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Protesters Targeted Ahead of Decisive Finance Bill Vote

In a concerning development, key organizers of the ongoing protests against Kenya’s controversial Finance Bill have been arrested in a series of pre-dawn raids. Activists Osama Otero, Gabriel Oguda, and Drey Mwangi, who have been at the forefront of the “RejectFinanceBill2024” demonstrations, reported their abductions on social media at around 3 AM on Tuesday, just hours before the bill is set to be debated in its third and final reading in the National Assembly. After the updates, their profiles went silent raising fears of their safety.

This follows the recent kidnapping of activists Japrado and Franje, whose whereabouts remain unknown. The apparent targeting of protest leaders has heightened fears among demonstrators, who are preparing for a massive march planned for Tuesday to pressure lawmakers to reject the unpopular tax measures contained in the Finance Bill. Critics argue the proposed legislation will impose undue financial burdens on citizens already struggling with economic hardships.

Many of the protesters who have been vocal in their opposition to the bill have expressed growing concern over the apparent crackdown on dissent. The case of activist Shadrack Kiprono, whose disappearance has yet to be resolved, has further fueled these worries. With the decisive parliamentary vote looming, the question remains: why are the authorities resorting to such heavy-handed tactics to quell the growing public outcry?


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