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An In-depth Look Into The Alarming Surge of Femicide in Kenya

The  sudden rise in women killings in Nairobi and Kenya is a multifaceted issue with various underlying causes. The surge in femicide has been attributed to factors such as gender-based violence, ineffective government policies, and a lack of comprehensive data collection on these crimes.


Kenya, like many African countries, has adopted treaties and national laws to address gender-based violence, including the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Sexual Offences Act. However, activists argue that these policies are scarcely effective in curbing the rising femicide rates.


The lack of accurate data on femicide is also a significant challenge. The Kenyan government does not systematically collect figures on women murders, making it difficult to fully understand the scale of the problem. For instance, Femicide Count Kenya, a monitoring organization, recorded 58 deaths labeled as femicides between January and October 2022. In 2023, the organization reported at least 152 killings, the highest in the past five years. This lack of comprehensive data hinders the development of targeted interventions to address the root causes of femicide.

A post on on the demos held in Nairobi, 27th January, 2024 to raise awareness on the rise in women killings. Image: Courtesy

The surge in femicide cases has also been linked to intimate partner violence, with a majority of the cases being perpetrated by men who knew the women. This highlights the urgent need for effective measures to address gender-based violence and provide support for at-risk individuals. The recent protests in Nairobi and other cities in Kenya have brought the issue of femicide to the forefront, emphasizing the critical importance of implementing comprehensive strategies to tackle this systemic problem.


Possible Solutions

To prevent femicide in Kenya, several measures can be taken:

  • Improve data collection: The Kenyan government should systematically collect figures on women murders to better understand the scale of the problem. Organizations like Femicide Count Kenya can help monitor and report on these cases, but the government should also take an active role in data collection and analysis.
  • Strengthen laws and policies: Kenya should enforce existing laws and policies addressing gender-based violence, such as the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Sexual Offences Act. The government should also invest in specialized gender desks within the police force to better address and investigate cases of femicide.
  • Raise awareness and education: Public awareness campaigns should be launched to educate the public about the dangers of femicide and the importance of reporting such crimes. This can include workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs.
  • Support for at-risk individuals: The government should provide support for at-risk individuals, such as women in abusive relationships or those who have experienced sexual violence. This can include counseling, safe shelters, and legal assistance.
  • Engage men and boys: Men and boys should be encouraged to speak out against femicide and to support women’s rights. This can include public campaigns, community outreach programs, and educational initiatives.
  • Address intimate partner violence: A majority of femicide cases are perpetrated by men who knew the women and were in intimate relationships with them. Addressing intimate partner violence is crucial in preventing femicide. This can include education, support for victims, and stricter enforcement of laws against domestic violence.

By implementing these measures, Kenya can work towards preventing femicide and ensuring the safety of women and girls.



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Disturbing Crime Spree Exposed: Airbnb Clients Turned Criminals Kidnap and Extort Victims After S3x

Nairobi Residents Urged to Exercise Caution in the Wake of Shocking Incidents.


In a chilling revelation, a series of horrifying crimes involving Airbnb clients have come to light, exposing a dark underbelly of criminal activities within Nairobi and the thriving accomodation  sharing sphere of Airbnb’s. It’s alleged that the victims, mostly women engaged in discreet adult services, have fallen prey to a gang led by a man identified as John Matara.


Case 1: A Terrifying Encounter

In the first reported incident, a woman identified as Milcah shared her unnamed friends harrowing experience on social media. According to her account, The friend met John Matara on a dating site, where he initially showered her with financial generosity. Their rendezvous seemed normal, Matara even went to the extend of  insisted on a rapid HIV test, posing as a concerned partner, before holding the lady at knifepoint.

After engaging in a shocking demand for funds, Matara subjected the victim to further degradation, recording explicit videos as a means of coercion.


Milcah managed to escape with her life, but the trauma left behind serves as a stark warning to others. The criminal, John Matara, is said to operate within a group of 11 men, using high-end vehicles to gain the trust of his victims.

Case 2: A Similar Tale of Horror

In a recent strikingly similar incident, the recent victim, identified as Starlet, faced a brutal attack after an outcall to an Airbnb location. As reported, the assailant, presumably John Matara, resorted to violence, leaving the victim battered and seeking ransom. The vicious attack resulted in a blood-stained crime scene, as the victim fought desperately for survival. The alarming aspect of these crimes is the reluctance of victims within certain professions to report such incidents, often fearing societal stigma and victimization.

The rise of Airbnb culture appears to have inadvertently facilitated these criminals in luring unsuspecting victims. Authorities are urging caution, especially for those engaged in activities that might make them vulnerable to such crimes.

Shocking Murder of Pastor Kanyari’s Younger Sister, Starlet Wahu, Unfolds in South B Airbnb

Police Investigation and Public Awareness

In the wake of these shocking revelations, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has launched a comprehensive investigation. John Matara was traced to Mbagathi Hospital after being injured during a scuffle with one of his victims.


Nairobi residents are being urged to exercise heightened vigilance and report any suspicious activities to the police. The disturbing trend highlights the need for enhanced security measures within the sharing economy, particularly when it comes to short-term accommodation services like Airbnb.


As the stories unfold, Smartie News will continue to follow this developing situation, providing updates on the investigation and efforts to ensure the safety of residents in Nairobi and beyond.


Shocking Murder of Pastor Kanyari’s Younger Sister, Starlet Wahu, Unfolds in South B Airbnb

In a deeply unsettling turn of events, the life of Starlet Wahu, the younger sister of controversial pastor Kanyari, was brutally cut short in a South B Airbnb. The circumstances surrounding her tragic death are shrouded in mystery, leaving the community in shock and prompting an intensive police investigation.


The chilling discovery was made when authorities found Starlet Wahu’s lifeless body inside the rented apartment. Initial reports suggest a meticulous and skillful approach to the crime, with indications that the perpetrator was knowledgeable about where and how to inflict fatal injuries.


Speculations about a potential motive have surfaced, with some suggesting a connection to extortion. It is alleged that Starlet Wahu may have threatened the assailant with false accusations of sexual assault, prompting a violent response. However, these claims remain unverified and are part of the ongoing investigation.


Law enforcement officials are not ruling out the possibility of a serial killer being involved, given the methodical nature of the murder. The South B community is now grappling with fear and uncertainty as residents demand answers and justice for Starlet Wahu.


The hookup that led to this tragedy reportedly occurred at the Airbnb in South B, raising concerns about the safety of such accommodations. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are urging anyone with information related to the case to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrator to justice.


The shocking incident has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting discussions about safety measures and the need for increased security awareness. As the investigation progresses, many are left questioning the motives behind such a heinous act and hoping for swift justice for the late Starlet Wahu.