Business Top News

Suspected Vandal Arrested: 1,020kg of KPLC Cables Seized in Nairobi

In a recent development, law enforcement authorities in Nairobi successfully apprehended a suspect involved in the alleged theft of copper cables belonging to the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC). The operation, which took place yesterday, resulted in the seizure of a significant quantity of cables weighing 1,020 kilograms.

The confiscated Copper. Photo/DCI

Detectives executed the operation at a godown in Nairobi, where they uncovered the stash of copper cables suspected to be unlawfully taken from KPLC infrastructure. The seized cables, with an estimated weight of 1,020kg, indicate the scale of the operation that the suspect was allegedly engaged in.


The arrest of one suspect in connection with this incident marks a significant stride in the ongoing efforts to curb vandalism and theft of critical infrastructure. The suspect is now in custody, and further investigations are likely to shed light on the extent of the network involved in such illegal activities.

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The theft of copper cables not only poses a threat to the smooth functioning of KPLC services but also contributes to disruptions in the local power supply and can lead to financial losses for the company. Copper cables are a valuable resource, and their illegal trade has become a persistent challenge for utility companies worldwide.


This recent success in apprehending a suspect and recovering stolen cables underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and utility providers. It sends a strong message that such criminal activities will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions.

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As the investigation unfolds, authorities will likely explore avenues to enhance security measures around critical infrastructure to prevent future incidents of vandalism and theft. The public’s cooperation in reporting suspicious activities can play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of essential services and ensuring a reliable power supply for the community.


In conclusion, the arrest of a suspected vandal and the seizure of 1,020kg of KPLC cables highlight the ongoing challenges faced by utility companies in safeguarding their infrastructure. This incident emphasizes the need for continuous vigilance and collaborative efforts to combat the illegal trade of copper cables, ultimately preserving the integrity of essential services for the community.

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