination. X – @MattWalshBlog

As the world continues to grapple with the implications of advanced technologies, incidents like the Gemini controversy highlight the need for greater transparency, accountability, and ethics in AI design. Google’s decision to suspend the people generation feature demonstrates the company’s commitment to addressing societal concerns and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. With renewed focus on accuracy and inclusivity, Gemini stands poised to redefine the boundaries of what is possible through AI-driven creativity.


Business Tech Top News World

Meta’s Open Source AGI: A Game-Changer for AI Development and Accessibility

Meta, the company led by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is actively developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) and has indicated that it may release it as open source software. AGI is a form of AI that is capable of understanding, learning, and applying knowledge in a way that is similar to human intelligence. Zuckerberg has stated that the long-term vision for Meta is to build AGI, open source it responsibly, and make it widely available for everyone’s benefit.


Meta is bringing together two of its AI research teams, FAIR (Facebook AI Research) and GenAI, to work towards this goal. The company is also working on training its next-generation model, Llama 3, and is building a massive compute infrastructure to support future AI models. This includes plans to have 350,000 H100 GPUs by the end of the year, which would amount to almost 600,000 H100 equivalents of compute.


Zuckerberg has expressed that AI and the metaverse are closely linked, and he envisions smart glasses as a primary way people will interact with AI and the metaverse. He has also mentioned that Meta’s approach to AGI will be to open source it as long as it is safe and responsible to do so, although he has not committed to a definitive plan for open sourcing any potential AGI developed by Meta.


The move towards open sourcing AGI aligns with Meta’s and Zuckerberg’s advocacy for keeping AI technology open-source, which has sparked debate within the tech industry. This stance is somewhat in contrast to more secretive rivals and has led to the formation of the AI Alliance, a group launched by Meta and IBM to promote an open-source vision of AI.


Zuckerberg’s announcement follows a trend of tech leaders downplaying the dangers of AGI, and it comes at a time when the tech industry is hotly debating the control and accessibility of AGI technology. The decision to open source AGI is ultimately Zuckerberg’s, given his voting control over Meta’s stock.

In summary, Meta is investing in the development of AGI with the intention of potentially open sourcing it, which would be a significant contribution to the AI ecosystem and could influence the future direction of AI development and accessibility.