News Tech

Samsung Speeds Up Galaxy S24 Release to Counter iPhone 15’s Surge

In response to the impressive success of Apple’s iPhone 15 series, Samsung is making a bold move by releasing the Galaxy S24 series earlier than usual. Samsung anticipated the strong performance of Apple’s phones and is now taking action to stay ahead in the smartphone race.


The Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Flip 5, Samsung’s latest foldable phones, are performing 8 to 10 percent better in sales than their predecessors, despite challenging market conditions. However, Samsung’s foldable phones are not meeting the company’s expectations and sales may fall short of predictions.


The upcoming Chuseok holiday, which typically prompts Samsung to order new parts, is not seeing the same level of demand for the new Galaxy Z series phones. This suggests that shipments may not reach the earlier prediction of 12 to 13 million units. As a result, Samsung’s partners will begin mass-producing parts for the Galaxy S24 a month earlier than last year, fueling speculation of an earlier launch for the Galaxy S24 series.


This decision aims to protect Samsung’s market share in the face of strong demand for the iPhone 15, which could potentially dethrone Samsung as the top smartphone s


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