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Scandal to Solution: Ruto’s Bold Anti-Corruption Crusade

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula has lauded President William Ruto’s recent crackdown on corruption, hailing it as a game-changer in the nation’s fight against bribery, extortion, and embezzlement. Speaking on Saturday, Wetang’ula commended Ruto’s strong stance against corruption, describing it as “the most potent weapon” in addressing deeply entrenched corruption and freeing resources for national development.


“The President is steadfastly addressing corruption to secure resources for nation-building, offering corrupt individuals three options, as he stated,” remarked Wetang’ula on Saturday.


President Ruto had recently outlined three choices for those involved in corruption: face imprisonment, flee the country, or meet their fate, symbolized by the term “sent to Heaven,” which alluded to serious consequences for corruption offenders. However, this statement stirred controversy, sparking concerns from the opposition and civil society about constitutional integrity and extrajudicial measures.


Wetang’ula expressed his support for President Ruto’s statements, emphasizing the critical importance of winning the battle against corruption to unlock resources for meaningful development. He urged the public to pray for the President’s success in this endeavor.


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Addressing claims from the opposition that President Ruto was prematurely starting his 2027 campaign, Wetang’ula dismissed these assertions, asserting that President Ruto was focused on the nation’s welfare. He drew upon his past experience working with Raila in 2013 and 2017, emphasizing their meticulous planning in anticipation of Raila’s organizational challenges.


Wetang’ula further commended President Ruto’s tireless efforts, highlighting his extensive nationwide tours over the past year, surpassing the travels of his predecessor, Uhuru, in a decade. While critics labeled these tours as politically motivated to bolster support for the 2027 elections, Wetang’ula defended President Ruto, asserting that he was a dedicated leader addressing national issues.


Wetang’ula also reflected on the pivotal role his Bungoma constituency played in delivering the presidency to Kenya Kwanza in the recent presidential election. He recalled that when he joined forces with Ruto, Ruto’s approval rating in Bungoma was at 11%, but it surged to 79%, making a substantial difference in the election.


The speaker contended that the race between Ruto and Raila leading up to the 2022 polls had been tight, with dynamics shifting in favor of President Ruto due to his alliance with Kenya Kwanza.

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Wetang’ula underscored the significance of Ruto’s election, which symbolized that anyone, regardless of their background, could rise to the presidency. He emphasized that this outcome shattered the notion that one needed a familial political pedigree to become president in Kenya.


“In Kenya, now, the doors are open, and anyone can aspire to be president without the need for a political dynasty. What matters is a visionary leader, not one’s lineage,” Wetang’ula declared.


He attributed their electoral success to relentless prayers and hard work, highlighting their commitment to campaigning across the country. Wetang’ula drew a contrast with the Azimio coalition, emphasizing the importance of proactive efforts in achieving electoral success.


“We attended church every Sunday to pray. While Uhuru and Raila held one rally per day, we conducted seven. We traversed the nation, and we believe that God rewards those who take action. There is no ‘deep state’ or system; the Kenyan people are the system,” concluded Wetang’ula.

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