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Safaricom Abandons Ad Models, Embraces AI-Generated Ad Content: Is This The Future Of Marketing?

Safaricom, a prominent telecommunications company in Kenya, has recently made a groundbreaking decision to integrate AI-generated images into its advertising campaigns, replacing traditional models with computer-generated visuals. This strategic move has far-reaching implications for the advertising and modeling industries in Kenya and beyond. While Safaricom is not the only company in Africa to embrace AI in advertising, its adoption of AI-generated creative assets has sparked widespread discussions and debates within the marketing and advertising community in Kenya.


The company’s swift transition to AI-generated images represents a significant departure from the conventional practice of using human models for advertising purposes. This shift is part of a larger trend in the region, where businesses are increasingly leveraging AI to create cost-effective and impactful advertising content. Safaricom’s bold move has not only demonstrated the potential of AI as a tool for creative excellence in advertising but has also raised concerns within the modeling industry, as the use of AI-generated models could potentially disrupt traditional modeling roles.

The broader implications of Safaricom’s transition to AI-generated images extend to the marketing space, where the use of AI in advertising is becoming more prevalent. Kenyan marketers are increasingly embracing generative AI for creating advertisements, reflecting a global trend in the industry. This transition has the potential to reshape the dynamics of advertising and marketing practices, leading to discussions about the ethical and regulatory aspects of AI use in the field.


Safaricom’s embrace of AI-generated images is part of a larger trend in Africa, where companies are leveraging artificial intelligence to create advertising content across various platforms. This trend is not limited to Safaricom, as other Kenyan companies have also adopted AI for their advertising campaigns. The use of AI in advertising is expected to have a transformative impact on the industry, potentially influencing traditional ad spending and creative processes.

The integration of AI-generated images into Safaricom’s advertising campaigns has not gone unnoticed by netizens, particularly in the case of the Chapa Dimba video commercial. The use of AI in this commercial has garnered widespread praise, with many acknowledging that achieving the same level of quality with real people would be a challenging feat. The Chapa Dimba commercial serves as a testament to the power of AI in creating compelling visual content for advertising purposes.

Safaricom’s decision to replace human models with AI-generated images in its advertising campaigns represents a significant development in the marketing and advertising landscape. This shift has sparked discussions about the potential of AI in creative content generation and its impact on traditional modeling roles. Furthermore, it reflects a broader trend in the industry, where AI is increasingly being embraced for advertising purposes. The implications of this transition extend to the ethical, regulatory, and economic aspects of AI use in advertising, shaping the future of the marketing and modeling space in Kenya and beyond.

The use of AI in advertising is on the rise in Kenya, with Safaricom and other companies embracing AI-generated content for their marketing campaigns. This shift has sparked discussions about the potential of AI in creative content generation and its impact on the traditional modeling industry. It also reflects a broader trend in the marketing space, where AI is increasingly being leveraged for advertising purposes, potentially reshaping traditional practices and dynamics in the industry.

Below is the AI Chapa Dimba commercial :







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