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Roar of the Lens: Lioness Becomes Photographer in Maasai Mara Surprise

In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve, where Africa’s majestic lions are often the subject of safari photographers’ pursuits, an unexpected twist occurred when a lioness decided to become the photographer herself.


This anonymous lioness managed to capture her very own video selfie by running off with a visitor’s camera attached to a stick. The intriguing footage, which has garnered attention worldwide, portrays the lioness curiously investigating the camera before dashing away with her newfound “prize.”


The incident unfolded thanks to Ahmed Galal, a resident of the United Arab Emirates, who had attached the stick to his GoPro camera with the hope that the lioness would take an interest in it.


Ahmed Galal explained his thought process, saying, “We noticed a lone lioness strolling nearby, and I was curious to see if she would interact with the camera. We positioned a stick with a camera on top near her, and the lioness proceeded to sniff the stick, grab it, and make a quick getaway.”


He candidly admitted to some apprehension about recovering the camera after the lioness made off with it. However, Ahmed continued, “We managed to pursue the lioness, and she eventually dropped the camera. Despite a few scratches, the GoPro camera remained functional.”


This remarkable incident serves as a unique and unexpected encounter between wildlife and technology, offering a glimpse into the curious nature of the Maasai Mara’s resident lions. Watch the video here

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