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Story Behind Man Seen Sl*pping Woman On A BodaBoda.

In a shocking display of public anger, a man was seen fuming beside a busy road and visibly upset with a lady who was on a boda boda, seemingly Staggering. The man is surprisingly seen landing a slap on the lady. It’s now come to light that the couple’s young child was left unattended, sort of justifying the gravity of the altercation .

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the husband’s fury was justified. The wife had abandoned their child to go drinking, showing a blatant disregard for her responsibilities as a parent. The video, captured by a passerby, shows the wife stumbling off the boda boda, highlighting the dangerous consequences of her actions.

This incident raises questions about the state of Kenyan Family values and personal responsibility in our society. It serves as a stark reminder of the impact of alcohol abuse on families and the importance of responsible parenting.

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From the video, we are left wondering where we are heading as a society. Will we continue to prioritize personal desires over family obligations, or will we take steps to ensure that our actions do not harm those who depend on us?

This story is a call to action for all of us to reflect on our own values and priorities, and to consider the consequences of our actions on those around us.

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